
I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later


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I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

"Xiaoyu, are we really going to break up?" I choked and held her hand tightly.

Xiaoyu's eyes were slightly red, and he nodded: "I'm sorry, we really can't go on." "

We used to be good friends who talked about everything, and we were also inseparable lovers. But lately, we've been making a lot of noise with each other, and Xiaoyu looks tired. I looked at her with a painful heart: what was once a bright smile was now dim; The once gentle eyes are now full of exhaustion. My heart was torn apart, and I wished I could regain her love.

"Son, do you really want to apply for military school?" Mother asked anxiously.

I took a deep breath and nodded firmly with my gaze, "Yes, Mother." It is my dream to defend my family and country, and I must work hard for it. "

My father patted me on the shoulder, his face full of pride: "Good son, I am proud of you for having this lofty ideal." But a military school is not an ordinary school, and you have to be prepared to endure hardships. "

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

"I know, father. I straightened my back and replied, "I'm ready." In order to realize my ideals, I will never back down no matter how big the ordeal is!"

My mother smiled comfortingly, and I could feel her worry and pride blending. I know it's not going to be easy, but I'm ready for any challenge.

It was a sunny day, and I was sitting alone in my living room waiting for my military school acceptance letter. There is both anticipation and nervousness in my heart. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and my heart was pounding. I trotted to open the door, and a postman stood in the doorway with a thin envelope in his hand.

"Is this a classmate? This is your acceptance letter. "

I trembled with excitement, and hurriedly signed for it, closed the door, and tore open the envelope with trembling hands. When I saw the big words "admitted," I almost screamed in a frenzy! I did it, I really did it! I threw myself into my mother's arms and burst into tears. My mother also cried, stroking my hair over and over again, her eyes full of pride.

My father came over, gave me a strong hug, and said earnestly, "Son, you can finally follow your dreams." From now on, you are the son of the country, and you must always remember your mission and never forget your original intention. "

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

I nodded tightly, my heart boiling. Yes, I must always remember the glory and responsibility of a soldier and strive to become a qualified patriot!

Just the day before I was about to leave my hometown for the military school, Xiaoyu suddenly found me, her eyes were gloomy, as if she had been crying for a long time.

"What are you talking about?Xiaoyu, are you kidding?" I laughed, only to find that she didn't smile at all.

Life after enlisting in the army was hard and strict, but I never felt intimidated. On the contrary, I love these days of sharpening my will.

"Xiao Ming, you did well in today's martial arts class!" My comrade-in-arms Xiao Li patted me on the shoulder and praised.

I grinned, sweaty, but full of heart: "It's all thanks to your company, and only by sharing weal and woe can we continue to improve." "

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

Everyone said a word, looked at each other and smiled. These comrades-in-arms are like my family, and we have a close friendship that we talk about everything.

At night, I jogged alone in the playground, and the cool night breeze was blowing on my face. I took a deep breath, and it was so exciting. I thought of the light rain and couldn't help but feel sad. It would be nice if she were here.

"Xiao Ming?" A voice sounded behind me, and I looked back to see that it was the instructor.

"What's wrong, instructor?" I quickly stood upright.

The instructor looked me up and down, and a smile of approval appeared on his face: "A good thing is to have this kind of hard work! Only with indomitable perseverance can one become a qualified soldier." Keep up the good work, the future is great!"

I smiled and nodded, secretly determined to give it my all. Yes, I came here to pursue my ideals, even if Xiaoyu is no longer around, I must not give up!

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

After graduating from the military academy, I was assigned to serve in the border region as I wished. The environment was harsh and the life was simple, but it made me feel more free than I had ever been. However, in the dead of night, I can't help but think of the light rain.

That night, I stood alone outside the barracks, staring at the starry sky. I recall that three years ago, Xiaoyu and I also fell asleep in a hug under the night sky in the countryside. At that time, she smiled like a flower, her eyes were gentle like water, how much I loved her.

"Xiaoyu, how are you doing now?" I muttered to myself, my tone full of nostalgia.

But why did you leave me so resolutely? We were a natural couple, and our feelings were so pure and beautiful. Even your parents have betrothed you to me.

"Xiao Ming, you are here. A voice pulled me out of my memory. I turned around, it was my comrade-in-arms Xiao Li.

"It's nothing, it's just coming out to breathe. I forced a smile to hide my irritability.

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

Xiao Li looked at me thoughtfully, and after a long while, he said, "Don't always think about her, Xiao Ming." If you're a soldier, you should put all your mind on your work. "

I nodded, but didn't speak. Of course I understand Xiao Li's words, but I can't extricate myself from my heart. The light rain is like an indelible thorn in my heart for me, which makes me worry about it all the time.

