
Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

author:Mr. Zhang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

Due to long-term fatigue, cold caused by waist and leg pain, long-term bad, suddenly aggravated a day dare not turn around or lie down, this belongs to the spine to lose the strength to support the whole body, should start from the theory of "kidney spinal cord", should start from the blood replenishment, and mistakenly think that surgery can be completely cured.

In life, many people diagnose lumbar disc herniation as soon as they have lumbar pain, or go to the hospital for a check-up and have a lumbar disc herniation and are scared enough.

Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

Many patients are fantasizing that one day the disc will be able to be reduced, which is difficult. The intervertebral disc is like a car tire, if the nylon rope inside the tire rubber is broken, the tire will bulge, and this bulge cannot be reset, and the same is true for the intervertebral disc. If the intervertebral disc is herniated, the nucleus pulposus is ruptured and the nucleus pulposus flows out, which is like a tire bursting and cannot heal on its own, because there is almost no blood circulation in the nucleus pulposus and the fibrous annulus, and there is no ability to heal themselves.

If the disc herniation is severe and the nucleus pulposus falls out into the spinal canal, surgery is necessary if the pain cannot be relieved by various conservative treatments. Less than 3% of patients with intervertebral discs require surgery. However, many patients who do not need surgery are still scheduled for surgery.

In addition to the above reasons, we often ignore the cause of pain symptoms caused by lumbar disc herniation, which is actually aseptic inflammation and edema. Inflammation and edema do not go away, and symptoms are difficult to relieve.

Many patients with lumbar disc herniation have backache and back pain, and finally can't help but have surgery, and the postoperative recovery time has passed for a while, and the patient thinks that he is better, so he doesn't care about it, and finally he doesn't expect the lumbar disc herniation to recur.

Many patients don't know what to do after the recurrence of the lumbar process, they dare not exert themselves during the day, and they do not sleep well at night, which seriously affects their lives, so what should they do?

Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

If the lumbar foramen that is determined to have surgery recurred, then surgery is not possible. Because the lumbar foramina is actually very fragile, this is why many patients have lumbar protrusion. After the surgery, the original lumbar foramina will become weaker. At this time, if you have another surgery, there is a risk that the spine will rupture. Once the spine is broken, the patient is paralyzed. Therefore, patients with lumbar protrusion like this should take a conservative approach to control the disease.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bone does not exist independently, and it belongs to the category of kidney function, both physiologically and pathologically. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine clearly states that "the kidney stores essence and the main bone marrow".

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bone does not exist independently, and it belongs to the category of kidney function, both physiologically and pathologically. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine clearly states that "the essence of the kidney is the main bone marrow", and the "Suwen Xuanming Five Qi Chapter" also says that "the kidney is the main bone", indicating that the strength of the bone is greatly related to the prosperity and decline of the essence of the kidney. If the kidney essence is sufficient, the bone marrow is biochemically active, and the bones are nourished, it will be strong and powerful, the bones will be tough and move freely, while the kidney essence is deficient, the bone marrow biochemical source is not sourced, and the bones are not nourished, which will be weak and weak, which will affect the development of bones.

Modern studies have shown that the kidneys are in the body and are difficult to observe directly, while the bones are. The location of the kidney is relatively shallow and easy to observe and perceive, so in clinical practice, the symptoms of bone have become an objective marker for judging kidney symptoms. Generally speaking, it is possible to analyze the health of the kidneys by observing changes in bone shape, sensation, function, etc. If symptoms such as bone acid, bone rash, and bone pain are present, it means that the kidney essence is insufficient. At the same time, there is also a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "teeth are more than bones", which shows that tooth soreness, loosening, and loss are all signs of kidney deficiency, and also proves the relationship between bone and kidney from the side.

Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

Therefore, when treating bone diseases, traditional Chinese medicine mostly starts from the main bone of the kidney and uses Chinese herbal medicines that nourish the kidney and strengthen the bones, such as ox knee, interrupted, dog spine, psoralen, broken bones, walnut meat, etc.

