
15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

author:Morning Light Private Kitchen

In Europe, the way bread is made in every country is different, from baguettes to praise, it can be described as a variety of varieties and flavors, not only salty and sweet tastes, but also strange shapes. So many flavors and shapes make bread lovers flock to try to make their own European bread at home.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

But for friends who do not have a bread machine or a kneading machine at home, kneading dough is a very painful thing, not to mention whether you can knead out the "legendary" glove film, but in this hot summer, kneading out a body full of juice, waist pain, is a deterrent thing.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

In view of this, Chenguang has introduced a bread that does not need to be kneaded at all, but some friends have responded that the skin of this bread is too hard, and they do not like it very much, preferring bread with a softer taste. Today Morning Light brings you one of the most common family breads in Europe that does not require kneading out glove film, does not need to take time to ferment twice, and only needs 15 minutes to knead the batter into a ball.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > ingredient list</h1>

High gluten flour × 630 g

Salt × 18 g

White Sugar × 30

Dry yeast × 15 g

× 450 ml of water

Corn oil × 50 ml

Blackcurrant × 100 g

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > key ingredient descriptions</h1>

High gluten flour: You can also use ordinary flour or bread flour, or replace 30% of high gluten flour with low gluten flour, which will have a different taste.

Table salt: Each brand of edible salt salt is different, some salt is very light, some salt is very salty, you need to master the amount of use, but you must make the bread taste, so that the bread is like "European family" bread.

White sugar: do not use cotton white sugar, its water content and taste are different from sugar, it is best to use fine granulated sugar, granular sugar is too coarse is not easy to knead into the dough.

Dry yeast: It is best to use highly active dry yeast, and it is possible to use ordinary dry yeast without using it.

Corn oil: In terms of oil, Chenguang prefers corn oil without taste, and you can also choose other unscented or light-tasting cooking oils.

Blackcurrant: That is, black raisins, you can also choose other dried fruits or nothing, there are sweet dried fruit bread, more easy for children to accept.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > cooking steps</h1>

- step 01 –

First, we pour high gluten flour, salt, sugar, dried yeast, corn oil, and water into the basin and use chopsticks to stir the flour into a lumpy dough.

PS: Although there is no need to be afraid that salt will affect the activity of yeast, but still pay attention to some small details, when pouring salt and yeast, you can pour both into the two sides of the basin, reducing the chance of direct contact between the two; due to the different water absorption of each flour, when pouring water, you can leave some, suitable for the dry and wet situation of the dough and then add the remaining water.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

- step 02 –

Pour the stirred dough from the basin onto the board, knead the dough with the help of a scraper until there is no dry powder, and the dough has a strong elasticity; then knead the blackcurrant into the dough.

PS: when the dough starts kneading, it is very sticky and sticky to the board, you can use the scraper to help you better manipulate the dough, and there is no need to knead the dough to the surface of the smooth non-stick hand, kneading to a better operation on it. If you are using a dough maker, knead for about 15 minutes.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

- step 03 –

Spread a piece of baking oil paper in the baking dish, stick some dry flour on your hands, place the kneaded dough in the baking sheet, and for a slightly whole type; sprinkle the right amount of flour on the whole type of dough, cover it with a tablecloth, and leave the dough in a warm environment to ferment for about 40 minutes.

PS: The kneaded dough is still very sticky, so it is necessary to smear dry flour on the hand, so that it is easier to operate the dough, if it is too soft to pick up, you can use a small scraper again; the reason for using cloth without plastic wrap is that the dough needs to be better fermented with easy contact, and it will not make the surface too dry to affect the taste.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

- step 04 –

With a sharp knife, you can make your favorite pattern on the fermented dough, or insert some small holes with a fork.

PS: To make an opening in the fermented dough, be sure to use a sharp knife, so that the operation can make the bread look good and diverse, and it can also prevent the surface of the bread from cracking, if you are too lazy, you can skip this step.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

- step 05 –

Preheat the oven at 190°C, place a bowl of water at the bottom of the oven, place the bread in the lower middle of the oven and bake at 190°C in hot air mode for 40 minutes.

PS: The use of water is that the surface of the bread has a crispy feeling, this method is suitable for all bread baking; after baking the bread will also grow a piece tall, placed in the lower part of the oven, in order to prevent the bread surface from over-baking; because the bread is too large, the use of hot air mode can make the surface of the bread heat more evenly, if your oven does not have a hot air mode, then pay more attention to the situation of the bread in the last 5-10 minutes to prevent over-baking.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

- step 06 –

After removing the baked bread from the oven, be sure to let it cool before slicing it to preserve or eat.

PS: On the one hand, the freshly baked bread is too hot and easy to burn, and the other is not easy to slice; bread slices are best with a special bread slicing knife, if there is no bread can be turned over, cut from the bottom, or cut from the side, so that it will be easier to operate.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > The Tale of Morning Light</h1>

This simple, easy-to-learn European bread is very easy to make, and it is almost the best practice recipe for beginners with zero failure, and it tastes very good, if you are new to bread baking, I recommend that you try this recipe.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

From the moment the bread comes out of the oven, it embarks on the road of decay, but this does not affect its preservation time, a fully eaten bread, can be stored in a sealed bag or sealed box, in the normal temperature environment 3-5 days is not a big problem, if put in the refrigerator cold meal preservation, can be saved to about 2 weeks.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

Bread taken out of a sealed bag or sealed box will be softer and less textured, and you can put it in the oven or toast oven slightly, or fry it slightly on the fire in a pan (in an oil-free state), and you can return to its original taste, even better than when it first came out of the oven.

15 minutes to make European bread, no secondary fermentation without rubbing glove film, very suitable for beginners ingredient list key ingredients instructions cooking steps Morning Light Story

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