
In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

author:New glamorous campus
In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

Teaching and research flowers are blooming, full of fragrance. In order to further deepen the reform of classroom teaching and improve the effectiveness of teaching, on the afternoon of April 11, 2024, all mathematics teachers of grades 2 and 3 in Xuanwu District gathered in the recording classroom on the second floor of Lixian Primary School to participate in the theme teaching and research activity of "Exploration and Research on the Evaluation Model of Mutually Beneficial Classrooms". The event was presided over by Wang Huayan, a teacher from Lixian Primary School. The activity is mainly divided into three sections: classroom presentation, theme sharing, and expert comments.

In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

Classroom presentations

In the classroom demonstration session, teachers Gao Lan, Zhou Juan and Wang Yang from the mathematics team of Lixian Primary School carried out classroom research on the learning method of "instant evaluation of gains". In different teaching situations, all three teachers were able to facilitate teaching activities with the help of "instant evaluation".

First of all, Ms. Gao Lan brought the classroom demonstration of the second-grade "Understanding Decimeters". At the beginning of the class, Ms. Gao led the students to share the results of self-study and self-care, so that students could understand, create and ask questions about new knowledge. In the four interesting sessions of "Draw a Picture", "Compare", "Cut and Cut" and "Find a Find", students unlock new knowledge with tasks and pay attention to real-time evaluation in group learning.

In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

In the second class, Ms. Zhou Juan taught "Understanding Corner". The flexible cooperative learning in the classroom attracted the teachers who observed the class. In the process of creating corners, students used a variety of learning tools to create their own hands-on creations, and expressed their deep understanding of angles with rich language. In the activities of distinguishing corners, drawing corners, fingering corners, and making corners, students unconsciously became familiar friends with horns, igniting their thinking and stimulating their interest.

In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

Finally, Mr. Wang Yang and the third-grade children worked together on "Knowing the Fraction of a Whole", and Mr. Wang guided the students to transfer to the new knowledge while connecting with the old knowledge. The class is mainly composed of two parts: I can identify and I can choose. Students express their opinions generously, calmly, and confidently in class. Teachers' comments, student-student mutual evaluations, and intra-group mutual evaluations promote students' multi-dimensional development, and their enthusiasm for learning is also ignited.

In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

The content of the three lessons is different, but each has its own highlights, and the three teachers closely follow the "instant evaluation obtained" to lead the students to wander in the ocean of thinking. Although the focus of each lesson evaluation is different, they all make cooperation effective through group evaluation, so that thinking can be advanced, and learning can really happen. This kind of evaluation is not achieved overnight, but is immersed in each lesson and tends to be perfected.

Thematic sharing

In the special sharing session of this activity, Zhu Ling, a teacher from Nanjing Lixian Primary School, combined with three lesson examples, expounded the "Exploration and Practice of Mutual Benefit Classroom Evaluation Model". Mr. Zhu interpreted the connotation and concept of "Xianglong Classroom", which can be externalized as "real problem situations, flexible cooperative learning, personalized questioning, confident loud expression, and instant evaluation". Mr. Zhu focused on the "instant evaluation obtained". To guide students to actively participate in evaluation and help students learn to evaluate each other and self-evaluation, Lixian Primary School is carrying out classroom reform practice with the idea of "student-oriented".

In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

Expert commentary

At the end of the event, Zhang Qihua, a teacher and researcher of Xuanwu District Teacher Development Center, praised and affirmed the research direction of classroom reform in Lixian Primary School and the wonderful display of teachers and children. In the process of trial teaching, the team paid attention to the teaching points of the students' "stuck" and set up classroom links to let the second learning happen. Under the consistent teaching concept of "teaching evaluation", we pay attention to "group evaluation", put "evaluation in advance", "learn" first, then "evaluate" and finally "teach", and integrate regional research results into the learning classroom. At the end of the event, Mr. Zhang Qihua put forward expectations for all the teachers present: "Learning has been happening, change is never too late, start today!"

In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

"Teaching" should be realistic, and "research" should be in-depth. In the organization and development of this activity, the mathematics team of Lixian Primary School has a deeper understanding of the classroom teaching of "consistency of teaching evaluation" under the guidance of literacy. Although this special training activity is over, the thinking and practice on the consistency of "teaching evaluation" will not stop. This activity lit up the direction of the future training of the Lixian mathematics team, pointed out the way of training, inspired the ideas of training, and realized the mutual benefit of teaching.

In-depth research on the "teaching-learning-evaluation consistency" of the Xuanwu New Three Schools of "Jinling Good Classroom".

Written by: Zhou Aiyi

Review: Chen Yang

Release: Anlan Wang

Editorial Board: Zhou Jie, Yuan Jinghan, Li Qian, She Chun, Sandy

Editor-in-chief: Zhou Jie

Video production: "Famous Schools" column group


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