"The enemy army is a few kilometers ahead, are you all ready?" I looked around at my soldiers, all of them looking solemn.

"Report to the sir, we're on standby!"

"Good!" I nodded, my eyes resolute: "Then, let's go!"

With the sound of rumbling artillery fire, we marched mightily towards the front line. Bullets flew everywhere and smoke filled the air, but we controlled the situation steadily, taking the enemy's position little by little.

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

"Sir, the enemy's fire is too fierce, and more than half of our men are killed or wounded!" A soldier anxiously reported.

I looked around, and sure enough, everyone was scarred. But at this moment, I noticed a weak point: although the enemy's fire was fierce, there was a breakthrough on the left flank!

"All men, follow my orders: go straight to the enemy's left flank!" I commanded loudly.

"Don't worry, trust me, as long as we launch an onslaught, we can completely defeat them!" I say it categorically.

"Well done!" I patted my shoulders with relief, filled with pride. As a soldier, not being afraid of danger is our greatest courage!

But at this moment, a violent explosion was heard, and I was blown away several meters away!

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

"Sir!" My men crowded around, but I felt a lot of pain all over my body.

I barely opened my eyes, only to see that I was covered in blood and my legs were almost broken. My heart sank heavily: it seemed that I was destined to die like this.

"Sir, don't speak, we'll take you to the hospital right away!" A soldier anxiously lifted me up.

I shook my head and coughed up a mouthful of blood in pain. This is the end of the crossbow, and I can clearly feel the passage of life. But at this juncture, the figure of Xiaoyu appeared in my mind.

When I opened my eyes again, I was already lying in a hospital bed. Beside him, a familiar figure was sitting with his head bowed.

She jerked her head up, her eyes red and tears welling up in her eyes. "Xiao Ming, you're finally awake!" She choked up and rushed over to grab my hand.

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

"I'm sorry, Xiao Ming, I'm sorry!" She couldn't stop crying and said, "I left you because of a huge misunderstanding. If it weren't for that, how could I be willing to leave you?"

Xiaoyu held my hand tightly, as if she wanted to integrate all the things on her mind. She took a deep breath and began to speak.

"That day, I stumbled across a love letter you wrote to another girl. I was terrified, thinking you were tired of me and had a new love. "

"Later, your friend told me that it was just you ghostwriting a few years ago, and there were no other girls. But I was blinded at the time, afraid that you would leave me, so I made a desperate decision to break up. "

I was speechless with shock. It turned out that everything was just a huge misunderstanding! We obviously had such affection between us, but we were completely crushed by an unintentional little thing.

I clenched her hand tightly, tears welling up in my eyes. Years of doubts have finally been solved, but my heart is as if it has been ruthlessly torn apart, and my heart hurts. It turned out to be a ridiculous misunderstanding between us!

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

The arrival of the light rain, like a thunderclap on the ground, shook the depths of my heart fiercely. I began to reflect on what I was pursuing in life.

I stared out the window and watched the afterglow darken. As a soldier, I should put all my thoughts on the interests of the country and the people. However, the arrival of Xiaoyu made me realize that my personal love life is also precious.

Perhaps, I should seek a balance between love and career. Because only with peace of mind and happiness can I devote myself to the great cause of defending my family and country.

I turned my head and looked at the light rain sitting next to me. Her eyes were gloomy and sad, and she seemed to have mixed feelings about our reunion.

"Xiao Ming, in fact, I just came to tell you the truth of the year. Her eyes were moist, and her tone was firm: "Everything between us has passed." You are the son of the country, and I should not disturb your life anymore. "

Xiaoyu's words hit me hard in the heart like a blow to the head. Yes, the fate between us has long been missed. I shouldn't hold on to anything, but let go of the past.

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

I took a deep breath and looked at her solemnly: "Xiaoyu, I understand. Actually, I've forgiven you a long time ago. "

Xiaoyu's eyes widened in surprise, as if she didn't expect me to say this.

"Yes, although the misunderstanding caused me great harm back then, it is all in the past. I said sincerely, "We used to love each other so much, but because of a small misunderstanding, we were mistaken for life." I will always remember this regret. "

Xiaoyu's tears began to flow down, and she nodded vigorously.

I reached out and hugged her solemnly. At this moment, both of us seemed relieved. Years of regret and suspicion have finally been remedied; Years of melancholy and incomprehension have finally been resolved.

"Xiaoyu, you go all the way. I whispered in her ear.

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

Xiaoyu hugged me tightly and couldn't cry. In this way, we hugged for a long, long time, as if we wanted to integrate this last warmth into each other's body fragrance.

In the end, Xiaoyu turned and left, leaving me alone to stare out the window. Yes, life is like this, there are always too many fates destined to be missed. But we finally let go of our baggage, and it's time for us to start again.

