
Hard-core science and technology theory: deep digging Xiaomi SU7 wiring harness copper to aluminum - lightweight or cost reduction?


Xiaomi's recent copper-to-aluminum incident has sparked a lot of heated discussions, what are the reasons for this? Let's take a closer look at this topic.

Hard-core science and technology theory: deep digging Xiaomi SU7 wiring harness copper to aluminum - lightweight or cost reduction?

At the beginning, Xiaomi's supplier, Jingwei Cable, published an article claiming that their products became the designated supplier of Xiaomi cars. After this article was discovered by netizens, it quickly sparked a discussion about the copper-to-aluminum incident.

Hard-core science and technology theory: deep digging Xiaomi SU7 wiring harness copper to aluminum - lightweight or cost reduction?

Rice noodles were highly sensitive to this incident and have put forward the idea of "suspected cutting corners". Because in the field of mobile phones, the debate between copper and aluminum has long been continuous. While both are conductors, copper is significantly superior to aluminum when it comes to performance.

Hard-core science and technology theory: deep digging Xiaomi SU7 wiring harness copper to aluminum - lightweight or cost reduction?

So, what is the difference between copper and aluminum in the use of wire harnesses? Copper is better than aluminum in terms of electrical conductivity, ductility, hardness, tensile strength, etc., but it is also heavier and more expensive. Aluminum wires are prone to breakage in daily use, so the automotive field has higher requirements for wiring harnesses.

Hard-core science and technology theory: deep digging Xiaomi SU7 wiring harness copper to aluminum - lightweight or cost reduction?

However, what are the reasons for Xiaomi's choice to use aluminum wires? Are there other factors at play besides cost considerations? Will Tesla's previous success in adopting aluminum wires also have an impact on Xiaomi's decision-making?

Hard-core science and technology theory: deep digging Xiaomi SU7 wiring harness copper to aluminum - lightweight or cost reduction?

In any case, the copper-to-aluminum switch has undoubtedly triggered in-depth thinking about materials and cost management in automobile manufacturing, so let's wait and see what changes will be brought about by the next development.

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