
Zhou Hongyi suggested that entrepreneurs should be Internet celebrities: Liu Qiangdong, Xia Yiping, and Wei Jianjun, who listened to persuasion, started to try

author:Ding Daoshi


  Zhou Hongyi said that entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs should learn to be Internet celebrities, and in order to promote this discourse, Zhou Hongyi gave speeches on many public occasions.

  Indeed, with the rapid development of new media, traditional marketing methods can no longer meet the needs of enterprises. Entrepreneurs have become Internet celebrities to adapt to the development trend of this era and promote their products and services through new media platforms.

  Judging from the dynamic changes in the industry in the past two days, many entrepreneurs have indeed listened to the persuasion and have carried out the road of "shaping entrepreneur Internet celebrities" in various forms.

Zhou Hongyi suggested that entrepreneurs should be Internet celebrities: Liu Qiangdong, Xia Yiping, and Wei Jianjun, who listened to persuasion, started to try

  On the afternoon of April 15, 2024 alone, I saw three entrepreneurs who made active initiatives.


  First of all, Xia Yiping, CEO of Jiyue, invited several media friends into the car, incarnated as a driver, and created a people-friendly image. And set up a live broadcast machine, the whole process of road testing is more than the assisted driving of the car. Since he is an entrepreneur Internet celebrity, of course, he must learn to rub traffic, as expected, in the live broadcast, Xia Yiping also talked about the recent hit Xiaomi SU7, by comparing the similarities and differences between the two sides, attracting a large number of audience interactions.

  Robin Li, the guest of the bigger name in the follow-up, made a surprise appearance and also got in the car to call Jiyue. Robin Li is a real entrepreneur Internet celebrity who has won the essence of "setting issues". In the live broadcast, Robin Li occasionally simulated a novice in the automobile circle and asked "What is the automation of gear shifting?" Are you used to this kind of U-shaped steering wheel?" A series of seemingly basic questions, some professionals in the car circle insinuated that Robin Li didn't understand cars, but they didn't think that this was a very advanced live broadcast strategy, but as you can see, Robin Li's live broadcast interaction caused the audience to forward and scream.

  Robin Li also discussed another hot topic in the live broadcast - Tesla's autonomous driving, and the two sang in harmony, implying that Tesla could not cope with China's complex road environment like Jiyue.

  At the end of the show, Xia Yiping's expression was wonderful, as if he was saying "Director Li is better at live broadcasts for the audience". Indeed, it is rare to see a "co-pilot giving a lesson to the main driver". Xia Yiping still has a long way to go on the road to becoming an entrepreneur Internet celebrity.


  On the same day as Xia Yiping's live broadcast, Wei Jianjun, a bigwig in the car circle, also made his personal live broadcast debut.

  Wei Jianjun is the chairman of Great Wall Motors, and he has recently appeared in various public places with high intensity, and it seems that he is determined to create an entrepreneur Internet celebrity character.

  Wei Jianjun also personally acted as a driver in the live broadcast, sitting in the position of the main driver to show his closeness to the people. In contrast, another rim boss recently sat in the back row for live broadcast, and he couldn't let go of his body, and the effect of getting out of the circle was a little worse.

  In the live broadcast, Wei Jianjun drove his own Wei brand Blue Mountain and tested the latest full-scene NOA function without high-precision maps.

  It is worth mentioning that the address chosen by Wei Jianjun for this test is Baoding City. I have been to Baoding City many times, the traffic road conditions are very complicated, and I can often see cars, motorcycles, and pedestrians shuttling at the same time in the motorway...... If intelligent driving can handle Baoding, the whole country will basically be worry-free. The test results were also very good, and there were no major problems in the whole process, which gave me a new understanding of the Great Wall company. Some netizens said: "The Great Wall's intelligent driving performance is still better than I imagined, and it is in the first echelon in China." ”

  OMG, before that, only Wenjie and Xiaopeng dared to call it the first echelon.

  This is the value of entrepreneurs in shaping the personality of Internet celebrities: influencing public perception!


  In fact, on April 15, 2024, the entrepreneur Internet celebrity who really sparked the discussion of the industry out of the circle was not Xia Yiping and Wei Jianjun, but Liu Qiangdong, the founder of

  Until the evening of April 15, more than one friend outside the circle came to me and asked me what I thought of Liu Qiangdong's live broadcast.

  The Liu Qiangdong mentioned here is not the real Liu Qiangdong, but the digital person Liu Qiangdong.

  On the same day, Jingdong officially announced that the "Procurement and Marketing Dongge" digital person with Liu Qiangdong as the image will open the "live broadcast debut" on the afternoon of April 16, and at the same time appear in the live broadcast room of Jingdong Home Appliances and Jingdong Supermarket.

  Judging from Jingdong's promotional warm-up video, the "digital person Liu Qiangdong" in the video has almost reached the point of being fake compared with real people. Liu Qiangdong's dialect accent is also perfectly preserved, and a friend of mine said that "this digital person is the same as a real person, and a little nervous".

  Earlier, officially announced that it would invest one billion in cash and one billion in traffic as rewards to attract more original creators and high-quality content institutions to settle in. At that time, some netizens called for looking forward to seeing Dongge's live broadcast, but in the end, they didn't expect that it was a digital person who was waiting.

  Although Liu Qiangdong participated in the live broadcast in the form of a digital human this time, I don't think he will personally focus on bringing goods. After all, as the founder and chairman of the board of directors of, his time and energy should be more focused on the company's strategic planning and operational management. And this digital human live broadcast is more to build momentum for's live broadcast business.

  When it comes to's live broadcast business, we have to mention the creation of its content ecology.'s double 1 billion investment this time is not only used to attract more original creators and high-quality content institutions to settle in, but more importantly, to create a rich and diverse content ecology. In this process, it is not recommended that JD spend too much energy to introduce popular anchors such as Luo Yonghao and Dong Yuhui, but to incubate and cultivate its own anchor team, which is more important.


  According to these cases, as well as Zhou Hongyi's previous discussions, we can summarize several characteristics or skills of entrepreneurs to be Internet celebrities.

  Actively use new media platforms: These entrepreneurs have chosen to present themselves and interact with the public through new media platforms such as live streaming. This form of communication is more direct and impactful.

  Create a people-friendly image: In live broadcasts, these entrepreneurs often choose to appear as a people-friendly image, such as driving a car or becoming a driver, so as to shorten the distance with the audience.

  Good at setting up topics and driving traffic: They know how to set up compelling topics and how to use current trending topics to engage audiences. For example, Robin Li discussed Tesla's self-driving in the live broadcast, as well as comparing popular products such as the Xiaomi SU7.

  Influencing public perception: Through live streaming and other forms of interaction, entrepreneurs can not only showcase their products and ideas, but also directly influence public perception, thereby shaping brand image.

  The final effect is what Zhou Hongyi said, "Lei Jun has saved at least 1 billion advertising costs", and entrepreneurs can bring more exposure to their brands and products by becoming Internet celebrities. In the live stream, they can directly show the features and benefits of the product to the audience, thereby increasing the brand's awareness and reputation.

  And all this, compared to traditional PR and advertising, is simply not too cost-effective.

  Written at the end: However, it is not a simple thing for an entrepreneur to be an influencer. For example, when Xia Yiping and Robin Li were in the same frame, the elegant Robin Li talked and laughed freely, while Xia Yiping bumped and couldn't let go.

  If you really want to be a good entrepreneur Internet celebrity, you have to work hard.

  It is suggested that Zhou Hongyi set up an Internet celebrity training course for entrepreneurs, charging only 99,000 yuan per session to make friends.

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