
Proper self-esteem

author:Roast a pig

Proper self-esteem refers to an individual's correct and balanced perception of his or her own worth and abilities, neither too arrogant nor too inferior. This self-esteem allows individuals to maintain a sense of self-worth in the face of challenges and pressures, while also being able to treat others with respect and humility. "Jane Eyre" mentions: "Do you think that I am poor, lowly, unbeautiful, and small, and that I have no soul and no heart? "It's all about self-respect.

Proper self-esteem

Tao Yuanming, a poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is famous for his story of not bending his waist for five buckets of rice. Tao Yuanming once served as the county magistrate of Pengze, but because he was unwilling to violate his principles and self-esteem for the sake of his official position, he chose to resign and live an idyllic life. His actions embody a kind of self-esteem, that is, not to give up self-worth and dignity for material gain. Tao Yuanming's poem "Returning to the Garden and Pastoral Home" reveals his yearning for a simple life and his insistence on a noble personality, showing his appropriate self-esteem.

Tao Yuanming was born in a poor family, but he read poetry and books since he was a child, and he had great ambitions. As an adult, he went out of office several times, but each time he chose to resign because he did not want to go along with the corrupt rules of officialdom. Especially during his tenure as the county magistrate of Pengze, he chose to stick to his moral bottom line and self-esteem in the face of oppression and injustice by the powerful. At that time, the county guard sent the superintendent to inspect the county, and the county official told Tao Yuanming that according to the etiquette of officialdom, he needed to be neatly crowned and respectfully greeted. However, Tao Yuanming considered this kind of behavior an insult to personal dignity, and he was unwilling to give up his principles and self-esteem for the sake of a small amount of money. In the end, he chose to get rid of the seal, returned to the countryside, and lived a life without contention.

Tao Yuanming's behavior fully reflects his proper self-esteem. He did not feel inferior because of poverty and low social status, nor did he give up on himself because of the temptation of power and money. His heart was filled with the pursuit of knowledge and morality, a love for nature and the countryside, and this inner richness and fulfillment allowed him to remain firm and confident in the face of external pressures. In his poem "Returning to the Garden and Pastoral Home", he wrote: "Planting beans in the south of the mountain, the grass is full of beans and seedlings. Morningside is desolate, and returns with the moon and lotus. These poems not only depict the tranquility and beauty of his pastoral life, but also reveal his satisfaction with simple life and his insistence on self-worth.

Tao Yuanming's self-esteem is not blindly arrogant, but based on the recognition of his own abilities and his adherence to moral values. He is well aware of his talents and potential, but also his limitations and shortcomings. He chose a lifestyle that was free from the world, but that didn't mean he gave up his responsibility to society and the pursuit of personal growth. On the contrary, he continued to study and write in his pastoral life, leaving behind many poems that have been sung through the ages, influencing countless literati and writers in later generations.

Proper self-esteem is a balance, independence and autonomy from the external world on the basis of self-knowledge and self-acceptance. This kind of self-esteem allows us to maintain peace and steadfastness in the face of difficulties and challenges. In today's society, this spirit of self-esteem still has important value and significance, and it encourages us to pursue personal development without forgetting to uphold our morals and principles and live our true and dignified selves.

Proper self-esteem

Xu Beihong, a famous modern Chinese painter and art educator, is famous for his outstanding artistic achievements and firm national pride. His life is a vivid portrayal of the unremitting pursuit of personal dignity and national self-esteem.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Xu Beihong studied in Europe in his early years, and in the face of cultural differences and racial discrimination in a foreign country, he did not choose to remain silent or give in, but responded to challenges with his talent and unwavering self-esteem. In public, a foreigner made insulting remarks about Xu Beihong, belittling the wisdom and ability of the Chinese. In the face of such a provocation, Xu Beihong did not choose to escape, but responded with bold words, showing his pride and self-esteem in his national culture. He firmly expressed his belief that Chinese also have a rich soul and a full heart, and can also achieve outstanding achievements in the field of art and culture.

Xu Beihong's self-esteem does not stem from blind arrogance or xenophobia, but is based on a clear understanding of his own artistic talent and a deep understanding of national culture. He is well aware that art is a bridge that crosses borders and communicates the soul, and through his paintings, he has shown the world the unique charm and profound connotation of Chinese art. His works such as "Galloping Horse" and "Flying Imagination" have won high praise not only in China but also internationally, and have become representatives of Chinese modern art.

Xu Beihong's self-esteem is also reflected in his contribution to art education. He firmly believed that art could inspire people and improve the quality of the nation, so he devoted himself to art education and devoted himself to cultivating a new generation of artists. He founded the first national academy of fine arts in China, the Beiping Art School (now the Central Academy of Fine Arts), which laid a solid foundation for the development of art education in China. Under his influence, generations of artists have grown up, and the international status of Chinese art has been enhanced.

Proper self-esteem is a kind of self-confidence and pride, a positive response to external challenges based on the recognition of one's own and the cultural values of the nation. This kind of self-esteem can not only stimulate the potential of the individual, promote the growth and development of the individual, but also promote the inheritance and innovation of the national culture. In today's globalized world, this spirit of self-esteem is still of great significance, which encourages us to respect multiculturalism, adhere to our own cultural characteristics and values, participate in international exchanges and cooperation with an open mind and self-confidence, and jointly promote the progress of human civilization.

In the long river of history, Tao Yuanming and Xu Beihong, two outstanding figures, although they lived in different eras, both set an eternal spiritual benchmark for us with their firm self-esteem. Their stories transcend time and space, inspiring generations to pursue the right kind of self-esteem – neither groveling nor arrogant, but sticking to their inner beliefs and values based on self-knowledge and respect for others.

Tao Yuanming's indifferent fame and fortune and Xu Beihong's ambition are both profound interpretations of self-esteem. With their choices and actions, they proclaimed to the world the inviolability of individual dignity, and also showed us how to maintain ourselves in the face of adversity and how to uphold the truth in the face of challenges. Their stories remind us that self-esteem is not an empty slogan, but a force that is internalized in the heart and externalized in action. It requires us to stand firm in the face of temptation and pressure, to speak out in the face of injustice and discrimination, and to contribute to the progress of society while pursuing personal development.

Proper self-esteem

Ultimately, proper self-esteem is a form of wisdom that teaches us how to find our place in a complex and ever-changing world, how to maintain individuality while respecting diversity, and how to maintain humility while striving for excellence. Let us follow the example of Tao Yuanming and Xu Beihong to cultivate and maintain that precious self-esteem, not only for our own spiritual freedom, but also for a more harmonious, respectful and progressive society. In this process, we can not only realize our personal value, but also contribute to the common future of mankind.