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there has always been a judgment that "standing for a long time hurts the bones", believing that standing for a long time will inevitably increase the burden on the bones and lead to bone damage. In daily life, standing for too long will indeed feel back pain, leg weakness, foot edema, etc., people who have been engaged in standing work for a long time are also a high incidence of lumbar muscle strain, bone deformation, and varicose veins of the lower limbs. It can be seen that what Jiuli said is true.

Modern research also shows that people need the support of waist and lower limb strength when standing, and the bones, muscles, ligaments, etc. of these parts are continuously stressed and tense, which is very easy to form strain, and over time it will cause bone, muscle, and fascial lesions. The longer the bones are used, the heavier the load they bear, and the greater the consumption of kidney essence. Therefore, behaviors such as standing and bearing weight for a long time can damage the kidneys.

In today's society, there are many people engaged in the profession of "standing", such as teachers, salesmen, flight attendants, waiters, barbers, etc. Although "standing for a long time" is inevitable due to occupational restrictions, as long as you take more protection and take appropriate measures to adjust at work, you can still minimize the harm of "standing for a long time". If possible, it is best to stand for 1~2 hours and then rest for a few minutes, or after standing for I~2 hours, change to other positions for a period of time to relax and rest. If you have to maintain a three-dimensional position due to conditions, you can also rest by alternating your feet to bear the weight of your body, or at intervals of tension. When it comes to choosing shoes, low heels or mid-heels should be worn to reduce pressure on the lower back spine. The shoes should be slightly fatter, and the soles should not be too hard to reduce foot fatigue and discomfort. In your daily diet, you can eat more foods that nourish the kidneys and strengthen bones, such as walnuts, chestnuts, bone broth, etc. If you feel back pain and soreness in your feet and knees after standing for a long time, you can also take kidney tonic drugs such as Qing'e Pill and Liuwei Dihuang Pill appropriately.

Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

Because the kidney is the main essence of the essence, and the essence can give birth to the marrow, the marrow is in the bones, and the bone depends on the marrow to nourish it, so the "Su Wen: Yin and Yang should be like the Great Treatise" says: "The kidney gives birth to the bone marrow" and "Su Wen: The Six Sections of the Dirty Elephant Treatise" says: "(The kidney) is full of bones" and "Su Wen: The Four Seasons Thorn Disobedience" says: "The bone marrow of the kidney is the main body." "If the kidney essence is sufficient, the bone marrow is biochemically active, and the bones are fully nourished by the marrow and are strong and powerful. On the contrary, there is little kidney essence, insufficient bone marrow source, bone marrow emptiness occurs when the bone loses nourishment, the bone is fragile and weak, and even underdeveloped, and the fontanelle is delayed in children, and the bone is weak and weak. If the kidneys are injured by evil qi, resulting in insufficient kidney essence and empty bone marrow, the waist and knees will be sore, and even the legs will be impatient. Therefore, "Su Wen and the Treatise on Impotence" said: "If the kidney qi is hot, the waist and spine will not be lifted, the bones will dry and the marrow will be reduced, and the hair will be bone wilt." ”

The main bone of the kidney, the tooth and the bone come from the same source, so the tooth is also nourished by the essence in the kidney. Therefore, there is "teeth are bones"

said. If the kidneys are abundant, the teeth will be strong and not easy to fall out, and if the kidneys are not full of essence, the teeth will be easy to loosen or even fall out early.

The medulla is divided into bone marrow, spinal cord and cerebral marrow, all three of which are metamorphosed from the essence qi in the kidneys. The medulla in the spinal canal is called the spinal cord, and the spinal cord leads to the brain, and the medulla gathers to form the brain, so the brain is called the "sea of medulla." Therefore, "The Soul of the Sea" says: "The brain is the sea of marrow." "The brain is the intestine of Qi Heng," which is located in the skull, and its function is responsible for the mental activity of the person. The kidneys are full of essence and energy, the brain and marrow are full, and they exert their physiological functions as a "shrewd house", with clear thinking, strong memory, quick hearing and vision, and full of energy. On the contrary, if the essence in the kidneys is insufficient, and the medullary sea is not nourished, the spirit is sluggish, the thinking is sluggish, the memory is poor, and the hearing and hearing are declining. Therefore, "Lingshu Hai Treatise" says: "If there is more than the sea of marrow, then it will be light and strong, and it will be too much; if the sea of marrow is insufficient, the brain will turn to tinnitus, the shins will be sore, and the eyes will be invisible, and they will be slack and lie down." "Su Wen Linglan Secret Classics" said: "The kidney, as a strong official, is skillful." In fact, it also refers to the embodiment of the physiological function of the main bone and marrow in the kidney.

Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

Essence and blood are mutually regenerate, and the essence can be transformed into blood, and the essence is full of blood, and the nourishment of hair comes from blood, so it is said: "Hair is more than blood." Although the nutrition of the hair comes from the blood, its vitality is rooted in the kidney qi, so the growth and shedding, moisturizing and withering of the hair is a reflection of the prosperity and decline of the kidney essence, and it is the external condition of the kidney. "Young adults have abundant kidney essence, and their hair is thick, black and shiny, while in old age, their kidney qi is weakened, and their hair turns white and falls out. Therefore, "Su Wen: The Ancient Treatise on Innocence" says: "When a woman is seven years old, her kidneys are full of energy, and her teeth are even longer...... Sanqi has average kidney qi, so the true teeth are born and grow poles, and the muscles and bones of the four sevens are strong, and the hair is extremely long...... The yin and yang veins of five and seven are declining, and the face begins to be scorched, and the hair begins to fall; the six and seven three yang veins are declining on the top, and the face is scorched, and the hair begins to be white. "My husband is eight years old, and he has a strong kidney. Hair with long teeth, ...... Five-eight kidney qi failure, hair and teeth; Six-eight yang qi failure, face burnt, sideburns white; Eight or eight teeth are sent out. It shows that kidney qi is related to the relationship between human growth and decline and tooth hair.

Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation is a disease that belongs to the category of "low back pain" and "low back and leg pain" in traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the waist is the home of the kidneys. Therefore, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation is the most closely related to the kidneys. The main bone of the kidney, which generates the marrow and leads to the brain, shows that the physiology and pathology of the spine are inevitably related to the kidney.

"The Origin and Syndrome of Diseases: Low Back Pain" believes that "there are five kinds of low back pain: less yin in one day, less yin and less kidneys."

In October, the yang energy of all things is injured by low back pain; On the second day, the wind was paralyzed, and the wind was cold to the waist, which was painful; The third is kidney deficiency, and the kidney is injured by service, which is pain; On the fourth day, the buttocks and waist, the fall hurt the waist, and it was pain; Five days of sleeping in the wetland, is to pain. "Danxi Heart Method: Low Back Pain" pointed out: "Low back pain is mainly damp heat, kidney deficiency, blood stasis, contusions, and phlegm accumulation. These statements outline the causes of low back pain.

Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

"The Origin and Syndrome of Diseases: Low Back Pain" also analyzes the pathogenesis of low back pain, and believes that except for the "low back pain" caused by sudden injury to the waist, the rest of the low back pain is related to "kidney qi deficiency". For example, "rheumatism and low back pain" is "straining kidney qi, the meridians are deficient, or because of lying damp when the wind, rheumatism takes advantage of the deficiency in the kidney meridians, and the blood and qi collide with the low back pain"; Stroke and low back pain are "for the person who is injured by labor, and the kidney is the main waist and feet, and its meridians run through the kidney and spine, and the wind evil takes advantage of the deficiency, and the kidney meridian of the person is killed, so the stroke suffers from low back pain. It is pointed out that even if the low back pain is sudden, the source is still related to kidney deficiency. "The Source of Miscellaneous Diseases: The Source of Lumbar Umbilical Disease" clearly points out: "Low back pain, deficiency of essence and qi and evil guest disease are also ...... Kidney deficiency is also its origin, wind, cold, dampness, heat, phlegm, drinking, qi stagnation, blood stasis, and frustration. "The degenerative degeneration of the lumbar intervening disc is an age-related physiological degeneration. Physiologically speaking, the development of intervertebral disc is at the age of 20 as the peak of development, and the intervertebral disc begins to degenerate after the age of 20, and some have clear and wet degeneration at the age of 20~30, such as fissures in the annulus. At the age of 30~40 years old, the intervertebral disc proteoglycan decreases, and the nucleus pulposus tends to be collagenized, losing its elasticity and swelling properties. The degeneration of the intervertebral disc increases with age. The degeneration of the intervertebral disc is basically a regular physiological change.

