
Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

author:Chinese kitchen

Scallion oil black vinegar roe flower branch roll

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Raw material:

Cuttlefish, shallots, salt, flavored powder, chicken juice, sugar, black vinegar, agar powder, olive oil, powdered sugar


  1. After the cuttlefish larvae are cleaned, change the knife, put in the green onion and ginger cooking wine and the changed cuttlefish larvae after the water is boiled, blanch them for about 1 minute into a roll, and put them into ice water to chill for later use. Chop the shallots and boil them in hot oil.
  2. Add the agar powder to the sugar powder and mix evenly, refrigerate the olive oil, heat the mixed agar powder with black vinegar and put it on the burner, wait for the temperature to drop to about 45 degrees, and use a dropper or sauce to drop into the refrigerated olive oil and remove it.
  3. Take the spare cuttlefish rolls, absorb the water, add salt, sugar, flavored powder, chicken juice, and scallion oil with chopped green onion leaves, mix well and put on a plate, garnish with black vinegar fish roe.

Maran head pudding

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Ingredients: 400 grams of Malan head

Excipients: 450 grams of whole milk, 18 grams of fish gelatin.

Seasoning: 85 grams of sugar


1. Wash and blanch the malan head quickly, soak it in ice water to cool, squeeze out the water and chop it for later use;

2. Soak the fish film in ice water for half an hour and open it for later use;

3. Put the maran head and milk into the wall breaker and crush it at high speed to filter out the maran juice;

4. Pour in the maran juice from the pot, add white sugar and fish film sheets, stir to about 70 degrees while burning, pour it into a plate and put it on ice water to cool quickly to about 25 degrees, put it in a glass and refrigerate for ten minutes, then take it out and put it on the plate.

The first fresh in the Yangtze River

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Ingredients: 1 pufferfish, 100 grams of grass.

Excipients: 200 grams of fresh fish soup

Seasoning: Lee Kum Kee light soy sauce 10g, dark soy sauce 5g, oyster sauce 3g, sugar 3g, salt 3g, green onion and ginger 5g each.


1. Wash the puffer fish and flush it for later use;

2. Heat the rapeseed oil in the pot, add the green onion and ginger to stir until fragrant, then add the pufferfish, cook the cooking wine, then pour in the fresh fish soup, and boil over high heat until the soup is milky white;

3. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes before seasoning, so as to reflect the deliciousness of the taste and the tenderness of the meat.

Shaoxing old drunken river prawn

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Ingredients: 350 grams of giant river prawns

Excipients: 10 grams of bell pepper, 5 grams of garlic slices, 3 grams of fresh pepper.

Seasoning: 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of sugar, 2 grams of pepper, 5 grams of light soy sauce, 2 grams of spicy fresh sauce, 2 grams of Maggi fresh.


1. Wash and blanch the giant river prawns for later use;

2. Take a bowl, mix the seasonings in turn, stir evenly, and soak in the giant river prawns for 8 hours;

3. Garnish on a plate.

Sour plum lion's head goose with crispy rice and sea cucumber

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Ingredients: 1 lion's head goose, 7 grams of sea cucumber.

Excipients: 50 grams of garlic, 100 grams of ginger, 150 grams of garlic sprouts, 5 grams of tangerine peel, 5 grams of green bamboo shoots, 5 grams of taro, 5 grams of sweet potatoes, 12 grams of millet, 1 piece of cake, 1 gram of arugula.

Seasoning: 150 grams of sugar, 380 grams of white vinegar, 16 salted plums, 180 grams of plum paste, 50 grams of light soy sauce, 50 grams of salt.


1. The sea cucumber is sent with water until the softness is appropriate, the light goose is washed and the whole body is smeared with salt, and the millet is steamed;

2. Pour peanut oil into the pot and heat it, and fry the salted goose until the skin is charred and fragrant;

3. Put the ginger and garlic into the pot to burst the fragrance, add plums, plum paste, white vinegar, light soy sauce, sliced sugar, then put in the whole goose and add water to boil, turn to low heat and simmer for 60 minutes, change to high heat to reduce the juice out of the pot;

4. Blanch the green bamboo shoots, and steam the sweet potatoes and taro into the basket;

5. Liao cucumber takes its goose juice into the flavor, wraps the crispy millet back to fry the crispy, and wraps the goose meat in the cake and steam it thoroughly;

6. Heat the goose in the original soup and put it on a plate, put in sweet potatoes, taro, green bamboo shoots, goose rolls, crispy rice and sea cucumber, and then put arugula.

