
Big belly, drink water and gain weight? It may be that you are too damp to relieve dampness

author:Talk about bones

In my medical career, I have met many patients who have exclaimed, "Doctor, I feel like I can gain weight by drinking water!" At first glance, it may seem like an exaggeration, but there is a common health problem hidden behind it - excessive dampness in the body.

I remember one time, a middle-aged lady came to my office, her face looked puffy and her mood was a little low. She complained that she had been feeling noticeably heavy lately, especially in her abdomen, and that she could feel the weight gain even after drinking some water. This patient has a fairly regular routine, but she told me that she likes to eat cold drinks and greasy foods, especially in the hot summer.

Big belly, drink water and gain weight? It may be that you are too damp to relieve dampness

Through careful questioning and a series of physical examinations, I found that her spleen function is relatively weak, which is often associated with a weakened ability to process moisture in the body in TCM theory. In this case, even if you drink water, you may feel "fat" due to poor metabolism.

We decided to take a comprehensive regimen that was not just about medication, but more importantly about changing her eating habits and lifestyle. Although the treatment process is not complicated, it requires the continued cooperation of the patient and a radical change in lifestyle.

A common cause of moisture

Improper eating habits

First of all, eating habits have a huge impact on our internal environment. Excessive intake of foods rich in fats and sugars, especially cold drinks and raw and cold foods, can easily lead to increased burden on the digestive system, which in turn breeds dampness. For example, those salads that seem light and harmless may also aggravate dampness in the body if they frequently consume a lot of raw and cold vegetables and fruits, especially in the cold season.

Lack of proper exercise

Secondly, lifestyle is equally crucial. Lack of proper physical activity can lead to a slowdown in the body's metabolism, not only is it not conducive to burning calories, but more importantly, it slows down the excretion of water and metabolic waste products from the body, leading to the accumulation of moisture. If you sit too much and move too little, your body's "drainage system" will naturally not work efficiently.

Big belly, drink water and gain weight? It may be that you are too damp to relieve dampness

Humid living environment

The living environment should not be overlooked. Living in a humid environment, such as a room or basement with frequent mildew, can make your body more damp. Not only is moist air easily absorbed by the body, but it also lowers the body's temperature, making it more difficult for moisture to be expelled through the skin and breath.

Psychological factors

Another factor that is often overlooked is psychological stress. Long-term stress and anxiety not only affect our mental health, but also affect the body's hormone levels, such as an increase in cortisol, which can interfere with water and salt metabolism in the body, increasing the likelihood of edema and dampness.

Irregular schedule

Finally, irregular work and rest habits, especially staying up late, can interfere with the body's biological clock and affect the normal functioning of the spleen and stomach. The spleen is the foundation of nurture, and once the spleen is dysfunctional, moisture is easy to accumulate in the body.

Recognizing these common causes of dampness, we can effectively control and reduce dampness in the body by adjusting our diet, increasing exercise, improving our living environment, reducing psychological stress, and regulating our daily routine. Every small change can lead to unexpected health benefits.

Practical mitigation methods

1. Dietary Advice:

Increase food variety: Include foods that help keep moisture away, such as adzuki beans, barley, pumpkin, and gourds. Not only are these foods nutritious, but they also help the body eliminate excess moisture.

Limit cold drinks and raw cold foods: Too many cold drinks and raw cold foods can increase the burden on the digestive system, which can increase moisture in the body. Try replacing it with a warm drink, such as ginger tea, which can boost circulation and eliminate moisture.

Reduce greasy and heavy foods: Greasy foods can increase the moisture and burden on the body. Eating a light diet in moderation can help your body better regulate and reduce moisture.

Big belly, drink water and gain weight? It may be that you are too damp to relieve dampness

2. Exercise Recommendations:

Regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging or swimming, can help the body speed up its metabolism and promote the removal of moisture from the body.

Practice yoga and tai chi: These gentle exercises not only improve the flexibility of the body, but also improve the function of internal organs, helping the body to regulate and balance the internal environment, thereby reducing moisture.

3. Adjust your daily habits:

Improve the living environment: Keep your home ventilated, reduce indoor humidity, and avoid mold growth. Use the dehumidification function of a dehumidifier or air conditioner, especially during the wet season.

Adjust your sleep patterns: Get enough sleep and fall asleep before 10 p.m. as much as possible to help your body recover and adjust. People with heavy dampness may feel heavier, and a good night's sleep can greatly help to remove dampness from the body.

Regulate your mood regularly: Mood swings can also affect your body's dampness state. Managing stress through meditation, breathing exercises, or counseling can help balance the inside and outside and reduce moisture.

With these specific steps, you can effectively reduce the moisture in your body and improve your body's overall health. Remember, perseverance is key, gradually adjust your lifestyle, and you will see positive changes.

Precautions and common misconceptions


Keep watching your body react: Everyone's body is different, and they may react differently to the same treatment methods. After starting a new diet or lifestyle habit, you should pay attention to the changes in your body, and if you feel unwell, you should adjust or consult a doctor in time.

Eat in moderation: When choosing foods that help reduce moisture, pay attention to the right amount of food. Excessive amounts of even healthy foods can add to the body's burden.

Maintain a regular routine: Adjusting your sleep schedule, getting enough sleep and exercising, and avoiding staying up late and sitting still for long periods of time are all important factors in reducing dampness in your body.

Common misconceptions

Over-reliance on a single food: Some people believe that eating certain foods can quickly eliminate dampness from the body, such as eating a lot of barley water or winter melon. However, over-reliance on a single food can not only lead to nutritional imbalances, but can also lead to other health problems.

Neglect of overall lifestyle: Simply changing your diet and ignoring other lifestyle modifications, such as lack of moderate exercise and prolonged exposure to humidity, can lead to a lack of fundamental relief from dampness.

Big belly, drink water and gain weight? It may be that you are too damp to relieve dampness

Blindly follow the trend of online home remedies: There are countless home remedies on the Internet about "dehumidification", many of which have no scientific basis and may even be harmful to health. It is best to consult a medical professional before starting any health regimen.

In short, the reduction of moisture is a multi-faceted process, and it is necessary to pay attention to the rationality of the method and the overall adjustment of living habits. Proper diet, regular routine, moderate exercise, and avoiding blindly following home remedies are the keys to relieving dampness in the body.