
Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

author:I'll report the big melon of entertainment
Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

In the vast film and television world, there is such a drama, which is like a bright pearl that makes countless people fall in love with it, and it is "City in the City".

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone has been fascinated by the drama "City within a City"? and I am even more deeply immersed in it, as if I have become a TV fan who can't help myself.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

In particular, the live drama of those uncle actors in the play is simply a visual feast that makes people's blood boil and their hearts beat faster! Their every expression and every line seems to have infinite charm, which makes people immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves.

And in this wonderful performance, Lonnie's performance is even more amazing! Her excellent acting skills seem to be a shining light, illuminating the whole plot.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

Her every movement, every look, is delicate and real, making people empathize.

This drama is like a magical magic castle, attracting us to enter its world and feel the joys and sorrows in it.

Lonnie is a star in this castle, with her talent and hard work, she has brought us endless surprises and touches.

"City within a City" is not only a drama, it is also an emotional sustenance, a dream place that allows us to forget our fatigue and immerse ourselves in it.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

And Lonnie's wonderful performance also makes this drama even more unforgettable.

In this drama, the most distressing character is none other than Zhao Hui played by Mr. Hewei.

His wife unfortunately passed away, his daughter was sick in bed, and he was not only carefully set up by his classmates, but also encountered a struggle for the position of the airborne leader.

The emotional entanglements and complex changes in his heart are comparable to a gripping blockbuster!

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

Now, everyone is speculating whether he will usher in a big reversal in the end, blacken and go to another path, or stick to his original heart? This has undoubtedly become a huge suspense in the hearts of the audience.

However, when it comes to Wang Xiao, he seems to be the kind of person who can make you sigh: "Oh, there are still honest people in the world!" His existence is like a clear stream, bringing a different kind of warmth and firmness to the whole plot.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

In this dramatic story, Zhao Hui's fate is like a magnificent sea, with ups and downs.

He faced many difficulties and challenges, and every step was full of struggles and choices.

And Wang Xiao is like a bright light, shining in the dark, bringing hope and courage to people.

This drama seems to be a gorgeous and colorful picture, and each character has their own unique color and story.

The audience seems to be in it, experiencing joys, sorrows and sorrows with them, and feeling the ups and downs and waves of life.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

Zhao Hui's fate hangs in the balance, which makes people worry.

And Wang Xiao's upright image gives people comfort and hope.

The audience's mood also fluctuates with the development of the plot, looking forward to the final ending.

Xie Zhiyuan played by Tu Songyan is very different, he is unscrupulous in order to obtain money.

Not only did he dare to harm his own teacher, but he even set a trap for his old classmates, which really became a big stain in the field of business ethics!

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

Especially his trick of using one woman to control two men, I have to say, wow, that's a lot of cruelty!

In the play, Xie Zhiyuan's image seems to be a dark cloud, shrouded in the sky of the business world.

What he did was like a merciless sword that pierced people's hearts.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

He behaved like a wolf in the middle of the night, fierce and cunning.

In pursuit of monetary gain, he did not hesitate to harm those who had been kind to him.

This kind of coldness and ruthlessness makes people feel chills.

And the game he set up was like a dense net, tightly binding the two men in it.

The woman who was used by him seemed to be a chess piece in his hand, at his mercy.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

Xie Zhiyuan's behavior shows us the moral degradation side of the business world.

His story also reminds us that on the road of pursuing interests, we must not lose the bottom line and conscience of being a human being.

Next, let's talk about Su Jianren played by Mr. Feng Jiayi, this role is too down-to-earth! I think the plot where his white moonlight is snatched away by Zhao Hui can make people laugh non-stop.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

He vividly shows the feeling of not being able to love, and he is simply a typical representative of the unjust supporting role! However, he still loves the fat son who is not angry.

In the play, Su Jianren seems to be the ordinary and kind person around us.

His image is like a light cup of tea, although it is not strong, but it makes people feel comfortable.

His deep affection for Bai Yueguang is like a lonely star in the night sky, shining silently.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

And when Bai Yueguang was snatched away by Zhao Hui, the helplessness and loss on his face were like flowers blown down by the wind, which made people feel pity.

When he faced his fat son, who was not angry, his eyes were full of love and concern.

He is like a big tree, silently sheltering his son from the wind and rain.

The role of Su Jianren allows us to see the ordinary and real in life.

His story makes us feel the bitterness of love and the warmth of family affection.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

In short, Teacher Feng Jiayi used her superb acting skills to interpret the role of Su Jianren vividly.

His performance made us feel the ups and downs of life in laughter, and also made us deeply resonate with this character.

Finally, let's talk about Lonnie, this group pet who can be called the uncle circle, as soon as she appears, she seems to have a powerful aura of up to 2.8 meters, which is simply domineering and difficult to ignore!

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

It turned out that Zhou Lin was actually Xie Zhiyuan's eyeliner, this setting was really unexpected! Presumably Zhao Hui should have known it all along!

In the play, Lonnie's appearance seems to be a shining light, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Her aura was as powerful as a storm, sweeping in, and people couldn't help but fall for it.

And Zhou Lin's true identity is like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, quietly lurking, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

Uncle Circle Tiancai's acting competition, the city in the city is really good-looking, I can't stop...

The turning point of this setting is like a lightning bolt, cutting through the originally calm plot and bringing great shock to the audience.

Zhao Hui's knowledge is like a seed hidden in the depths, which has already taken root in his heart.

There seemed to be a kind of wisdom in his eyes that had already seen everything.

Lonnie's character presents a complex and multifaceted character.

Her domineering is in stark contrast to Zhou Lin's mystery, which makes the audience worry about her fate while enjoying the plot.

In short, Lonnie's outstanding performance and the clever setting of the plot made the audience's mood like a roller coaster, with ups and downs.

Her story makes us feel the twists and turns of the plot and the complex diversity of the characters.

I can't stop seeing this! This drama is simply a hodgepodge of laughter, tears, and grooves, and every episode is very exciting! I'm thinking now, what will be the more bizarre plot in the next episode? Will I be amazed by these uncles again? However, I have to admit that I'm also a little scared, because I really can't stop!

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