
In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

author:New Fujian

When I yelled desperately

Reverberate all over the mountain

It's you who wake up

In the world of grass and trees

- "The World of Grass and Trees"

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

At present, spring is getting stronger, and the tea areas are in full swing.

"The World of Grass and Trees", which was launched during the tea season, seems to be a bit lukewarm, and the audience has mixed reviews. However, in the eyes of tea lovers, there are still many commendable points.

This movie is set in the landscape of Longjing Tea Town, Hangzhou, and many plots and details are full of tea elements. I believe that the audience who likes tea has noticed.

Moreover, the names, scenes, and plots are all full of poetry. Behind the poetry of tea rhyme, there is a cold and cruel social reality - think carefully about the terrifying pyramid scheme scam and the tragedy of countless families!

Each tea element is a "connotation joke"

I can't help but say that director Gu Xiaogang understands tea, at least he has done his homework. Every tea element in the film is a "connotation joke".


Grass and trees in the world: the word "tea" is disassembled, and people are in the woods


"Tea man, Jiamu of the South. ”

"When the word 'tea' is taken apart, it means 'people are among the grass and trees'. ”

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

The word "tea" is disassembled, and people are in the woods (Tang Liu Gongquan, regular script)

Wu Moshua played by Jiang Qinqin is a tea picker, and Lao Qian played by Chen Jianbin is a well-known local West Lake Longjing tea master, both of whom are from the grass and trees. In the film, there are also "tea flavor" interpretations such as tea picking, roasting tea, ordering tea, and boiling tea.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

02 Shouting Mountain: From people shouting to shouting mountains, to mountains shouting people

At the beginning of the film, there is a beautiful morning scene of the tea country: the mist is thick, the mountains and fields are silent, the eyes are full of greenery, and the hand lamps of the tea girls, like twinkling stars, are scattered among the tea bushes. They shouted in unison to wake up the sleeping tea mountain.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

Shouting Mountain, this ancient tea custom, is full of the ardent prayer of the tea villagers for smooth wind and rain and a bumper harvest of new tea.

At the end of the film, He Mulian (played by Wu Lei) said that going to the mountains would wake up her mother. This is the mountain shouting people, awakening the misguided moss flowers, echoing from beginning to end.

This is also as the theme song of the same name sings: "When I shout desperately / Echo all over the mountains / It's you who wake up / In the world of grass and trees".

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

03 Tea worm: Tea inchworm is destined to be unable to change

The tea worm has a high appearance rate in the film, appearing a total of 2 times, both on the moss flower, with a profound meaning, and can be called the "best supporting role".

The first time was when Moss Hua came back from a date with Lao Qian Tea Garden, and she found a fat tea worm lying on her shoulder. It bears witness to the sweetness of the two, and from a scientific point of view, its existence is also a symbol of the original tea garden. However, the next day, the relationship between the two was discovered, and Moss Hua was swept out of the house by Qian's mother.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

The second time was in a luxury hotel, when Moss Hua was immersed in ecstasy, and the next second her best friend Jin Lan jumped off the building to commit suicide, and the MLM personnel were also served by the police.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

This very photogenic tea worm will never be able to turn into a butterfly. The name of the MLM organization is "Butterfly International", and the logo and the words that the members of the organization often talk about are butterflies. This indicates that moss flowers are "tea worms" from the beginning, and even if there are "butterflies" to guide the way, they will never be able to turn into butterflies.

The name of "moss flower" also comes from the poem of Yuan Mei in the Qing Dynasty: "Moss flowers are as small as rice, and it is difficult to learn to bloom peonies." "The inconspicuous moss flower will not bloom as delicately as the graceful peony after all.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

It is also necessary to popularize science, tea insects are one of the common pests in tea gardens, the scientific name is tea inchworm, Hangzhou people call it "arch insect", because the body is bent and stretched when crawling, as if people measure the size with their fingers.

There is a local proverb that says: "The Golden Cave Cave and the Silver Cave are afraid of an arch insect; ”

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

And the reality is that the adults of the tea inchworm will emerge.


Tea washing: Washing the dust? is a thorough brainwashing!

When Mulian was called to a multi-level marketing meeting on a cruise ship in West Lake, there was a close-up of a tea wash, and the shape of the tea brush resembled the "quantum head therapy" device worn by the elderly.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

Washing tea, in order to clean the tea leaves, also let the tea wake up, which is conducive to exuding the fragrance of tea and leaching the taste of tea. Using tea washing as a metaphor for brainwashing, people who fall into the pit of pyramid schemes all start from brainwashing, which is naked mind control.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

Tea washing (photo by Yang Wei)

Tea is a "sobering agent" in the world

"You can go crazy, but you can't accept fate. ”

The desperate Moss Flower was introduced by her best friend and joined the MLM organization. In fact, she is very aware of her situation, but under the illusion of money temptation and independent self-confidence, she gradually lost and fell, completely "blackened", and even beat up Mu Lian, who persuaded her to turn back.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

The moss flower who went crazy was vividly interpreted by Jiang Qinqin, who was blown up by his acting skills.

So, Mu Lian infiltrated the pyramid scheme, witnessed her mother's madness, and secretly collected evidence, staging a realistic version of "Mu Lian Saves Mother".

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

At the end of the film, Mulian carried the moss flower back to the tea mountain, wanting to wake her up with the tea mountain.

She saw the tiger of her inner desire, and also saw the eternal flow of mountains, rivers and plants, returned to consciousness, and found the original simplicity and kindness.

It's her victory, and it's the tea's victory.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

"When you drink and fall asleep, the love is refreshing. Drink my mind again, and suddenly sprinkle light dust like rain. Three drinks will be the way, why bother to break the troubles. (Tang Jiaoran, "Drinking Tea and Singing Cui Shi Envoy")

Tea is a "sobering agent" in the world.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

MLM in the tea industry is all around us

Regardless of praise or disapproval, "The World of Grass and Trees" is the first anti-pyramid scheme film in China, which undoubtedly gives everyone a very vivid educational lesson.

Don't think that pyramid schemes are very far away from us, pyramid schemes are pervasive, and they may be all around you! In the tea industry, pyramid schemes such as "financial tea" and "health tea" are also emerging one after another.

At the end of last year, the tea price of a tea company in Fangcun, Guangzhou "flash crashed", resulting in a "thunderstorm", and more than 500 tea merchants lost their money, with a total amount of hundreds of millions of yuan.

According to the investigation, the scam is suspected to be a "drip rollerball bureau", that is, the "bookmaker" looks for or creates a certain type of scarce resources, packages the concept, introduces "tea saucers" to raise quotations, and creates the illusion of scarcity in the market. First put a limited amount into the market, superimpose it in stages, and finally sell and run away when it rises to a high level.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

There is also a certain brand of black tea in Hunan, which blindly boasts and exaggerates the value of black tea, known as "curing all diseases". Under the banner of health, consumers are constantly brainwashed, and the victims are "applauded" by relatives and friends, and many people join the pyramid marketing team for medical treatment, thinking that they can not only cure diseases but also make money, killing two birds with one stone.

After blowing the efficacy and money-making model, the criminals began to blow about the company's scale and industry prospects. In this way, step by step leads people into the pit.

In "The World of Grass and Trees", tea is a sobering agent

If you are deceived by pyramid schemes, you will lose money at least and ruin your family at worst, causing great harm to your family and society. The methods of pyramid marketing are ever-changing, so stay sober and be vigilant.

Reject MLM, start with me!

Cracking down on pyramid schemes is everyone's responsibility!

Source: Tea Ceremony CN