
At the age of 30, I have already started to plan for retirement, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available

author:Dawn Reading Time
At the age of 30, I have already started to plan for retirement, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available

Text丨Dawn Reading Time

Adhere to the original, every morning at 8 o'clock with you to see the world, read life


Life is destined to be like a game of chess, and if you don't think about it in advance, you may be able to return the misery of losing all the games if you are not careful.

Recently, the incident about Dongfang Selection has entered the situation of street discussion again, there will be many people who are upset for Dong Yuhui, and there will be people who eat melons tepidly, but what we sometimes want to say is that sometimes not everyone has such luck in standing at the center of public opinion.

How can there be so many talented and successful Dong Yuhui in life, the more he can't become what he can't become, the more he has become the star he wants to chase the most.

Dong Yuhui is talented, but he was born at the bottom, so he is destined to have emotional resonance and sustenance in the depths of his heart, but this is only a 1 in 100 million opportunity, and on the other hand, most people's living conditions, survival may be a difficulty.

I have always felt that life is destined to be a tribulation after an ordeal, perhaps in the past few years, I have also witnessed many early years because of my own luck to earn some wealth, but in the past few years I have succeeded, because of my own strength and cognitive defects and in vain.

The state of happiness is often not too long-lasting, like a rainbow after the rain, I have always disappeared from people's sight with the flick of a finger.

Therefore, suffering is destined to be the best teaching material, and surviving in the midst of suffering is the best sobriety in life.

At the age of 30, I am already planning to retire, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available.

At the age of 30, I have already started to plan for retirement, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available


Some time ago, a 70-year-old client consulted me on legal issues, and he really made a little money in the early years, so he borrowed a large amount of money based on the temptation of "one cent of interest", but now he is facing a situation where it is difficult to recover.

The loan of more than 1 million yuan is no longer recoverable, the other party has already gone bankrupt, and there is no news of people, which can be described as "the house leak happened to rain overnight".

Some people may say that working hard to earn him 100 million yuan first is a small goal in life, but among all living beings, how many people can easily realize this "small expectation".

Even a fortune of more than 1 million may be a ceiling that some people cannot reach or touch in a lifetime.

Maybe you think it's easy to make money, but maybe for others, you have already spent a lot of energy, emptied your mind, and exhausted your physical strength.

Life is never as easy as we think, and if you always think of it too simply, a sudden little wind and grass may leave you defenseless or even defenseless.

At the age of 30, I have already started to plan for retirement, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available


In life, we are often the ones who realize it later, and we always have unforgettable regrets when we lose or fall into a trough.

If you don't hit the south wall, you don't look back, and you don't see the Yellow River, you don't die, it seems that this is the truth.

In such an era of involution, sometimes you will find that being able to have a stable and decent job may be a kind of happiness in itself, but many times a person can never guess whether he will go uphill or downhill next.

Maybe for many people, the matter of pension may not be marginal, or even think too early, but you have to be clear about which comes first, and who can have how confident the guarantee.

Sometimes look around you, you will feel the difficulties of life, some old people even if they do not falter, still have to get up early and run a small business in the dark days, just to be able to earn a little living expenses, we have also seen a grandmother who is too old, should live a happy life, but still have to sell vegetables in the ice and snow to make a living.

From these surrounding examples, you can feel from the bottom of your heart that not everyone will be so lucky, maybe you will have some security in your current life, and you may lose your previous appearance in the not-so-distant future.

At the age of 30, I have already started to plan for retirement, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available


I like such an idea very much, this is also a passage I saw on the Internet, all the feelings.

At the age of 30, I began to prepare for the elderly, and now I am working hard to earn money to buy a house, after all, it is necessary to rely on my own words, reasonable consumption, and layout in advance.

How well said!

In fact, the content of everyone's life is the product of thinking in their own mind.

Just like when we read, we will know such a formula about fate:

Your cognition determines your way of thinking, your way of thinking determines your emotions, and your emotions determine your actions, and your actions will affect your content in life, and the content of your life will not affect your destiny.

There is always a benefit to reading those classic books, just as we will see this sentence, and you may really feel the breadth and profundity of the wisdom of the ancients:

"The wise man has the foresight in the unblinded, and the wise man has the foresight in the unpunished. ”

This means that a wise person can stay away from danger before it is exposed, and a wise person can foresee things in the bud.

Life is like a game of chess, if we can take one step and look at three or five steps or even a dozen steps, maybe our life will have more chances to win.

At the age of 30, I have already started to plan for retirement, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available


Sometimes I especially like to listen to some local words spoken by some folk elders, and you can feel its wisdom and vicissitudes with both hands.

The old man said:

"Money is hard to make, is hard to eat. ”

It's not rough, but this is the truth in life, the reason why the Oriental selection world is in an uproar is essentially not the matching of interests.

Maybe for others, even if they are eating the meat in the bowl, you may not even have a chance to drink the soup in the pot.

After all, life is lived by oneself, and working hard to earn money is the need of life, and to a certain extent, it is also the key to supporting a person's decent life.

So, I can't help but think of what Chow Yun-fat said in the opening of the show:

"If a person is blessed more when he is young, he will suffer more when he is old, and if he is more blessed when he is young, he will suffer more when he is old. ”

Sometimes I say from the bottom of my heart that I really envy the person in the network who earned more than 1 million in thirty, forty or fifty and retired early.

Maybe we are all destined to be busy in life, but busy is not the same as busy, but busy and busy have different results.

The ancients said:

"If a person has no foresight, he will have near-term worries. ”

For each of us, making more preparations and considering more about the future is the most important thing to do.

At the age of 30, I am already planning to retire, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available.

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At the age of 30, I have already started to plan for retirement, because the opportunity to earn money is not always available

Dawn Reading Time

I am the dawn to read time, write some words, practice in life, not afraid of floating clouds, spread righteous thoughts, you come or not, I am there, never far away.

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The author of this article: Chenxi Reading Time, a freelance writer, countless original articles, writing tens of millions of words, solid writing craftsmen, accompanying the growth of thousands of readers with reason and wisdom, WeChat public account: Chenxi Reading Time.

Author | Dawn Reading Time Write some words, read life, understand life, and love life.

Editor-in-Chief | Dawn Reading Time

Typography | Dawn Reading Time

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