
Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?

author:Shinchi Ryū

Grapes, this seemingly ordinary fruit, actually contain a rich history and value. Grapes have been loved and cultivated since ancient times, but did you know that there are so many secrets behind grapes? Let's unravel this sweet mystery together!

Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?

Have you ever wondered why today's grapes are getting sweeter? Some people say it's because farmers add hormones to the cultivation process, but is this really true? Is the development of agricultural technology really making grapes sweeter? And some netizens questioned this statement, thinking that it might just be a rumor, whether the truth is only known by trying.

Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?

With the development of modern technology, seedless grapes have also become a part of people's lives. But do you know how seedless grapes are grown, whether they are made through traditional hybridization techniques, or by using plant hormones to inhibit seed development? Some people worry that these techniques may have an impact on the quality of the grapes, while others believe that it is just a convenience of technology that should be tried to get a sense of it.

Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?

What is hoarfrost on the surface of grapes? Is it a harmful substance? Or is it a protective substance naturally secreted by grapes? Some people suggest that grapes should be washed thoroughly before eating, while others believe that this hoarfrost does not cause any health problems and is completely safe to eat.

Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?

After knowing this knowledge about grapes, do you have a new understanding? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, share your views and experiences, and let us unveil the mystery of grapes together! #葡萄#甜度#无籽葡萄#葡萄霜

Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?

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Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?
Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?
Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?
Grapes are so sweet that they hurt people? 10 people eat 9 people have a sore throat, pesticide residues exceed the standard, or is there another hidden reason?

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