
Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

author:Recipes to relieve worries

With the quiet passing of spring and the arrival of valley rains, nature has brought not only moist rain, but also an inconspicuous but extremely powerful superfood - lentils. This often overlooked little bean is actually a hidden nutritional superhero. Did you know that the protein content of lentils is amazing, and the nutritional value of one pound of lentils is comparable to 20 eggs! This is not only surprising, but also makes lentils the preferred ingredient for strengthening physical fitness.

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Lentils are not only rich in protein, but also have the unique effect of strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness and aiding digestion, especially suitable for eating in the wet and heavy weather in spring, helping the body to regulate the internal environment and restore vitality. Now, I'm going to introduce the four-course lentil recipe to bring this savior of spring to your table with a new look. From home-cooked stir-fries to elaborate soups, these recipes are not only easy to learn, but also quickly improve your daily diet.

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Whether you're a busy office worker looking to prepare a healthy dinner quickly or a cooking enthusiast looking to explore new flavors, these lentil recipes will become your new favorite in the kitchen. Let's use lentils, a delicious messenger of late spring, to create a table full of color and flavor, nourish the body, and enjoy a healthy life.

Recommended recipe 1: Stir-fried meat with lentils

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Lentils are rich in protein and iron, which can help to increase physical strength and improve anemia, and fried with pork not only adds to the flavor of the dish, but also enhances the nutritional value of the table.

Main ingredients: lentils, pork, garlic, ginger

Here's how:

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Rindons, rinse and cut into sections, pork sliced and marinated in soy sauce and starch for a while.

Finely chop the garlic and slice the ginger.

Heat oil in a pan and stir-fry the ginger and garlic until fragrant.

Add the pork and stir-fry until browned, then add the lentils and sauté until cooked through.

Add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence, stir-fry well, and then remove from the pan.

Recommended Recipe 2: Braised chicken with lentils

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Lentils are cooked with chicken to absorb the umami flavor of the chicken, while increasing the protein and vitamin B complex content of the dish, which helps to promote digestion and improve the body's immunity.

Main ingredients: lentils, chicken, potatoes, carrots

Here's how:

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Cut the chicken into cubes, peel and dice the potatoes and carrots.

Remove the tendons from the lentils, wash them and cut them into sections.

Add oil to the pan and sauté the chicken until golden brown, add the potatoes and carrots and stir-fry well.

Pour in an appropriate amount of water, add lentils, cover and simmer until all ingredients are cooked through.

Finally, add salt to taste, boil for a few minutes and then remove from the pan.

Recommended recipe 3: lentil tofu soup

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

This soup is based on lentils and tofu, which is low in fat and rich in plant protein, which is suitable for nutritional supplementation during weight loss, while helping to moisturize the intestines and prevent constipation.

Main ingredients: lentils, tofu, seaweed, chopped green onion

Here's how:

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Wash the lentils and cut the tofu into cubes.

Bring water to a boil in a pot, add lentils and cook until half-cooked.

Add the tofu and nori and continue to cook until the lentils are fully cooked.

Add an appropriate amount of salt, sprinkle with chopped green onions to enhance the fragrance, bring to a boil and enjoy.

Recommended recipe 4: Lentil minced pork rice

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

This quick dish combines lentils and minced meat, which not only adds flavor to the rice but also enriches the nutritional level of the meal. The high-fiber properties of lentils combine perfectly with the protein of minced meat, making them suitable for busy office workers.

Main ingredients: lentils, minced pork, rice, chopped green onions

Here's how:

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Wash the lentils and cut them into small pieces, and marinate the minced pork in soy sauce and pepper.

Add oil to a hot pan and stir-fry the minced pork until the oil is out.

Add the lentils and stir-fry quickly, stir-fry for a few minutes, then cover and simmer until cooked.

Mix the fried minced lentils into the cooked rice and sprinkle with chopped green onions to enhance the flavor.

Before and after the rain in the valley, I encountered this dish and ate it hard, one pound is equal to 20 eggs, which strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness and helps digestion

Each of the four lentil recipes introduced above highlights the nutritional value and deliciousness of lentils, making them an indispensable healthy choice on the spring table. Try these simple recipes and make lentils a nutritious addition to your diet!

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