Food: Huaishan roasted sea cucumber

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Ingredients: 400 grams of black cucumber, 300 grams of iron stick yam, 300 grams of green onions, 500 grams of broth.

Excipients: 5 grams of salt, 10 grams of sugar, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 10 grams of dark soy sauce, 20 grams of lard, 10 grams of scallion oil, 10 grams of radish leaves.


1. Fry the green onion and yam in advance and set aside;

2. Blanch the sea cucumbers in cooking wine, add scallion oil and green onion segments in a boiling pot, add 5 grams of oyster sauce and 5 grams of dark soy sauce, add the broth and simmer in advance;

3. Reduce the juice on low heat, season, add dark soy sauce according to your favorite color, and put on a plate.

Tomato brisket stew

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Ingredients: 250 grams of beef brisket

Excipients: 250 grams of tomatoes, 300 grams of small potatoes, 300 grams of carrots, 40 grams of eggs.

Seasoning: 20 grams of chicken fat, 30 grams of soybean oil, 10 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of salt, 10 grams of chicken juice, 2 grams of pepper, 10 grams of tomato sauce, 10 grams of sugar, 15 grams of corn starch, 2 grams of spicy seeds, 5 grams of watercress, 500 grams of broth, 5 grams of coriander.


1. Cut the beef brisket into 3 cm square pieces, blanch and rinse well;

2. Peel, wash and cut the small potatoes and cook until soft and glutinous, wash and cut the carrots into cubes, and cut the tomatoes into cubes and cubes respectively;

3. Put soybean oil and chicken fat in the pot and heat to 120 degrees, add carrots, shallots, tomatoes, potatoes and stir-fry until fragrant, add watercress and stir-fry until fragrant, add spicy girls and tomato sauce and stir-fry until fragrant, add coriander and celery, add stock after stir-frying, then add monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper, sugar, beef powder to taste, pour in the blanched beef, pour it into the pressure cooker and press it for 20 minutes after boiling, remove the meat after it is soft and set aside;

4. Add soybean oil and chicken fat to a net pot and heat to 120 degrees, add diced tomatoes and stir-fry until fragrant, add chopped potatoes, add tomato sauce and stir-fry, add broth, put in the pressed brisket, add sugar, monosodium glutamate, chicken juice, chicken essence and other seasonings, add beaten eggs after thickening, stir slightly, drizzle with tomato oil, and garnish with coriander.

Yangzhou salted goose double bamboo shoots

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Ingredients: 200 grams of Yangzhou air-dried salted goose


Seasoning: 20 grams of cooked soybean oil, 5 grams of lard, 5 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of sugar, 2 grams of pepper, 5 grams of chicken juice, 30 grams of Huadiao wine, 800 grams of thick soup, 5 grams of green onion and ginger.


1. Clean the Yangzhou air-dried salted goose, add Huadiao wine, green onion and ginger to the steamer and steam for 15 minutes, take out the deboning, and change the knife into pieces for later use;

2. Blanch the spring shoots and lettuce with a knife, add the thick soup and simmer;

3. Put cooked soybean oil and lard into the pot, add seasonings to fry the fragrance, add salted goose and fry slightly, you can rush into an appropriate amount of thick soup, add double bamboo shoots, and season to collect the juice.

Spring anchovy

Selling specialties is really good, and good taste is really good

Ingredients: 750 grams of anchovy

Excipients: 100 grams of fresh river shrimp, 10 grams of spring bamboo shoots, 10 grams of water chestnut, 2 grams of finger lemon, 50 grams of green pepper.

Seasoning: 150 grams of salt, 2 grams of sesame oil, 1 gram of chicken juice.


1. The anchovy is salted and marinated and dried for 8 hours, steamed and dismantled, and the fish scales are fried crispy;

2. The sharp pepper is fired into a pepper sauce, and the fish, water chestnut, bamboo shoots and shrimp gum are formed into a ball and shaped;

3. Put a small amount of pepper sauce on a plate, wrap the fish balls in part of the pepper sauce and insert the crispy fish scales, sprinkle with lemon meat, celery seedlings, and five-star flowers to garnish.