
Jin Xing remarried a foreign old man, and the shocking truth was exposed, and he once connotated Reba and exposed his chest only for the rich

author:Delicious Gege

On April 11th, at 13:14, Jin Xing posted his wedding photos on his personal social platform, and officially remarried Hans.

They were officially registered with the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, and Jin Xing also posted the marriage certificate of the two, and wrote: "In 2006, I had no choice but to divorce in order to settle a household for my children...... Eighteen years later, I re-registered and remarried, and also witnessed our feelings and responsibilities all the way; today is Hans's birthday, double happiness! I also wish the world's destined people to eventually become married! Everything life gives you is what you need to experience!"

Many people may be confused about why they want to get divorced, after all, they have always had a good relationship, when did they get divorced, and why did they remarry?

Jin Xing remarried a foreign old man, and the shocking truth was exposed, and he once connotated Reba and exposed his chest only for the rich

The story of Venus and Hans has attracted public interest because it touches on multiple levels, such as changes in family relationships, legal issues in international marriages, and attitudes towards controversial public figures.

Jin Xing remarried a foreign old man, and the shocking truth was exposed, and he once connotated Reba and exposed his chest only for the rich

In their stories of divorce and remarriage, we see the sacrifices and adjustments made by family members in order to solve practical problems. Jin Xing and Hans's initial decision to divorce was motivated by considerations for their children's education and legal status, reflecting some of the structural problems that international marriages and adopted children may encounter in China. Their decision to remarry after the problem was resolved reflects the importance they place on family unity and marital commitment.

Jin Xing remarried a foreign old man, and the shocking truth was exposed, and he once connotated Reba and exposed his chest only for the rich

As for Venus's public controversial behavior, it shows her maverick in the entertainment industry. As a public figure, her outspoken style and exploration of cultural self-confidence have touched the public's attention to free expression and double standards. Such events often spark a conversation between fans and critics, leading to a broader discussion of popular culture and norms of social behavior.

Jin Xing remarried a foreign old man, and the shocking truth was exposed, and he once connotated Reba and exposed his chest only for the rich

Taken together, these events highlight Venus's ability as a public figure to provoke strong repercussions in both the private and public spheres. Whether dealing with the complexities of an individual's life or presenting his unique personality in the public eye, Venus has been widely discussed in the age of social media, reflecting the high level of interest and interaction in the personal lives and public words and actions of celebrities in modern society.


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