
Up 2024|5.3%!

author:Overseas network

Source: Xinhua News Agency


Up 2024|5.3%!

From the bustling ice and snow to the blossoms of spring, China's economy is vibrant in the first quarter of 2024.

In the first quarter, the GDP was 296299 billion yuan

At constant prices, up 5.3% year-on-year

■Ice and snow to spring flowers activate new vitality of consumption

Up 2024|5.3%!

In the first quarter, the added value of the tertiary industry was 174915 billion yuan, an increase of 5.0 percent.

Up 2024|5.3%!

During the Spring Festival holiday alone, there were 474 million domestic tourism trips nationwide, a year-on-year increase of 34.3%.

■Foreign trade has started well and released warmth

Up 2024|5.3%!

In the first quarter, the scale of imports and exports exceeded 10 trillion yuan for the first time in history

Up 2024|5.3%!

China's new energy vehicles are accelerating their "going to sea" and opening a new model of "self-transport of national vehicles".

■Towards the "new" and cultivating new kinetic energy

Up 2024|5.3%!

In the first quarter, the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 7.5 percent.

Up 2024|5.3%!

The pace of China's economic transformation and upgrading has not stopped, and high-quality development has continued to achieve new results.

Choreographer: Calvin Choi

Reporters: Jia Yuankun, Di Chun, Zhao Xiaoyu, Fan Changguo, Li Sijia, Gao Ming, Wu Siyang, Xu Siyuan, Duan Xu, Si Xiaoshuai, Jiang Mingming, Ji Yang, Wei Meng, Luo Zhuo Gyatso, Huang Zhiqi, Wu Sisi, Sun Shaoxiong, Pan Zhiwei, Wang Zichen

Produced by Xinhua News Agency's Audio and Video Department