
At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

author:Nansai Lonely Wind

On the big chessboard of international politics.

Every diplomatic move is like a carefully laid out move by chess players.

On the evening of the 11th, the telephone exchange between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was like two old friends talking on the phone in the middle of the night.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

It's just that the content of this conversation is related to the changes in the Middle East.

It is hoped that China will play the role of a "peacemaker" in the tense situation in the Middle East.

Persuade Iran to calm down and not let the situation deteriorate further.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

However, Foreign Minister Wang Yi replied.

Make it clear to both sides: in this "game" of international disputes, the rules must be followed.

China strongly condemns

These words are like a powerful "general".

It not only demonstrates China's solemn position, but also firmly upholds international law and basic norms governing international relations.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

This phone call.

Although there was no applause from the audience, it reverberated in both countries and even around the world.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi's words are like a spring breeze trying to blow away the clouds of war in the Middle East.

The "Resistance Alliance" team

The Middle East, this land, always seems to be difficult to shake off the shadow of war.

Recently, with the resurgence of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

The situation in the Middle East is like a drama with no end.

Iran, like a team that can't wait to play, has thrown itself into this melee.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

Hamas, Allah in Lebanon, Shiite forces in Syria, Houthis in Yemen.

These names sound like "Resistance Alliance" teams that have challenged Israel in their own way.

And in this chaotic "game".

The dark war between Israel and Iran is more like a silent contest.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

Fight in the dark, make deadly moves, but keep quiet.

The main purpose of these local forces is to force Israel to cease its military operations in Gaza through a series of attacks.

Behind this, however, are the suffering and tears of countless innocent civilians.

Homes have been destroyed and lives are threatened.

These tragic scenes are far more real and brutal than any war movie.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

We can't help but ask, when will this endless war end?

When will the dawn of peace shine into this war-torn land?

In a fierce battle, who is better?

On the complex chessboard of the Middle East.

Iran and the local armed forces it supports are like a group of "guerrillas".

They may not be as powerful as the regular army in the traditional sense.

The incessant assault on Israel is like a never-ending "war of harassment".

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

The Israeli army, although well-equipped and well-trained.

But in the face of this multi-point flowering and embattled situation, it is inevitable to feel a lot of pressure.

The tactics of these local armed groups are like a well-planned "fatigue war".

Their purpose is clear: to make Israel feel powerless through a constant war of attrition.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

However, Israel also has to think twice about retaliation.

After all, these local armed groups do not represent the position of the country in which they are located.

If Israel strikes, it is likely to hurt innocent people and trigger even greater international controversy.

In this complicated chess game in the Middle East, Israel is like a battle-hardened chess player.

But when facing an opponent like Iran, it is inevitable that the chess game will be difficult.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

The scales of victory do not always favor it.

Withdraw from Gaza and achieve a long-term ceasefire.

This is not only respect for the Palestinian people, but also an investment in Israel's own future.

If Israel can lay down its arms and sit down at the negotiating table with the Palestinians.

Then this conflict, which has lasted for decades, may see a glimmer of hope.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

This would not only alleviate Israel's internal and external pressures as a result of the ongoing conflict, but also save civilians in Gaza from the devastation of the fighting.

Dude, it's time for a different way of thinking

In this international arena, the "heavyweight" of the United States naturally bears no small responsibility.

As the world's policeman,

However, Foreign Minister Wang Yi's words.

It's like handing the United States a refreshing drink,

Foreign Minister Wang Yi's remarks are like telling the United States:

"Dude, it's time for a different way of thinking. ”

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

There is a humorous and serious meaning in his words, as if to say:

"We know you are capable, but sometimes, the real power is not in waving your fists, but in reaching out an olive branch of peace. ”

The United States, if it really wants to cool the flames in the Middle East.

Then it is time to exert its influence and push the parties to sit down and solve the problem through dialogue and negotiation.

Such an America.

It can not only win the respect of the world, but also leave a strong mark in history.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

Of course, such a transition is not easy.

It requires the United States to abandon some outdated strategic thinking and re-examine its role in the international community.

Lay down your arms and get out of the trenches

The Middle East, a land that has gone through vicissitudes, has witnessed too many baptisms of blood and fire.

Today, the common people are more eager for peace.

It is hoped that all parties in the Middle East will be able to lay down their weapons and walk out of the trenches one early in the morning.

At the critical moment, Blinken asked for help late at night, and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the final decision

Aren't these beautiful pictures exactly what we are looking forward to?

What we look forward to is not only peace in the Middle East, but peace throughout the world.

In this era of globalization, no country is immune to this, and we need to work together to preserve this fragile but precious peace.

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