
Fantasy Journey to the West: Starting from the feelings of the game, I would like to give some suggestions to the planner

author:Nine-point game

For some returning veteran players, playing fantasy is feelings. So what is feelings? That is, everyone has a hard time hunting large sea turtles in the East Bay, and they can be happy for a long time to catch a good sea caterpillar. Of course, at that time, I was young and playful.,Now most of the people who like fantasy are PK.,Few like to fight monsters.。 But at that time, I was also very happy to fight monsters, and I was engrossed, why?

Fantasy Journey to the West: Starting from the feelings of the game, I would like to give some suggestions to the planner

I don't like to fight monsters because the monsters are powerful.,Monsters can sweep players to death with a sweep.,A single second can cripple a player in seconds.,In the early days of playing, a lot of Datang ghost hunting and sweeping bull's head blood was not as much blood as they dropped.,But it's still a lot of fun.。 Most of the tasks now are just hang-ups, except for hang-up or hang-ups, is there a sense of pleasure in hanging? The answer is no, no one likes to play? So no one plays, only brushes and some old players are playing, and there is almost no fresh blood. Therefore, I would like to make a few suggestions for the current situation.

Strengthen the monsters, the characters will be strange and veined, there are strong bodies, god speed, etc., these can also be given to some monsters in moderation. Of course, the monster attack can't be too high.,You can appropriately increase the amount of monster blood.,Increase the way monsters play.。

Fantasy Journey to the West: Starting from the feelings of the game, I would like to give some suggestions to the planner

Random events can be triggered in all battles, such as Chiyou clone and Chiyou Shadow, and a large number of items and experience rewards can be obtained if you succeed in the challenge, and only experience will be lost or no loss if you fail. You can get a super skill for the clone, such as the sword light and sword shadow, which can knock out the qi and blood of all players and summoned beasts at level *10, and summon the Chiyou general. This Chiyou clone must be fought hard by 90% of the players, and even if the cooperation is not good, the group will be wiped out, which is as difficult as the heavens and the earth. There are a lot of rewards for success in this challenge, and those who fail will feel that they can't do it, and in turn, improve the skill cultivation of equipment babies, which can revitalize the game economy, and this will reduce the efficiency of the brush, and drive away some tumors that are unwilling to improve.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Starting from the feelings of the game, I would like to give some suggestions to the planner

It can increase the PK experience, increase the number of gang battle treasure chests, and increase the rewards of the gang secret realm competition on non-gang war days, so that low-level civilian players can have a sense of PK participation. This event is actually very good, but no one plays the reward garbage, you can win or lose there are rewards, the losing side of the treasure chest is halved, and all the participating gangs can get the chest.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Starting from the feelings of the game, I would like to give some suggestions to the planner

Finally, we must increase the rewards in terms of PK so that more players can participate in PK instead of being cannon fodder. A little suggestion to play fantasy for more than ten years, don't spray if you don't like it, and discuss it with what you like.

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