
The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

author:Starfire Life

"Have you heard of the elm money before and after Gu Yu?"

Every year before and after the valley rains, there is a special delicacy in nature - elm money. These small green buttons hang in clusters on the elm tree, and the tender appearance makes people want to taste it. But unfortunately, the flowering period of elm money is only about 10 days, and if you miss it, you have to wait for a year.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

But did you know that these seemingly ordinary elm coins are not only delicious, but also help improve sleep quality. It is said that the iron content in elm money is many times that of spinach!

So, what exactly is elm money, and why is it good for sleep? Let's find out.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

01 Why is Yuqian loved by so many people?

Yuqian is like a key to spring, leading people into the warm season. It refers to the flowers and fruits of the elm tree, which ripen around the time of the valley rains. Although the flowering period of elm coins is very short, only about 10 days, they attract the attention of countless people with their tender green appearance. These little green buttons, although ordinary in appearance, contain a wealth of nutrients.

Yuqian is not only an ordinary ingredient, but also a delicious dish full of nutrients. Its value lies not only in its rich nutritional content, but also in people's love for its unique taste and wonderful way of cooking.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

It is rich in nutrients such as water, niacin, ascorbic acid and inorganic salts, especially calcium, phosphorus and iron. These nutrients play an important role in human health.

Iron is one of the essential nutrients for the human body, it is an important component of hemoglobin, which helps to transport oxygen to all parts of the body and maintain the normal metabolic function of the body. Therefore, the abundant iron in Yuqian can help prevent and alleviate iron deficiency anemia, especially for patients with anemia and pregnant women.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

The taste of Yuqian is delicious, and the unique green appearance makes people can't help but want to taste it. Whether eaten raw or cooked, Yuqian exudes a fresh spring breath. Its taste is crisp, slightly sweet but not greasy, and it makes people eat it with an endless aftertaste. Moreover, Yuqian has a variety of cooking methods, which can be made into various delicacies, such as Yuqian meat stuffed dumplings, Yuqian egg soup, Yuqian Wowotou, etc., each dish is full of the taste of spring, which makes people salivate.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

Picking and eating elm money is also a unique experience. Every year before and after the valley rains, the elm money on the elm tree is ripe, and the branches are full of emerald green buttons, like a green scarf in spring, giving people a good memory. One can experience the beauty of nature by picking fresh elm money while enjoying the beauty of the elm trees.

The reason why Yuqian is loved is not only because of its rich nutritional value, but also because of its unique taste and diverse cooking methods. Whether it is nutritious or delicious, elm money is an indispensable delicacy in spring.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

02 Eat elm money like this, and the delicacy is doubled

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eating elm money during the rainy season can clear away heat and calm the nerves, replenish blood and invigorate qi. There are a variety of food methods to try, such as Yuqian meat stuffed dumplings, Yuqian egg soup, Yuqian wowotou, steamed Yuqian and so on. Not only are these treats delicious, but they can also help improve sleep quality, giving you health and pleasure.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

Drain the washed elm money and gently chop it on a cutting board.

Chop the pork, add an appropriate amount of chopped green onion and minced ginger, stir well, add light soy sauce, extremely fresh, oyster sauce, pepper, sesame oil and Sichuan pepper oil, and marinate for half an hour.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

Add the finely chopped elm to the marinated meat filling, then add salt, stir well and set aside.

Wrap the dumpling skin with this filling, close the mouth and pinch tightly, and after cooking, the dumplings are fragrant and full of spring flavor.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

Drain the washed elm money and set aside. Add oil to the pot, fry chopped chives, pour in water and boil, then put in elm money, add water starch and stir after boiling again.

Then pour in the beaten egg mixture, stir until the egg flowers solidify, add salt and a little sesame oil to taste, and then remove from the pan. A bowl of Yuqian egg soup is refreshing, delicious and nutritious.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

Dry the washed elm money, then add corn flour and plain flour according to the ratio of 1:1, stir until each piece of elm is covered with flour and knead it into a dough, then pull off a piece of egg-sized dough, knead it into a ball, and then use your thumb to make the shape of a nest.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

Add water to the pot, put it in the steaming drawer, put it on the head of the elm money nest, cover the pot, and steam on high heat for 10 minutes. The fragrance of Wowotou is soft and delicious, and the fragrance of elm money is endless.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

Drain the washed elm money, add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to lock in the moisture, then add the flour in stages, and stir until each elm is stuck to the flour.

Put it on the steamer drawer cloth, cover the pot, and steam for 8~10 minutes after the water boils.

The steamed elm money can be eaten directly, or it can be paired with your favorite seasoning, which is fragrant and nutritious.

The iron content is many times that of spinach! Gu Yu steamed it before and after the rain to help sleep, miss and wait for a year!

Yuqian is not only a delicacy in spring, but also a precious health ingredient. It contains far more iron than spinach and is a good source of iron. If you are struggling with sleep problems, you may want to try Yu Qian before and after the rain, maybe it will become a part of your healthy life.

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