The early classic work of Chinese medicine, Su Wen: The Theory of Ancient Innocence, pointed out that when women are "37" (21 years old) and men are "38" (24 years old), the body will "grow to the pole", that is, the development has reached the limit, and the pole will inevitably be reversed.

When the annulus fibrosus ruptures, the nucleus pulposus is easy to prolapse to the posterolateral side, compressing the adjacent spinal cord or nerve roots, resulting in back pain and numbness in the hands and feet.

However, some patients have persistent lower back pain, and the pain can extend to the large and lower legs, and even cause leg soreness and weakness, which is called sciatica. There are many causes of sciatica, and one of the most common causes is the herniation of the lumbar disc backwards, resulting in direct compression of the nerve roots, which is clinically called disc herniation.

Herniated discs often occur in the lower back and neck, and we are focusing on the lower back today. The cause of the disease is mainly due to a sudden change in the load on the spine, especially rapid flexion, lateral flexion or rotation.

Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

A small number of severe lumbar disc herniation can cause most nerve compression, and "cauda equina syndrome" may occur, and there will even be symptoms such as urinary incontinence or retention, numbness around the anus, weakness of the lower limbs, etc., and sometimes even emergency surgery cannot reverse the permanent nerve damage that has been caused.

Traditional Chinese medicine calls lumbar disc herniation as low back pain and flashing waist. Traditional Chinese medicine theory believes that "the waist is the outer house of the kidney", and in the "Su Wen Pulse to Subtlety Treatise", it is said: "The waist, the house of the kidney, cannot be shaken, and the kidney will be exhausted". This passage discusses the close relationship between the waist and the kidneys from a physiological and pathological point of view, the kidney qi is full, the waist is strong, the kidney qi is insufficient, the waist is difficult to bear weight, and many people who bend over for a little longer and cannot straighten their waist, the reason for this is that the kidney deficiency is worse.

In the early stage of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, most patients have kidney deficiency to a certain extent, even if a small action in daily life or work, such as sneezing, coughing, etc., can lead to the onset of the disease, resulting in blood stasis and low back and leg pain, and will aggravate low back pain when coughing, and breathing in severe cases.

Misunderstanding of today's medical treatment: lumbar disc herniation is easy to operate, and it is easy to recur after surgery

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment for lumbar disc herniation is especially significant during its acute attack. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that if it is not passed, it will be painful, and in the acute attack stage of lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, the pain should be relieved, and the treatment should be carried out to promote qi and blood, break the stasis and obstruction, open the meridians, and smooth the meridians and tunnels, so that the low back pain will heal itself. In the pain relief period, it should be mainly to nourish the kidney essence. Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation is caused by kidney qi deficiency, which leads to the occurrence of "waist flash", and it is precisely because of kidney deficiency that lumbar disc herniation often recurs. Kidney deficiency has yin deficiency, yang deficiency, and qi deficiency, and it is necessary to distinguish the syndrome type of kidney deficiency clinically. Acupuncture and moxibustion acupoints are large intestine Yu, A is acupoint, Weizhong, Yanglingquan, Guan Yuanyu. Those with hip pain will be added with a ring jump, those with pain in the back of the thigh will be added Yinmen, those with pain in the outer thigh will be added Fengshi, and those with calf pain will be added to Chengshan. Large intestine Yu and Guan Yuanyu are directly punctured 1.5 inches to make the needle sensation transmitted to the lower limbs; A is acupoint, Weizhong, Yanglingquan direct puncture 1.0~1.5 inches, can be combined with triangular needle to let blood.

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