
A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

author:Recipes to relieve worries

In late spring and early summer, when you see a lot of acacia flowers in the market, you know that the season of deliciousness and health has come. Sophora flowers, which may sound a bit old-fashioned, are actually super popular in many places. At this time, whether it is a street stall in the north or a household in the south, the fragrance of acacia flowers wafts in the air.

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

You may not know that these seemingly inconspicuous flowers are actually a little nutrition expert. Sophora flowers are not only rich in protein, but also vitamin C and calcium, which can not only replenish calcium and strengthen the body, but also help to fight inflammation and improve the body's ability to fight diseases. Thinking of this, do you think that this small flower is actually very powerful?

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

Moreover, the use of the acacia flower is really wide-ranging, and its history dates back hundreds of years. In the past, people used it to cook soups, make cakes, and croquettes, and each method could make the fragrance of acacia flowers vividly displayed. Now, more novel methods are being developed, proving that the acacia flower is not only a memory of the older generation, but also a new favorite of the modern table.

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

When the acacia season arrives, the acacia flowers in the market spread out like clouds, which is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a precious ingredient and medicinal material. Choosing it right and preserving it properly will allow you to make better use of this natural gift.

The key to choosing fresh and high-quality locust flowers is to look at them and smell them:

Color: Fresh locust flowers should be pale yellow or light green, and the petals should be intact and not easy to fall off. Avoid locust flowers that have changed color or appear wilted.

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

Smell: Fresh locust flowers should have a light fragrance, if you smell any sour or other odors, it may be that the flowers have started to spoil.

Structure: Choose locust flowers with tight flowers and distinct stamens, such flowers are usually fresher and have higher medicinal and edible value.

No insect infestation: Check the locust flowers for traces of insect bites or live insects, healthy locust flowers should not have insect infestation.

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

Proper preservation of locust flowers maximizes their freshness and medicinal value:

Dry preservation: The most common preservation method is to dry the locust flowers. Spread the locust flowers on clean paper and place them in a well-ventilated and cool place away from direct sunlight. Once the petals are completely dry, store them in a dry container and keep them for a longer period of time.

Refrigeration: If you want to keep the locust flowers fresh, you can store the fresh locust flowers in an airtight bag in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. This method is suitable for short-term use of locust flowers.

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

Freezing: For long-term storage, consider freezing locust flowers. After cleaning and drying the water, put the locust flowers in a freezer bag, drain the air as much as possible, seal it, and then put it in the freezer. This allows it to be preserved for several months without affecting its quality.

Although it is highly nutritious and versatile, it is not suitable for all people. There are certain health conditions and constitutions that people should avoid eating locust flowers to avoid adverse reactions. Here are some people who can't eat locust flowers:

1. Allergies

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

Sophora flowers are one of the known allergens, and people who are sensitive to pollen or specific plants may have an allergic reaction to locust flowers. Allergic reactions may include symptoms such as Pire's rash, difficulty breathing, itchy eyes, and more.

2. Pregnant women

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

According to traditional Chinese medicine, pregnant women should avoid eating cold food, so as not to affect fetal gas or cause discomfort. Pregnant women should be more cautious in their dietary choices and avoid eating foods that may cause physical discomfort.

3. People with weak gastrointestinal function

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

Sophora flowers may be difficult to digest, and for people with stomach cold, indigestion or weak gastrointestinal function, symptoms such as diarrhea and stomach pain may occur after consumption. This part of the population should reduce or avoid the consumption of locust flowers, so as not to increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Patients with hypotension

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

Sophora has a certain antihypertensive effect, therefore, people who already have a tendency to low blood pressure may cause low blood pressure after eating, causing symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue. Patients with low blood pressure should consult a doctor before consuming locust flowers, or consume them carefully under monitoring.

A large number of acacia flowers are on the market, and you should know the "little secret" about acacia flowers, so tell your family as soon as possible!

Although the acacia flowers are good, they should be eaten according to their ability. Especially the people mentioned above should be cautious about eating acacia flowers under the advice of doctors. We should be wise to enjoy the delicious and health benefits of acacia flowers, and at the same time ensure that they are safe to eat, so that this spring's delicious taste is a good way to enhance your health, not a hidden health hazard. Share this information with family and friends so that they too can enjoy the beauty of acacia flowers correctly and safely.

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