
The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

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The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

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Huang Lei, this veteran in the variety show industry, everyone knows him, right? That's an experienced guy, and he has gained a lot of fans in the previous show.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

Well, then again, what about his latest show "Cat in the Box"? First of all, I have to figure it out to you, this is not an ordinary variety show, it's a competitive one, and it's quite interesting.

You see, he wants to arouse our feelings, let us reminisce about the joy of childhood, and engage in a child-like game, but unfortunately, the effect is a bit unexpectedly not good.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

Look, the reason is quite simple.

You see, it may be that the grade of this feeling is not enough, and it fails to make the audience truly feel the fun of childhood, after all, if you want to evoke everyone's memories, you have to pick the right method.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

So, maybe the show is a little lacking in that thrilling feeling, you say?

Well, in short, Huang Lei has suffered a little bit this time, and it seems that veterans will also step on the pit.

However, it has to be said that people still work hard to bring us fresh shows, and it is not easy.

It's just a small setback, and I'm sure he'll have more great performances in the future.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

"This is my island", that's a good topic.

The main purpose of this show is probably to show us the survival challenges under different life circumstances, and feel those difficulties and joys.

Interesting, right?

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

Ouch, do you think the audience has any thoughts on the realism and challenge of this show? Well, some viewers may feel that this show is still a little hot, lacking a little realism and challenge.

After all, if you want to attract the audience, you have to have something real, not just superficial happiness and entertainment.

Challenge is also a big problem, and if the content of the show is not engaging enough, it will be difficult for the audience to engage in it.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

It depends on how the program team designs.

The selection of guests must not be sloppy, it must be interesting and representative in order to make the audience interested.

And the effect of the show is also very crucial, it must be creative, innovative, and not old-fashioned.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

Well, it depends on the final presentation, sometimes the idea is good, but the actual operation may be a little worse.

Don't say you don't know.

These young men are the second-generation men's group launched by Times Fengjun, which is quite famous.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

They are usually very busy, because they rarely have time to get together because of their studies and work.

Recently, they recorded a new variety show, "This Is My Island", have you heard of it? I'm looking forward to it, otherwise why would there be so many fans? Just waiting to see them do things together.

Oh, that's a bit controversial.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

You see, their ranking on the program poster has changed a little, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer in the C position, but has been moved to the side of the first row.

This change can make the fans very excited, because everyone thought that he was a core member of the team.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

Alas, what do you say is going on? Ma Jiaqi was still the captain before, he is an important figure, and this ranking change can make fans full of question marks.

Perhaps, such a change makes people feel a little sudden, a little uncomfortable.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

But it also depends on how the program team explains, otherwise this controversy is really a bit hot.

Ding Chengxin and Ma Jiaqi.

Ding Chengxin, he is relatively old and has a lot of experience, he used to perform well in variety shows, and everyone likes him very much.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

As for Ma Jiaqi, he may have had some academic challenges before, but through his own efforts, he was successfully admitted to the school of his choice, and fans have always supported him.

Well, let's talk about the relationship between these boys.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

Usually they have a good relationship in private, after all, they have experienced a lot of things together, and they are quite supportive of each other.

However, this ranking controversy may affect the relationship between them, after all, no one wants to see such a thing.

Hopefully, this issue will be resolved as soon as possible and everyone will be back together as before.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

As for the future prospects of the Times Youth League, I think everyone hopes that they will get better and better.

However, the situation is a bit complicated now, the members are busy with their studies and filming, and there are fewer and fewer opportunities for the team to be together.

But the fans of the group appealed, hoping that the program team could give a reasonable explanation, and not let this ranking controversy affect the development of the team.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

I hope that the Times Youth League can go further and further and bring us more and more wonderful performances.

"Cat in a Box" may be a bit unsatisfactory overall.

After all, Mr. Huang Lei is a veteran in the variety show industry, and our expectations for him are quite high.

However, if you want to improve the quality of the program, you may need to put more effort into the program design.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

For example, you can add something more interesting and challenging to make the show more engaging.

At the same time, you can also consider the choice of some guests, and find some interesting and individual people to participate in the show, so as to make the show more lively and interesting.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

In short, as long as you are willing to put a little effort into it, I believe that this show still has a lot of potential.

"This Is My Island" feels a little lacking.

Although the theme of the show is quite interesting, it may still be lacking in content planning and execution.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

Viewers reported that the show lacked realism and challenge, which could not be ignored.

You might want to consider adding something more interesting and challenging to make it easier for viewers to relate to.

In addition, the program team can also consider the selection of guests and find some guests with distinctive personalities and strong interactivity to make the program more vivid and interesting.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

In short, as long as you are willing to improve, I believe that this show will also have a lot of room for improvement.

For "Cat in the Box", Mr. Huang Lei, as a senior practitioner of variety shows, of course faces a lot of challenges.

He needed to dig deeper into the themes and emotions of the show to attract more viewers.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

Perhaps consider adding some emotionally resonant content to allow viewers to find resonance and emotional connection in the show, so as to be more engaged.

For "This Is My Island", the program team needs to pay more attention to the authenticity and challenge of the program.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

This means that they need to carefully plan the content of the show to ensure that the plot of the show is authentic and challenging, so that the audience can feel the charm of the show in an immersive way.

In addition, the selection of guests is also crucial, and it is necessary to select some guests with distinct personalities, interesting and challenging to add highlights and interest to the show.

The C position of the Times Youth League has been replaced? The poster C position is Ding Chengxin, and Ma Jiaqi is no longer TOP

As for the ranking controversy of the Times Youth League, this is also an issue that needs to be paid attention to.

The program should give a reasonable explanation to maintain the team relationship and fan trust.

After all, the unity and trust of the team is the cornerstone of its development and needs to be fully valued and maintained.

It is hoped that this controversy can be resolved as soon as possible, so that the Times Youth League can meet the challenges of the future with a more united attitude.

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