
After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

author:Dr. Dong explained
After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

[Article source: from readers' contributions]

Uncle Zhou is a communications engineer and is 57 years old.

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

He has always boasted of being in good health, but recently he has found that he is easily tired and his memory is not as good as before. When I look in the mirror, the wrinkles and gray hair are even more obvious.

On this day, Uncle Zhou decided to go to the hospital to "check the oil". After the physical examination report came out, he fell into an ice cellar: bone density decreased, muscle mass decreased, and blood vessel elasticity decreased...... Almost every indicator reminds him: old, really old!

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

Uncle Zhou was unwilling and found his old friend Dr. Li for advice. "Lao Li, why is it that he is only 57 years old, and his body is 'precipitously aging'? I can exercise every day!"

Dr. Li sighed: "Old Zhou, aging is a natural law. But after the age of 57, the decline in physical function does accelerate. Exercise alone is not enough. "

"That'...... What else do we need to pay attention to?" asked Uncle Zhou.

"I've summarized four points that you have to keep in mind. Dr. Lee said:

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

"First, eat a balanced diet. If you are full, there is no nutrition, and it is useless. Proteins, vitamins, minerals, everything, especially high-quality protein, it is the 'number one warrior' against aging. "

"Second, get enough sleep. Drink less water before going to bed, keep the room quiet and dark, and avoid playing with your phone. A nap is also beneficial, but don't exceed 30 minutes. "

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

"Third, exercise should be scientific. Practicing too violently is counterproductive; If the intensity is not enough, it is difficult to see results. Don't just focus on aerobics, it's also important to build muscle strength, you can lift dumbbells and stretch elastic bands. "

"Fourth, be optimistic. Mentality determines the state, and the mentality plays an important role in aging fast and slowly. Chat with family and friends, and develop hobbies to make your life fulfilling and meaningful.

Be optimistic, want to open up, don't worry about the past, and live in the present is the most important thing. "

Uncle Zhou suddenly realized and nodded again and again: "Thank you Lao Li, I must follow the doctor's instructions and work hard from the four aspects of diet, sleep, exercise, and mentality, and fight aging to the end!"

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

Uncle Zhou's troubles reflect the common troubles of hundreds of millions of "silver-haired people".

After "people are over 50", the body function is like "falling off the cliff", bones, muscles, skin, immunity, cognitive ability, etc. are comprehensively reduced, and the aging process is significantly accelerated.

In fact, there is no silver bullet for anti-aging, and exercise is indispensable, but it is by no means the whole story. If you want to "age gracefully", you need to focus on eating, sleeping, and mentality to comprehensively improve the quality of life.

1. The diet should not be too much. With age, the metabolic rate of the human body gradually declines, and excessive eating not only leads to obesity, but also increases the burden on the cardiovascular, liver and kidney.

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

It is recommended to formulate a personalized diet plan according to height, weight, and activity level, and the intake should be seven or eight points full.

2. Sleep quality must be passed. Sleep is especially important for the elderly, as it not only restores physical strength, but also strengthens memories and detoxifies the skin.

Experts suggest that the elderly should cultivate a regular work and rest, nap no more than 30 minutes, dinner should not be too late and too full, avoid strenuous exercise 2 hours before bedtime, and create a quiet and dark sleep environment.

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

3. Exercise needs to vary from person to person. Exercise for the elderly, avoid "more is better" and "one size fits all".

Generally speaking, gentle exercises such as yoga and tai chi are also suitable for not only improving flexibility but also cultivating the body and mind. However, if you suffer from arthritis, heart disease and other diseases, you should seek the advice of your doctor before exercising, and do not try blindly.

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

4. Don't forget to be young. Psychological aging often precedes physical aging, and negative emotions such as depression, loneliness, and low self-esteem will accelerate the aging process.

The elderly should learn to relax, pay more attention to the present, and think less about the old thoughts and hatreds. Participate in more social activities, cultivate more hobbies and specialties, and live a colorful life in your later years.

Write at the end

Anti-aging is not a battle against increasing wrinkles, but a mental journey in a race against time.

Only by starting from multiple dimensions such as diet, sleep, exercise, and psychology can we live up to our time and age calmly.

After the age of 57, the sudden "cliff-like" aging? Exercise is of little use! The key lies in these four points

What do you have to say about this? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section!


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