
"Help! The girl's screams echoed through the crowd, causing a commotion


The stick strike could not stop the rabid dog from biting the girl who suffered a severe bone injury

The fool moves the mountain, and it will eventually be leveled. However, when that horrific scene happened, any effort seemed futile.

April 14 (release), Hengyang, Hunan. A fierce dog went berserk in the street and bit the girl's leg. "The stick is broken and the bones are bitten through It is a sunny afternoon, and the Hengyang Liberation Road is bustling, with pedestrians coming and going. Suddenly, a deafening barking of dogs resounded through the streets, shattering the silence. I saw a big black dog pounce on a passing girl, and the sharp teeth like iron pincers were stuck in her calves!


"Help! The girl's screams echoed through the crowd, causing a commotion

A horrific scene unfolded before the eyes of passers-by: the rabid dog had fallen into a complete manic state, and the bloody flesh in its mouth splattered all around as it swung.

Mr. Li, an eyewitness, immediately picked up a roadside stick and slammed it at the dog. But when the stick hit the rabid dog, it didn't move, it still clenched tightly, and it didn't even blink its eyes.

"Damn, this dog is so fierce! Mr. Li was taken aback, and other passers-by also approached to help.

"Help! The girl's screams echoed through the crowd, causing a commotion

A middle-aged man with glasses picked up another, thicker stick and slammed it several times at the rabid dog's head. But just when everyone thought that the dog would finally let go, a startling scene happened - it still bit the girl's calf tightly, as if it was completely immune to pain!

What's even more terrifying is that under the gaze of everyone, the terrible picture is gradually revealed-the girl's calf has been gnawed by a rabid dog with a deep wound that can be seen to the bone! Blood gushes out and splashes all over the ground.

"Oh my God, it's all bitten through the bones!" There was a wail at the scene. The girl was in great pain and had begun to lose consciousness. Someone in the crowd soon called 120 and 110 for professional help.

"Help! The girl's screams echoed through the crowd, causing a commotion

... Half an hour later, an ambulance and two police cars finally arrived at the scene. Five or six paramedics and police officers finally managed to pull the rabid dog away after giving him a few injections of anesthetic. But at that time, the rabid dog's mouth was splashed with blood, and the girl's legs were even more unrecognizable.

The girl was rushed to the hospital after resuscitation, and although she is now out of life-threatening condition, her injuries are still very serious. According to witnesses at the scene, the rabid dog may be a stray dog, which was biting frantically because it could not be effectively prevented. Citizens strongly called for attention to this issue and the implementation of stray dog control.

"I really hope that this tragedy will not happen again. Mr. Li sighed, "I was really helpless at that time, and the stick couldn't open the dog's terrible mouth." This girl is so miserable that the bones in her legs have been gnawed through! What a trauma it must have been. "

"Help! The girl's screams echoed through the crowd, causing a commotion

The ferocity of a rabid dog made almost all the witnesses at the scene frightened and helpless. However, the root cause of all these tragedies can be traced back to the fact that human control and care for these stray animals are still insufficient.

We should take this as a warning and face up to this problem. At the same time, we also urge everyone to try to take a safe and feasible way to block the danger when encountering similar situations. Life should be treated with equal respect and care.

"Help! The girl's screams echoed through the crowd, causing a commotion

It is hoped that this tragedy can trigger deep thinking among the citizens of Hengyang. As an enthusiastic member of the public, if you have any management suggestions or comments, you are also welcome to speak up and share your thoughts with everyone. We all hope that this city will be more civilized and friendly!