
Why is a cup of cat without a word of truth planted in the hands of elementary school students

Why is a cup of cat without a word of truth planted in the hands of elementary school students

Why is a cup of cat without a word of truth planted in the hands of elementary school students

Text | Thirteenth sister

"A cup of cat" made up "Qin Lang's winter vacation homework was lost in the toilet in Paris", this very boring thing can last for several months, and finally apologized and was banned, which really opened our eyes.

However, some people said, "Aren't the videos all made up jokes now, why can't we make them up"......

Make up a joke and say make up a joke, but your family's named name and school class can become news, involving real people and privacy, then it can't be fake, otherwise no one will believe the news, and no one will believe it if someone really "loses the elderly" or "loses the child" or something in the future, and the social atmosphere will not collapse.

No matter how big this matter is, I feel sorry for the relevant departments, they have obtained the entry and exit records of all primary school students named Qin Lang across the country, which has alarmed the police in several places, and even the "Uncle Qin Lang" who joined in the fun has also been punished.

Why is a cup of cat without a word of truth planted in the hands of elementary school students

Some people say that the cat probably never dreamed that it would be okay to "swagger and cheat" for so many years, but it was planted in the hands of a seemingly inconspicuous primary school student.

Have you noticed that incidents like "primary school students lose their homework" are always easy to search?

So is it that "elementary school students" are easy to get angry, or "lost homework" is easy to get angry

In recent years, some primary school students deliberately threw their winter and summer vacation homework on the high-speed rail and were returned by "well-wishers";

Some primary school students who learned Lei Feng to do good deeds were rewarded with several stacks of homework and cried angrily;

There are also elementary school students whose homework is suddenly "eaten by dogs" at the end of the winter and summer vacations......

These are particularly able to get out of the circle, and they are also swiped by official media everywhere.

Even this "cat cup", in order to continue to rub the popularity of "primary school students" and "winter vacation homework", we must choke the taste lifeblood of netizens and come out of the circle trilogy:

The winter vacation homework that Chinese elementary school students threw into the toilet abroad was picked up by the Chinese.

The elementary school students' workbooks did not move a word.

I finished the whole homework for the elementary school students in one night.

Why is a cup of cat without a word of truth planted in the hands of elementary school students

It seems that a complete set of redemption has been completed for this primary school student, forming a complete closed loop of out-of-the-circle and traffic absorption.

It just so happens that netizens love to watch this kind of thing!

The problem came to my forehead again, making my CPU almost burn, and I still didn't understand who was offended by the elementary school students' homework and why it was so hot.

Later, I figured it out a little, and it was probably because the emotion of "fighting against homework" was more likely to get angry.

Netizens may have a rebellious villain in their hearts, who hate homework since he was a child, and he doesn't dare to escape his homework, so now he can't wait to see the vast number of primary school students fighting homework through various bizarre means, and if they can't escape, they will get another kind of "schadenfreude" happiness.

What kind of mentality does this belong to?

Let's put it this way, for former primary school students, "homework" symbolized authoritative constraints for a long period of time, and primary school students who did not write homework seemed to be rebelling against authority, an image of a "wild horse" that needed to be "tamed" urgently, and homework was like a rein. There are many elementary school students who obediently write homework, why don't you write?

As we all know, most of the winter vacation homework and summer vacation homework in the past were chicken ribs, and Chinese children have been working hard for a long time in the winter and summer vacation, and when they see a child throwing away their homework, they have a kind of pleasure of "my descendants punched the enemy for me".

Elementary school students do not do their homework, which brings a lot of vindictive emotional value to adult outsiders.

Doesn't this give some people who like to make up stories an opportunity to see the needle.

Mao Mou said "Qin Lang's winter vacation homework in the eighth class of a year fell into the toilet in Paris", and his nose said "I have contacted the child's mother", all of which are catering to the crowd of "looking for venting" and "looking for schadenfreude", and they are just jumping sideways repeatedly in this huge traffic pool.

Why is a cup of cat without a word of truth planted in the hands of elementary school students

is because the content related to "primary school students" and "homework" is very eye-catching, and this is already one of the reserved programs for the contemporary masses to eat melons after dinner to find a sense of substitution, so they can't make up nonsense, and this kind of joke that seems to have a name and a surname that seems to be "the truth" can't be made up, it's too easy to goof.

When we hear something, we must distinguish it from two dimensions: the first is that the event itself is basically in line with universal cognition, and the second is that the narrator of the event must have the ability to resist falsification.

This Qin Lang rumor, one of the two does not occupy it.

First of all, where did the first grade get any winter vacation homework, and secondly, even if someone said that there was no winter vacation homework in the first grade, this cat might not believe it.

After all, she can really buy two first-grade winter vacation homework books called "Winter Vacation Connection".

Why is a cup of cat without a word of truth planted in the hands of elementary school students

Who gave this set of assignments! Who assigned it to the students?

Do you really have a serious understanding of the double reduction policy, you don't, you actually expand this kind of trivial matter that increases the burden on primary school students to the international community.

Now is the era of "double reduction", from primary school to middle school, the burden of homework has been greatly reduced, the first and second grades of primary school are not allowed to assign written homework, and there are no exams, and the winter and summer vacations of first-grade students should not be dominated by such two thick winter vacation homework.

If there is really a situation where "Qin Lang" left his "winter vacation homework" in the toilet in Paris, then this matter

There are two possible consequences:

The first type: "Good guys, first-grade children have to bring winter vacation homework when they travel abroad, maybe the poor child deliberately left his homework in the toilet...... Oh, maybe some young couples will see that their children are not living happily, forget it, they won't give birth!"

All of a sudden, the fertility rate was pulled down by a large margin.

The second type: "Other people's children go out for a trip in the first grade and still work so hard with their homework, and they lie to us that they reduce the burden, but I have lost others but not them, that's not good, you have to roll up!"

The involution set off another round, and the results of the double reduction were in vain.

This kind of rumor-mongering and causing trouble destroys things on the foundation, and uncles can tolerate it.

So this cat cup is mostly self-made and self-righteous, thinking that every joke is made up anyway, so what about making up one more?

Miss by a mile.

Because she touched a field she didn't understand, and she lacked even the actual experience of "hearsay" in this field, she just looked at what could be popular on the Internet, and she rubbed it.

Anyone who has children, or understands the current educational environment, will know that the parents of "Qin Lang" never want such things as "winter vacation homework" to be exposed, because this is related to children, schools, teachers, and even bad influence will implicate education policies.

If Qin Lang really exists, as soon as school starts, there may be a lot of trouble waiting for fucking.

People with children don't have any hope of getting themselves in trouble.

A single young woman, if you want to spread rumors, you should create areas that you are good at, such as eating big meals, engaging in luxury goods, having sexual encounters, showing off your superiority, or making up anecdotes that only single people are lucky enough to meet......

But don't touch elementary school students, and never spread rumors about students.

Spreading rumors about students is related to study, homework, exams, campuses, and other elements, and there will inevitably be things in these elements that you can't touch or control with your pattern and cognition. Even if it is true, it will have a bad impact on children, and there are not so many real stories that you can "encounter" by chance, then you can only make up nonsense, you can only spread rumors, and these rumors are likely to involve the whole body, people without children must not play clever and ridicule other people's children.

This goes beyond the moral dimension and is largely a matter of cognition.

Therefore, those bloggers who like to make up nonsense or copy without a lower limit should pay attention, and next time if you have to use minors as materials, you must have a child yourself.

Thirteenth sister

Modu high-impact KOL

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