
好歌赏析,听歌学英语 —— Jambalaya 什锦菜

author:Gemini perspective

Weida "Gemini Perspective"

The creation of songs is generally regarded as a mode of performing arts, a kind of leisure and entertainment for the public!

Personally, I think that songs are not just performance arts or entertainment, and most songs are works with multi-layered cultural connotations. Songs have both poetic charm and touching rhythms, which express the author's views and emotions, and some lyrics will have a complete story that reflects the values and phenomena of contemporary society. Because of such a rich connotation, listening to and singing nostalgic English songs is the most suitable tool for me to learn about the culture of Western countries and learn their language.

This column "Appreciation of Good Songs, Listening to Songs to Learn English" hopes to share nostalgic English old songs, so that friends who want to improve their English skills can have an easier channel to learn English. By sharing the author's inspiration when writing the song and the background of the time at that time, this is equivalent to providing a "context" for learning English, so as to improve English thinking> improve flexible understanding of English> and improve English expression skills.

Most of the nostalgic English songs shared in "Gemini Perspective" are slower and easy to master, and some of them have story content, with simple and beautiful words and correct grammar. It is well worth using as a reference for learning English. At the back of each song, learning points are also integrated, and some noteworthy points are given to the friends to wake up.

This upbeat ballad, "Jambalaya Assorted Dishes," was written and sung by Hank Williams in 1952 and features rural Southwestern flair. The song is supposed to be set in a southern American city in the small town of Fontaineaux in Thibodaux, Louisiana, a region rich in traditional French colonial culture, where Louisiana natives are Cajun (descendants of French immigrants from Acadia). The city is located in the heart of the Mississippi River Delta, so there are many rivers and swamps.

好歌赏析,听歌学英语 —— Jambalaya 什锦菜

Chicken and Shrimp Jambalaya 鸡和虾什锦菜

"Jambalaya Assorted Dish" is the special food of Kajun people, and the whole song is based on Cajun culture, using the singer's penny, holding a canoe, going down the river to attend the party of his sweetheart, and the banquet is full of Kajun real people's special food, including: assorted dishes, crayfish pies, meat slices okra soup, fruit wine, playing guitar (singing, dancing), and the sweetheart's relatives and friends are numerous, etc., bringing out their life style, warm folk customs and food.

好歌赏析,听歌学英语 —— Jambalaya 什锦菜

Pole the pirogue down the bayou. 用篙来撑独木舟顺湖的沼泽而下

The two place names, Thibodaux and Fontaineaux, are French, and "ma cher amio" is in French, meaning "my best friend" or "my girlfriend".

Jambalaya 什锦菜 --- by Hank Williams


歌词:Jambalaya 什锦菜

Goodbye Joe (1), me gotta (2) go, me oh, my oh! (3)

Goodbye, Joe, I've got to go, I'm oh, my, oh!

Me gotta go, pole (4) the pirogue (5) down the bayou (6).

I had to go, using a penny to prop up the canoe down the swamp of the lake.

My Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh, my oh!

My Yvonne, the sweetest one, I'm oh, my, oh!

Son of a gun (7), we'll have big fun on the bayou.

Boys, we'll have a good time on the swamps of the lake.

Jambalaya (8), a crawfish pie and a fillet gumbo, 'cause tonight I'm gonna (9) see my Ma Cher Amio (10).

Assorted dishes, a crayfish pie and a slice of meat okra soup because tonight I'm going to see my sweetheart.

Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay (11), oh!

Pick up the guitar, fill the fruit jar, and have a lot of fun, ah!

Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou.

Boys, we'll have a good time on the swamps of the lake.

The Thibodaux, Fontaineaux (12) the place is buzzing.

Fonteno in Thibodo is a very busy place.

Kin folk come to see Yvonne by the dozen (13).

Come and see that Yi Fang's folks are counted by "hitting".

Dress in style and go hog wild, me oh, my oh!

Dressed fashionably while acting wild, I'm oh, my, oh!

Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou.

Boys, we'll have a good time on the swamps of the lake.

Jambalaya, a crawfish pie and a fillet gumbo, 'cause tonight I'm gonna see my Ma Cher Amio.

Assorted dishes, a crayfish pie and a slice of meat okra soup because tonight I'm going to see my sweetheart.

Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay, oh!

Pick up a guitar, fill a fruit jar, and have fun, oh!

Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou.

Boys, we'll have a good time on the swamps of the lake.

学习点 Learning Points:

1. Joe --- The most common abbreviation for a name in the West can be either a boy or a girl, with Joseph for boys and Josephine for girls. Here it should be the singer's buddies.

2. Gotta --- 是 “Got to 应该要、得要” 的口语版简写。

3. Me oh, my oh --- This phrase has no special meaning, just some exclamations that represent "excitement, pride".

4. Pole--- (n.) Pole, pole, rod (usually a round rod over 10 feet), pole, pole, North pole. (v.) Brace the boat with a penny, support it with a rod, and brace it with a penny. Here are the verbs.

5. Brock --- (n.) 独木舟. 与 then 同.

6. Bayou --- (n.) 河川的支流、长沼、沼泽出入口。

7. Son of a gun --- This is a vulgar phrase that means "buddy, good boy, rabbit cub", and is a term between male friends who have a good relationship.

8. Jambalaya --- (n.) Assorted dishes / rice from the southern United States, made with seafood, chicken, and other spices.

9. Gonna --- 是 “Going to 将会” 的口语版简写。

10. Ma Cher Amio --- is the French word for Cajun in Louisiana, Louisiana, in the southern United States, which means "my good friend" or "my girlfriend."

11. Gay --- Here are adjectives and not nouns (adj.) happy, cheerful, brisk, gorgeous, fancy, beautifully dressed. (n.) Homosexuals.

12. Thibodaux, Fontaineaux --- are two place names in the southern state of Louisiana in the United States.

13.Dozen --- (n.) 一打 = twelve, is an English unit of quantity. "By the dozen" means to describe a large number, so much so that it is counted as "hit". This means that Yvonne has many relatives and friends.

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