
Prostitution, gambling, and bad doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies are entrusted with important tasks, and what is it like to rise instead of decreasing?

author:Big mouth short rambling

On December 2023, Tang Zhigang, chief physician of the pancreatic surgery department of the People's Hospital of Wuhan University, was reported by his ex-wife in his real name on the video of improper relationships between men and women in marriage, and received medical kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies. But such a person with a bad record was revealed to have been hired by the Sixth People's Hospital and took up the position of director.

Prostitution, gambling, and bad doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies are entrusted with important tasks, and what is it like to rise instead of decreasing?

Event recap

On December 8, 2023, Tang's ex-wife, Ms. Huang, posted 3 real-name reporting videos on Douyin, breaking the news that Tang Zhigang had been prostituting prostitutes and keeping lovers all year round, gambling all night, ignoring the patient's surgery the next day, causing a number of medical accidents, accepting medical kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, and receiving red envelopes from patients. aroused the attention of netizens.

Prostitution, gambling, and bad doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies are entrusted with important tasks, and what is it like to rise instead of decreasing?
Prostitution, gambling, and bad doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies are entrusted with important tasks, and what is it like to rise instead of decreasing?

On February 5, 2024, the People's Hospital of Wuhan University made a decision on Tang Zhigang.

Prostitution, gambling, and bad doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies are entrusted with important tasks, and what is it like to rise instead of decreasing?

On April 10, according to the article on the publicity account of Wuhan Sixth Hospital, Tang has been in the job for more than half a month.

On April 14, according to the Xiaoxiang Morning News, Tang was introduced full-time by Wuhan Sixth Hospital.

Tang's personal resume

Judging from the personal resume, it is really bluffing, and I don't know how much gold content the experience of those two foreign countries is, which gives people a feeling of "not knowing how strong".

Prostitution, gambling, and bad doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies are entrusted with important tasks, and what is it like to rise instead of decreasing?

Meritocracy or deep resources

After watching the whole "In the Name of the People", I learned one word: political resources!

For a discussion of morality and talent, please read: "Is a Corrupt but Capable Leading Cadre a Good Cadre?"

The conclusion is: both ability and political integrity.

Here we consider another possibility: the question of political resources. We can see this from the context diagram. Tang did not experience a long "window period", but was very sought-after, and was taken under the command of the sixth resource just after being opened. There's a sense of impatience. We don't know what happened in these short 60 days, but what is certain is that Tang must have used all the available connections and a lot of blood to get this controversial person in a high position. That's something that many doctors can't do in a lifetime. The fact that such a cadre who violates the law and discipline can "meet the source left and right" is not a contempt for the country's law and discipline and a bad signal to other practitioners. It's scary to think about!

Prostitution, gambling, and bad doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies are entrusted with important tasks, and what is it like to rise instead of decreasing?

The reaction of the relevant departments after the exposure

Tang's article has been deleted by the hospital, the hospital has also stated that he is a contract worker, and the relevant discipline inspection commission has also intervened in the investigation.

It's really a standard operation, and I suspect that many enterprises and government departments have developed a set of emergency response plans and standard response techniques. Otherwise, how can it be so neat and uniform every time? It is really possible to do less and do more.


Do you dare to let such a doctor who violates the law and discipline and who has lost his morals and norms operate on you? Although a doctor is a skilled worker, you can't let him have any sense of responsibility and empathy, and the doctor may only bring him a high income and high status. What "doctor's benevolence" is nonsense.

Recommended reading in previous issues:

"Anti-corruption in the pharmaceutical field is expected to be completely solved"

"The Weakness of Human Nature: Why the Most Beautiful Retrograde During the Epidemic Became the Black-hearted Doctor Who Was Spurned Up"

"Donating 4900 ml of blood, but being rejected when you need blood, good people shouldn't be treated like this"

"Is a leading cadre with bad morals but outstanding ability a good cadre?"

#遭前妻举报的违纪医生被武汉第六医院引进?Multiple responses##汤志刚##武大教授汤志刚被实名举报##大瓜, Tang Zhigang, an expert from Wuhan University Professor People's Hospital, was reported by his wife's real name##武大人民医院汤志刚最新消息#