
"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

author:Monuments of the Mind

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Text: Moon

Edited by the moon

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Fishing, as the most leisurely relaxing outdoor sport, has been admired since ancient times, and many people in modern times often stay at the water's edge day and night in order to fish, the main focus is to accompany and feed the fish.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

And this way of cultivating sentiment has gradually begun to change its taste, such as electric fish and pumping, using this environmentally damaging and cruel way to carry out the so-called fishing, electric fish was banned by the mainland in the early days, because electric fish will cause damage to the water in addition to the fish.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

And for some forbidden fishing behaviors, there are always people who commit crimes against the wind, why do these people insist on fishing? and even use electrical appliances for electric fishing in order to have a good harvest?

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Electric fish

The current intensity used by the electric fish is as high as 600-800 volts, far more than ordinary household electricity, and its instantaneous release of powerful energy can form a deadly electric field in the water, any aquatic life that comes into contact with this current, regardless of size and species, can not escape the fate of being electrocuted by corona and even electrocution, and the entire water area seems to have experienced a silent ecological catastrophe.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Electric fish is an extremely cruel method of fishing, using high-voltage electricity as a weapon to mercilessly slaughter aquatic creatures. Ignoring the dignity of life, its operators trampled on the ecological environment and had a catastrophic impact on the ecology of the water body.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Even if the big fish that survives is lucky, it may be damaged by electric shock, and lose the ability to reproduce, so that its population is gradually extinct in the waters, and the ravages of electric fish have directly led to a sharp decline in the number of fish, destroying the structure of the aquatic life population, and the electric fish poses a serious threat to the stability of the aquatic ecosystem.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Fish are a food source for many birds, mammals and reptiles, threatening the survival of these predators, who are forced to migrate in search of new food sources or die of starvation, further exacerbating the imbalance in the ecosystem.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

At the same time, the damage caused by electric current to fish is far more than the surface of the electric shock, the current penetrates deep into the fish body to cause deep damage to its nervous system and muscle tissue, this long-term and deep impact, so that the regeneration ability of aquatic biological resources is seriously damaged, seriously affecting its sustainable use.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Moreover, during the electric fish, the strong current is released in the water, causing all-round damage to the water ecosystem, and nutrients such as organic matter, nitrogen, and phosphorus are rapidly released and enriched under the action of electric shock, resulting in a sharp spike in the content of these elements in the water body.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

This is followed by a sharp drop in dissolved oxygen content, and this low-oxygen environment provides a breeding ground for the rapid reproduction of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc., and the drastic changes in this ecosystem not only cause a devastating blow to aquatic populations, but also seriously damage their living environment.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

At the same time, it also poses a serious threat to the quality of human domestic water and agricultural irrigation water, which may lead to water pollution, affect human health, and the fish that are electrocuted contain high levels of toxic substances. These toxins may be derived from physiological changes in the fish during the electric shock, which reduces the edible value of the fish.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Although many people now choose fishing as one of the ways of leisure and entertainment, they do not really love fishing, but in order to be able to have a little time of their own in their leisure time, and at the same time, they can also experience a different kind of emotions when the fish is hooked.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?


As an illegal and unethical fishing method, electric fish not only causes serious damage to fish resources, but also launches a devastating attack on the entire water ecology.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

When the high-voltage electric current inexorably pours into the water, not only the fish are killed instantly, but also innocent plankton, algae, shellfish and other aquatic organisms, and the corpses of these creatures accumulate in the water, which will emit a pungent stench after a long time, and at the same time, the toxic and harmful substances and gases produced in the process of its decomposition will turn the originally clear river into a pool of stagnant water.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Moreover, long-term electric fishing in the same water area often cannot completely clean up the scene after the electric shock, and the remaining biological remains at the bottom of the water continue to decay, causing secondary pollution to the water body.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Fish as cleaners of the water body feed on algae to maintain the cleanliness of the water body, when the fish are subjected to large-scale killing of algae will grow wildly, which may lead to a large area of water coverage, affecting the exchange of light and oxygen.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Other biological populations such as plankton and microorganisms are unbalanced due to the loss of fish control, the deterioration of water quality is unstoppable, and the behavior of electric fish often occurs during the fish breeding season, which is tantamount to the ruthless strangulation of new life, not only the eggs and fry die directly under the impact of electric current.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

The physiological function of adult fish is also impaired, and the development and reproductive ability of gonads are greatly affected. Even if there are surviving fish, the current shock may lead to genetic mutations, reducing the quality and quantity of the population, and fundamentally cutting off the continuity and prosperity of life in the water.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Electric fish also aggravates the phenomenon of hypoxia in the water body, a large amount of current injection leads to a sharp consumption of dissolved oxygen, the bottom organisms die of suffocation due to hypoxia, and the decomposition process of decaying biological remains also continues to consume oxygen, making the problem of hypoxia more serious, hypoxia not only threatens the survival of aquatic organisms, but also greatly weakens the self-purification ability of the water body, which is likely to lead to the deterioration of water quality.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Therefore, the state has promulgated a ban on electric fish very early to prohibit electric fishing, which not only plunders fish resources, but also ruthlessly plays with the life and death of the water ecosystem, once the water ecology is destroyed, the deterioration of water quality will have a serious impact on human domestic water, agricultural irrigation, industrial water, etc.

"Electric fish" is explicitly banned by the state, so why do some people defy the wind and commit crimes? How harmful is it?

Water resources as a necessary condition for human survival, we must fully understand the serious harm of electric fish to the water environment, take strong measures to crack down and prohibit, in order to effectively protect the water resources we rely on for survival, improve the public's awareness of the harm of electric fish, clarify the illegal nature and serious consequences of electric fish, and guide the society to form a zero-tolerance attitude towards electric fish.

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