
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society

author:Anhui Hui girl
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society

Since 2024, the Jing County Women's Federation has strictly implemented the overall deployment of the provincial and municipal women's federations, and has continuously explored new ideas and new measures for the women's federation to participate in the "construction of safety". Establish a road to the construction of a safe family with the investigation and resolution of marital and family disputes as the mainstay, supplemented by legal popularization and family style education, and strive to solve the "small contradictions" among parents, so as to effectively incorporate the work of the Women's Federation into the construction of Ping'an Jing County and jointly promote the "great peace" of Jing County.

compaction responsibility,

Cohesion of the "centripetal force" of safe construction

The Jing County Women's Federation strengthened its organization and leadership, conscientiously deployed the work of the women's federation system for the construction of safety, and carried out the investigation and resolution of marriage and family disputes, legal popularization and education, family education and family style publicity and education at important nodes before and after the Spring Festival and the March 8th Rights Protection Month, so as to deepen and meticulously implement the work of safety construction and organically integrate it into the work of the Women's Federation.

Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society

Since the beginning of this year, the county women's federation has held one work conference on the investigation and resolution of marital and family conflicts and disputes, and three meetings on the construction of peace. Formulate and issue the "Work Reminder on Strengthening the Investigation and Resolution of Marriage and Family Disputes during the Spring Festival", focusing on the situation of frequent marital and family disputes before and after the Spring Festival, focusing on the deployment and resolution of marriage and family disputes, and formulate the "Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the "Construction of the Rule of Law in Jing County, Women in Action" and "March Eighth" Rights Protection Month Activities" and the "2024 County Women's Federation to Carry out the Comprehensive Management Concentrated Publicity Month Activity Plan", organize and implement the March 8th Rights Protection Month, Comprehensive Management Centralized Publicity Month and other activities, and actively practice the construction of peace.

Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society

Go deep into the villages with the construction of safety to carry out the joint construction of the joint construction of safety, hold discussions with town and village cadres, carry out publicity on the satisfaction of the people's sense of security, and simultaneously do a good job in the protection of minors, the prevention of juvenile delinquency, and the study and publicity of righteousness and courage.

Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society

Organize cadres and workers to carry out activities to bring Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law into government organs, focusing on studying the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency".

dispute resolution,

Enhance the "execution" of safety construction

Resolutely implement the deployment requirements of provincial, municipal and county safety offices, further promote the "Notice on Printing <深化婚姻家庭情感类领域矛盾纠纷排查化解专项攻坚行动方案>and Distribution", strictly implement the work policy of "prevention first, mediation and handling", give full play to the unique role of women's federations, and actively prevent and resolve marital and family conflicts and disputes. Cadres and executive committee members of women's federations at all levels visit their homes every week to promptly grasp the hidden dangers of marital and family conflicts and disputes that may arise. Linking departments such as for justice, comprehensive management, public security, and civil affairs, establishing forms such as multi-departmental docking WeChat groups, focusing on key families with hidden dangers, promptly grasping family dynamics, discovering hidden contradictions, and forming a joint force for the prevention and resolution of interconnected marital and family conflicts and disputes. Before and after the Spring Festival, women's federations at all levels increased the intensity of dispute investigation, implemented the dispute daily investigation report and the "zero report" system, and resolutely prevented major and vicious criminal cases caused by marriage and family disputes. In the first quarter, the county's women's federation went deep into villages to carry out 394 investigations of marriage and family conflicts and disputes, investigated 25 cases of marriage and family conflicts and disputes, and successfully mediated 25 cases.

publicity and education,

Strengthen the "traction" of safe construction

Solidly carry out the activities of the March 8 Rights Protection Month. The Jing County Women's Federation took the lead in organizing more than 20 units to carry out the "Building the Rule of Law in Jing County, Women in Action" - Jing County's 2024 "March 8th Rights Protection Month" law popularization publicity activity, and distributed more than 300 copies of legal knowledge publicity manuals such as the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, the Law on the Promotion of Family Education, the Civil Code, and the Anti-Domestic Violence Law to the masses. Held a special lecture on the "Family Education Promotion Law" in action during the March 8th Rights Protection Month, and more than 400 audiences listened to the lecture on the spot. At the site of the Spring Breeze Action and the "Women's Style" Women's Special Job Fair, the "Spring Manjingchuan Law Popularization and Benefiting the People" law popularization publicity activity was carried out to answer difficult questions for women and publicize the "Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests" and the knowledge of the protection of labor rights and interests of female employees. Participated in the street legal publicity and consultation activities during the Comprehensive Management Publicity Month, publicized various laws and regulations to the masses in the past, and distributed more than 150 copies of legal popularization brochures. According to incomplete statistics, the county's women's federation has carried out more than 30 legal popularization activities, publicizing and popularizing legal knowledge such as the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, the Anti-Domestic Violence Law, and the Family Education Promotion Law to nearly 2,000 people, so as to promote the masses to know the law, understand the law, abide by the law, build a harmonious family relationship, and help build peace. Sending the law to the campus, the county women's federation and the procuratorate carried out the activity of the vice principal of the rule of law to give a rule of law class on the campus, sending legal knowledge to the teachers and students of Jing County No. 2 Middle School, further enhancing students' legal awareness, and improving the concept of the rule of law and legal literacy.

Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society

Strengthen publicity and education on family education and family style. Jing County Women's Federation to family creation activities as the carrier, in the county to carry out the "most beautiful family", "safe family" creation activities, the majority of families and residents actively participate, in the participation to receive moral education, improve civilization literacy, pay attention to family role shaping, correct family value orientation, with practical actions to cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, to create a safe, harmonious and happy social atmosphere, with a small family civilization to promote social civilization. In Jing County to commemorate the 114th "March 8" International Women's Day and "Good Family Style, I Inherit" theme activities, the "most beautiful family", "the most beautiful mother-in-law", "the most beautiful daughter-in-law", "safe family" and other advanced families and individuals were commended, and the on-site performance of "Good Family Style, My Inheritance", "Bus Marriage Car New Fashion of Marriage Customs" on-site interview, "Family Letter in the War" red story preaching and other programs, guiding the masses to understand the profound connotation of good family education and family style, inheriting good family motto, cultivating good family style, "'' Jing's "Weihong Propaganda Group's 'Voice' into Ten Thousand Homes" activity officially kicked off.

Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society


The Jing County Women's Federation will continue to deepen the construction of peace, continue to focus on the protection of the rights and interests of women and children, strengthen the investigation and resolution of marriage and family disputes, enrich the popularization of law publicity activities, do a solid job of family education and family style, strengthen coordination and cooperation with relevant departments, form a joint work force, and constantly explore new methods and new paths for grassroots social governance, so as to make the lives of women and children more fulfilling, more secure and more sustainable, and effectively improve the happiness and sense of gain of women and children in Jing County. A sense of security, in order to help the construction of peace, guide women to participate in grassroots governance, and contribute to the construction of "Ping'an Jing County".

Contributed by Jing County Women's Federation

Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society

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Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society
Jing County Women's Federation: Gather the power of peace and happiness to create a new chapter of a harmonious society

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