
Liu Qiangdong responded to's strict attention to attendance: it is impossible to continue to let a large number of employees lie down and sleep

Liu Qiangdong responded to's strict attention to attendance: it is impossible to continue to let a large number of employees lie down and sleep

IT House

2024-05-26 15:06Posted on the official account of Shandong IT Home

IT Home reported on May 26 that Jiemian News released Liu Qiangdong's online speech on May 24 today. After Liu Qiangdong announced a 20%-100% salary increase for all procurement and sales, he made a "wolf lecture": "Whether it is the industry we are in, or the internal and external environment, we will never be able to continue to let a large number of employees lie down and sleep." ”

"(Some people) every day I have to turn off the lights at noon for two hours to sleep, the company can perform well, and the salary can continue to rise, and we can realize our dreams, and we can let each of our brothers really do something awesome in their lives, which is impossible."

Liu Qiangdong responded to's strict attention to attendance: it is impossible to continue to let a large number of employees lie down and sleep

"If you have a good performance, you can never have to work overtime, the company will always love you, and will always give you a very good income package. If your performance is not so good and only reaches the average, as long as you work hard, the company will never fire you. But people who have poor performance and never work hard will never be tolerated by this company, and one (company) will not tolerate it, and will gradually be eliminated through various means. ”

Liu Qiangdong once again talked about the definition of "brother". "I also know that everyone's life choices are different. We also have employees who enjoy life more, life first, career/work second, and don't want to fight, I can understand. There's nothing wrong with that, but all I can say is that you are not our brother, you are a passerby. What is a passerby? You are neither my friend, nor my brother, nor my enemy. We should not work together, because your presence will seriously damage the interests of our brothers who are fighting hard, and it will be seriously unfair to them. ”

Liu Qiangdong responded to's strict attention to attendance: it is impossible to continue to let a large number of employees lie down and sleep

According to a previous report by IT House, Liu Qiangdong bluntly said at the executive meeting on the 24th: "Anyone who has poor long-term performance and never works hard is not my brother." According to other sources, Jingdong has employees who clock in for nearly 100 days a year and leave work at four o'clock every day, but they can receive full salaries, and according to statistics, the number of internal check-ins per month is as high as 14,000.

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  • Liu Qiangdong responded to's strict attention to attendance: it is impossible to continue to let a large number of employees lie down and sleep
  • Liu Qiangdong responded to's strict attention to attendance: it is impossible to continue to let a large number of employees lie down and sleep

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