
Ningmei brand, praise!

author:Wangning Coal

Like the "2024 My Favorite Chinese Brands" event

Here we go

During the event

Each ID can be used for 5 different brands per day

Like it once

The voting deadline is:

April 20, 2024 at 24 o'clock

Let's all work together

Ningxia Coal Industry

Like it and come on!

Ningmei brand, praise!

Step 1 Go to the voting page

Vote for Ningxia Coal

Scan the QR code/long press to identify the QR code

Or click below to read the original article

You can enter the like voting page

(You can save the QR code and like it every day)

Step 2: Like

Ningmei brand, praise!
Ningmei brand, praise!

Click the Like button

Cast your vote

You can vote once a day!

Note: If it shows "Failed to load players", you can click "Use Full Service" in the lower right corner to enter the avatar, click "Allow" until the like interface is displayed, and finally the like is successful.

Step 3 Check

Check as described above

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"No. 118 Ningxia Coal Industry"

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The representative is Ningxia Coal Industry

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Come on for Ningxia Coal Industry!