
The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Oh, Lao Yang, you are really getting younger and younger!" Lao Wang sat down in admiration, and the two old friends reminisced on the park bench, just like in the past.

Lao Yang smiled and patted his knee, "What you say is true, I am 82 years old this year, but I feel more energetic than when I was 70 years old."

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

Actually, there are a few things I don't do for a long time, do you want to know what the secrets are?" Lao Wang nodded, obviously very interested in Lao Yang's secrets.

As a retired bank clerk, Yang has always paid attention to detail and precision, and after his retirement, he applied this habit to his daily life and health management.

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

He began to explain in detail: "First of all, eat less sweets, as you know, too much sugar can easily cause diabetes and increase the cardiovascular burden. Did you know that reducing sugar intake can significantly reduce chronic inflammation, thereby slowing down the aging process? ”

Lao Wang listened carefully, and Lao Yang continued: "After I was 65 years old, I basically didn't eat sweets much, and I didn't even know where to put the sugar jar at home. ”

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

He interjected with a smile and continued, "The second is to be less angry. When angry, the body secretes more stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which are responsible for cardiovascular damage. If the mood is always up and down, this can really mess up our immune system and make the body more susceptible to colds and illnesses. ”

"Ha, then how do you control your temper?" asked Lao Wang curiously.

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

"I chose more time to go for walks, read books, and listen to old songs. You see, it's nice to be chatting with old friends like today. "Lao Yang showed his peace of mind.

"The last point, and I think the most important, is to worry less. ”

Lao Yang said softly, "At this age, there are some things that we have to learn to let go." For example, I used to worry about my children and grandchildren, but the more I worried, the more annoyed I became. ”

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

"Later I found out that they could actually handle it very well. Not only does letting go make it easier for me, but they also have more room to grow. ”

Lao Wang nodded in agreement, and the two chatted, and the topic gradually deepened into specific health issues. Lao Yang shared a lot of details about how to maintain health by changing lifestyle habits.

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

For example, he mentions that reducing sugar intake not only helps with weight control, but also improves sleep quality, and according to one study, people who sleep well have a relatively low risk of multiple chronic diseases.

Just as Lao Wang got up to say goodbye, he suddenly asked a question: "Lao Yang, I understand what you said, but I have a question, these young people always like to drink those so-called energy drinks, is there any difference between this drink and ordinary sweets?

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

Lao Yang nodded, this is a good question, he cleared his throat, and explained seriously: "Energy drinks, in fact, are similar to what we often say about sweets in terms of harm, especially those energy drinks that contain high sugar. ”

"These energy drinks are really stressful on your cardiovascular system, and oh, the caffeine and other stimulants in them can also mess up your sleep quality. Drinking high-sugar beverages often causes blood sugar levels to fluctuate over time, and it may also lead to metabolic diseases such as diabetes. ”

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

He added some specific data and examples to support his point: "For example, those who drank at least one can of energy drink a day had significantly higher markers of blood sugar and insulin resistance than those who did not drink such beverages. This is a sign that should not be ignored, indicating that this short-term 'energy' may be exchanged for long-term health problems. ”

Lao Wang listened very carefully, and Lao Yang's words made his view of energy drinks also change.

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

Then Lao Yang continued his topic and talked about how to stay healthy and energetic through other methods: "In fact, the way to stay healthy is very simple, walk more and see more of the beauty of the world, which is better than any energy drink. I myself have walked out of a healthy path, insisting on walking every day, not only in good health, but also in my mind. ”

Lao Wang stood up, "Brother Yang, today's chat is really beneficial, I feel like I'm going to start changing some of my habits." ”

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

Just as they were about to say goodbye, Lao Wang couldn't help but ask another question: "Then what should you do if you say less worry? I am a natural person who loves to worry, and I always feel that I can't let go of anything." ”

Lao Yang smiled and gave his advice: "Actually, worrying less doesn't mean that you don't care about anything, but you have to learn to let go appropriately." For example, you can set up to think about or deal with the issues that make you anxious only at certain times of the day, and try to relax yourself the rest of the time and do things that make you feel happy and relaxed. ”

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!

Lao Wang nodded in understanding and thanked Lao Yang for his suggestion. The two slowly walked out of the park and went home separately, full of good expectations for their future lives.

What do you think about longevity?

The old man who can live to the age of 80 basically stops doing these 3 things after the age of 65!