
Why does CrossFire always drop frames and stutter? It's not a game optimization problem, it's Tencent's pot

author:Explosive gifts

I don't know if players who play CrossFire have encountered such a thing, that is, they are fighting, and suddenly there is a situation of extremely fast frame drops and stuttering, especially some players with poor configuration, when they encounter this situation, tears are coming, and they are directly sent out by CrossFire, and then they start to complain about the developers of CrossFire, and even this optimization is not good, and then Bara has a lot of complaints, but this, you really can't blame the developer for optimizing it.

Why does CrossFire always drop frames and stutter? It's not a game optimization problem, it's Tencent's pot

Many people think that the developer of CrossFire will not do optimization, no matter how high the configuration is, it will also make such a thing, indeed, I also looked at this matter before, until the past few days, I got the stand-alone version of CrossFire from the love sharing website, and the computer with various frame drops and freezes on the official server, it is not stuck at this moment, I realized, this is not the pot of the developer's laughing door, it may be other factors in it.

Why does CrossFire always drop frames and stutter? It's not a game optimization problem, it's Tencent's pot

Through my careful analysis and investigation these days,I found a thing,That's the difference between the CrossFire formal server and the foreign server that our players play,That is, the official server has an external software,That's right,This software is the root of all evil that we have complained about countless times"Tencent anti-plug-in system",That is, we are familiar with TP anti-plug-in,This set of anti-plug-ins seems to protect players,In fact, it also treats all our players as potential players in disguise。

Why does CrossFire always drop frames and stutter? It's not a game optimization problem, it's Tencent's pot

We can take a look at the introduction of Tencent's anti-plug-in official website,The functions of this anti-plug-in system are particularly comprehensive,Like what memory protection、Anti-simulation buttons and various other functions,It can even realize the transmission of real-time data,Even if it is an anti-speed change encountered in the game,It can be said that it is quite powerful,Plug-in or something,The effect of the blow is very significant,At least it curbs the plug-in of the line of fire,But at the same time, the player also suffered。

Why does CrossFire always drop frames and stutter? It's not a game optimization problem, it's Tencent's pot

Because the original intention of this system is to be anti-cheating, but at the same time, they will occupy the player's memory in real time, if you open Crossfire, if you can look at the memory record in the background, you will find that this anti-plug-in system is monitoring your computer in real time without abnormal data, but whenever the player dies, the system will begin to detect, so our player's computer will begin to drop frames, because this system is checking our computer.

Why does CrossFire always drop frames and stutter? It's not a game optimization problem, it's Tencent's pot

So,It's not surprising that our players often have frame drops and stuttering,Some people think that a little higher configuration will not affect,But that's not the case,In fact,CrossFire is a high-speed transmission to save the illegal content,If the computer configuration is very high,It's really not affected,But the god with a high configuration,They are unlikely to play Crossfire,Right? So,It's not surprising that we, the players,

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