
Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?

author:Tian Xiaoyi talks about emotions


Recently, the Hangzhou police issued a notice: Xu someone, a self-media blogger, posted a video on the Internet of "picking up the lost homework book of primary school student Qin Lang in Paris, France", which is suspected of spreading Internet rumors. The public security organs shall conduct an investigation in accordance with law and make a decision on administrative punishment. In this regard, the majority of netizens applauded.

Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?

Event Recap:


I believe many people still remember the farce of Qin Lang, a primary school student, who left his winter vacation homework in Paris in February.

In the video, it is said that 40 million blogger Xu used her exaggerated expression and funny words to tell the story of a primary school classmate named Qin Lang who threw his homework in the toilet in Paris at Xichang Elementary School.

I remember that when I saw this video, I was still a little puzzled, isn't it just a matter of losing homework?

Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?

So the development of the incident is a little out of the control of this blogger surnamed Xu, and a very bloody plot appears: a person surnamed Yang in Nantong used this fabricated farce to spread rumors about a school in order to attract fans and drain traffic, claiming to be Qin Lang's uncle, and started posing and live broadcasting, for example, my sister didn't know about it, and I went to the bookstore to buy winter vacation homework and give it to my nephew or something, which also had a great adverse impact on the school and attracted a large number of people to eat melons and watch.

Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?

So at this point, there are still many netizens who can't see the harmfulness of it! Isn't it just a stalk? What will it affect?

Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?
Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?

So many sober netizens in the comments directly pointed out the specific bad impact:

Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?
Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?
Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?

The first is the loss of integrity of these influencers with a large fan base.

Naturally, there is huge traffic and the endorsement of fan trust, fans trust because they like it, during the investigation of the blogger surnamed Xu, some netizens directly pointed out that Xu just wanted to attract fans and drain traffic, and was driven by interests to make the script. Who knows that the fans of the blogger surnamed Xu disapprovingly: Blogger Xu has enough fans, so it's not like this.

Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?
Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?

What this fan doesn't know is. Internet celebrities will never be too many fans, they will only hope for more fans.

Who are the victims of the farce of Qin Lang's loss of homework? Among the many harms, this one is the most harmful?

In this case, even real voices can be muffled by the voices of those who are lost. Naturally, the truth will not be revealed, so the modern version of "the wolf is coming" is formed!

That's the scariest thing!

The influence of Internet celebrities is by no means comparable to ordinary "amateur" netizens.

So who's hurt in this? First of all, the school

It is said that the schools of the same name in Luoyang, Henan, Beihai, Guangxi, Hai'an, Jiangsu and other provinces also found out whether there were students with the same name in the school for the first time, which actually caused a waste of resources in the school.

Furthermore, if a school really has students with the same name and surname, then the school and students may be involved in this farce for no reason, and even affect the normal teaching order of the school.

This is the so-called "spreading rumors with one mouth, refuting rumors and breaking legs"!

As netizens said, rumors can be on the hot search? What is this not a bad impact? In order to market traffic, occupy public resources, let the real national events, people's livelihood news be relegated to the second place and mislead the people, what is this not a bad impact? ?

In this kind of operation in order to gain eyeballs, there is no lower limit to drive more people to imitate, what will be the consequences? Which one will everyone believe when the time comes?

In the end, those fans were hurt, an Internet celebrity who liked it very much from the bottom of her heart turned out to be a liar full of nonsense, and what she did was just for a good word!

If there is traffic, there will be benefits, and Internet celebrities come for profit, and they look ugly.

If this Internet celebrity declared that it was a script at the beginning of Qin Lang's homework farce, would so many people still pay attention to her?

Because they know that it is fake, will there be such people who will pay attention to the follow-up?

What if she wasn't talking about losing her homework but about a war somewhere?

Write at the end:

As a self-media, there is nothing wrong with seeking traffic itself, but it also has to be "found".

If the pursuit of traffic deviates from public order, good customs and even the law, it will undoubtedly become excessive. In this matter, the Internet celebrity involved has been banned from paying attention to and speaking, and a company behind it has been punished, which is a timely wake-up call to the boundaries of self-media.

To be a fan, in fact, you have to beware of becoming someone else's little leek. Do you think the punishment for the blogger surnamed Xu is heavy?

What do you think?