
Many lung cancers are found to be at an advanced stage, and Academician Zhong Nanshan reminded that this should be done as soon as possible

author:Fun facts to talk about

Lung cancer is a major threat to human health. According to statistics, the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in mainland China have been high, and the detection of advanced lung cancer has become a worrying phenomenon. Recently, there have been frequent reports in the media about lung cancer patients who ended tragically because they were found to be at an advanced stage, which has attracted widespread attention from the society.


In the face of this phenomenon, Academician Zhong Nanshan, a well-known respiratory disease expert in mainland China, said in an interview with the media that early detection and treatment of lung cancer is crucial. However, late detection has become a common occurrence, causing great distress and burden to patients and families. He called on everyone to be vigilant and not take it lightly, and the key is to do preventive work as soon as possible.

Many lung cancers are found to be at an advanced stage, and Academician Zhong Nanshan reminded that this should be done as soon as possible

The detection of advanced lung cancer is mainly due to the fact that many patients ignore the early symptoms or do not seek medical attention in time. Academician Zhong Nanshan further explained that the symptoms of early lung cancer are relatively insidious, such as cough, sputum production, fatigue, etc., and do not attract too much attention from patients. Once obvious symptoms appear, it is often an advanced stage of lung cancer, and the chance of cure is greatly reduced.

Many lung cancers are found to be at an advanced stage, and Academician Zhong Nanshan reminded that this should be done as soon as possible

So, how can we do a good job in lung cancer prevention? First of all, quitting smoking is the key. Smoking is recognized as a major risk factor for lung cancer, and quitting smoking is not only effective in reducing the risk of lung cancer, but also helps improve overall health. Second, pay attention to indoor air quality and avoid long-term exposure to secondhand smoke and air pollutants. In addition, active exercise and maintaining a good diet are also important means to prevent lung cancer.

Many lung cancers are found to be at an advanced stage, and Academician Zhong Nanshan reminded that this should be done as soon as possible

For high-risk groups, such as long-term smokers and family history of lung cancer, regular physical examinations, especially CT scans, should be performed. Academician Zhong Nanshan suggested that people over the age of 40 can undergo low-dose CT screening once a year in order to detect lesions early. At the same time, he also stressed the responsibility of the society and hoped that the government would strengthen the publicity and promotion of lung cancer prevention and control to raise the health awareness of the public.

Many lung cancers are found to be at an advanced stage, and Academician Zhong Nanshan reminded that this should be done as soon as possible

The detection of advanced lung cancer has become a worrying problem, and we cannot sit idly by. Physical health is our most valuable asset, let us start to take action today, pay attention to our own health, and pay attention to the prevention and treatment of lung cancer. Only early detection and early intervention can improve the cure rate and create a better future for yourself and your family.

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