
6 common fat habits, this is the reason why you can't lose weight

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

Why is it easy for you to gain weight, but not easy to lose weight? Gaining weight is not for nothing, it is all traceable. Take stock: 6 daily fat habits, this is the reason why you can't lose weight!

Vices 1, love to eat all kinds of sweets, many people like to eat sweets, sweets will make the brain secrete dopamine, eat will become happy. However, sweets are the culprit of gaining weight, such as chocolate, cakes, doughnuts, egg tarts and other sweets, which are overly processed high-sugar foods, which can accelerate the body's oxidation rate, and also raise blood sugar and allow fat to accumulate.

6 common fat habits, this is the reason why you can't lose weight

Vice: 2. Love to eat fried food, such as fried chicken, French fries, fritters, pancakes and other sugar and oil mixtures, which are calorie bombs, which will make you appetite greater, and you will lose weight unconsciously if you can't stop eating.

Vices 3, hungry for a full meal, some people have irregular meals, sometimes hungry themselves, sometimes they eat to support themselves, such eating habits, the body can not remember when the next meal is, every time you eat, the body will be hungry desperately to store fat, it is difficult for you to lose weight.

6 common fat habits, this is the reason why you can't lose weight

Vice: 4. I like to drink drinks, but I don't like to drink water. Most people nowadays like to drink drinks, not water, and cola, milk tea, processed juice and other drinks contain a lot of sugar, people who drink drinks more than 3 times a week, the probability of gaining weight will also soar. Water is calorie-free, and drinking enough water can avoid false hunger, and it can also control the amount of food you eat, which helps you lose weight.

Vice: 5. Staying up late often and not getting enough sleep. People who often go to bed late will have a strong appetite at night and can't resist the temptation of supper, and eating supper will make you gain weight unconsciously.

People who sleep late have to get up early to go to work during the day, and lack of sleep will make you have a poor mental state during the day, and hormone secretion disorders, which is not conducive to maintaining vigorous activity metabolism.

6 common fat habits, this is the reason why you can't lose weight

Nausea 6. Sitting for too long. If you sit all day, the number of active steps in a day does not exceed 6,000, and there is no hobby of exercise, the body will age quickly, and fat will accumulate more easily.

It is recommended to sit for 1 hour and move for 10 minutes, and maintain the habit of exercising more than 3 times a week, which can strengthen the body and improve obesity.

6 common fat habits, this is the reason why you can't lose weight