After recovering from my injury, I returned to the army and threw myself into a new job. Everything seems to be back to normal, but there is a faint melancholy in my heart.

"Xiao Ming, have you been thinking about it lately?" One day, Xiao Li asked me with concern.

I smiled and nodded, "It's not a big deal, it's just that I've been reflecting on my life recently." "

Xiao Li looked at me thoughtfully, and after a long while, he said, "Are you bothered by Xiaoyu's affairs?" I heard that she came to see you a while ago. "

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

I was a little surprised, how could Xiao Li know about this? But come to think of it, in such an environment, any wind and grass cannot escape the eyes of his comrades-in-arms.

"yes, she's coming. I nodded, my tone dark.

"That's pretty puzzling. Xiao Li sighed: "You are obviously a pair made in heaven, but you have been separated for so many years because of an unintentional misunderstanding. "

"But, Xiao Ming, don't be too sad. Xiao Li patted me on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Life is like this, there are always too many fates destined to be missed." The important thing is that we are brave enough to face it and embrace a new beginning. "

I nodded, and Xiao Li's words were like a fresh breeze, blowing away the haze in my heart. Yes, there is still a long voyage of life, and we should not stop at the regrets of the past, but move forward bravely.

And just like that, I got back into the intense work. In the dead of night, I occasionally think of a light rain. But that kind of nostalgia no longer makes my heart ache, but turns into a faint melancholy.

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

A year later, my unit was ordered to garrison a volatile area on the border. It smells of gunpowder and is often harassed by militants.

"Xiao Ming, we are about to go to the front. Are you ready?" Xiao Li patted me on the shoulder, and his tone was solemn.

I nodded, my eyes resolute: "Of course, it is our sacred duty to defend our family and country, even if it is at the cost of our lives." "

Xiao Li nodded approvingly, and then we boarded the military vehicle bound for the front line.

It was a bumpy ride and we arrived at our destination in no time. There were ruins everywhere, and the smell of gunfire smoke filled the air. We quickly got into the intense work of preparedness.

"Be careful, the enemy militants have been spotted!" Someone shouted.

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later

I quickly pulled out my gun and ordered my men: "Quick, keep up with me!

And just like that, we quickly got into a bitter shootout. Bullets flew everywhere and smoke filled the air, but we controlled the situation steadily, taking the enemy's position little by little.

"Sir, more than half of our casualties are here, and the firepower is too fierce!" A soldier anxiously reported.

I looked around, and sure enough, everyone was scarred. But at this moment, I had a flash of inspiration and noticed a breakthrough in the left flank of the enemy!

"All men obey my orders: go straight to the left flank of the enemy!" I commanded loudly.

Warriors, you look at me, and then you are engrossed in keeping up with me. We rushed out like arrows and dealt a heavy blow to the enemy. Sure enough, the enemy army was quickly crushed, and we won the victory!

"Well done!" I patted my shoulders with relief, filled with pride. As soldiers, it is our greatest courage to be fearless in the face of danger.

As night fell, I stood alone outside the barracks, staring at the starry sky. Recalling the night I was separated from Xiaoyu many years ago, I couldn't help but feel a faint melancholy in my heart.

Yes, life is like this, there are always too many fates destined to be missed. But after all, we still have to move forward bravely and embrace a new beginning.

I took a deep breath and looked up at the bright moon in the night sky. As a soldier, the meaning of my life is to defend my family and country, and to protect peace. Even if Xiaoyu is no longer around, I will still work hard for the interests of the country and the people with a sincere heart.

"Sir, you're here. A voice pulled me out of my memory. I turned around, it was Xiao Li.

"yes, it's just to come out and breathe. I smiled indifferently.

Xiao Li looked me up and down, and after a while, he said, "Sir, have you been thinking about Xiaoyu again recently?"

"Yes, I do still think about her. I nodded, and my tone was calm: "But it's okay, I'm relieved." "

Xiao Li nodded thoughtfully, and said after a while: "Sir, you and I are both soldiers, and the meaning of our lives is to protect peace and defend the country." As long as you can always strive with this sincerity, then you will never lose your way. "

I nodded with deep feeling, Xiao Li said it was too reasonable. Yes, we are all sons of the country, and the meaning of our life is to strive for peace. Even if there will be too many regrets in life, as long as we can stick to our original intention, we will never lose the way forward.

And just like that, I got back into the intense work. In the dead of night, I occasionally think of a light rain. But that kind of nostalgia no longer makes me feel heartache, but only turns into a faint melancholy. Because I know that we will eventually be full of ambition and embrace new beginnings.

I was admitted to the military academy, but my first love offered to break up with me, and she told me the truth until she died twenty years later