
What should I do if there are many weeds in the wheat field after watering? Can I apply pesticides?

author:Fat Boy Agricultural Classic

Recently, many friends have reported that with the increase in temperature after watering, many weeds have appeared in the wheat field, including gray cabbage, wheat artemisia, as well as Lala seedlings, humulus, etc., some of which have just come out after watering, and some of them have not rebounded completely because of the early spraying. Because wheat has entered the jointing stage in most areas, we all know that the wheat jointing period is more sensitive to pesticides (wheat jointing is also the panicle differentiation period) on the one hand can not be sprayed at will, for fear of affecting the growth of wheat, on the other hand, a large number of weeds will compete with wheat seedlings for nutrients, the same is afraid of affecting wheat yield, for a time people are in a dilemma, so what to do? Can you spray it? Don't worry! Safe and efficient to share with you, I hope it can help.

What should I do if there are many weeds in the wheat field after watering? Can I apply pesticides?

First of all, tell everyone that you can take medicine, but the premise is to choose the right medicine. For the jointed wheat field after watering, if there are more weeds such as gray cabbage or artemisia, metformerin can be used to spray, which is relatively safe. When spraying gray cabbage, try to wait until (gray cabbage) grows to four true leaves, because the waxy layer of the leaves on the gray cabbage is relatively thick, and the spraying of less than four true leaves will affect the effect because of the less absorption of pesticides, so the smaller the spraying of gray cabbage, the better.

What should I do if there are many weeds in the wheat field after watering? Can I apply pesticides?

Secondly, if there are pigs and humulus in the wheat field, you can choose diflusulam after wheat jointing, plus chlorofluoropyroxyacetic acid for spraying. However, we should pay attention to two points before spraying, first, the temperature before and after spraying should be as stable as possible, and there should be no strong winds, cooling and other weather, because the temperature changes greatly in spring, and we should always pay attention to weather changes before spraying, and stop spraying before encountering strong cooling.

2. Triazole fungicides can not be sprayed within half a month before and after spraying chlorofluoropyroxyacetic acid (especially propiconazole, difenoconazole and fluconazole, and difenoconazole can not be sprayed within one month) If chlorofluoropyroxyacetic acid and triazole fungicides are not spaced for a sufficient safe time, it is very likely that there will be pesticide damage in the short term, which will lead to yellowing of the wheat field and eventually cause a reduction in yield, so we must pay attention to this.

What should I do if there are many weeds in the wheat field after watering? Can I apply pesticides?

Finally, if there are wild alfalfa weeds in the wheat field, when the wild alfalfa is about ten centimeters (at this time, the wild alfalfa straw has not yet been lignified, and the control is not only less dosage, but also the effect is good), diflusulfamam plus trichloropyroxyacetic acid can be selected, which is safe and efficient. If the stalks of wild alfalfa appear lignified beyond this period, herbicides can only inhibit it, and the control effect will be unsatisfactory.

In addition, for the spiny cabbage in the wheat field, dichloropyridinic acid can be selected, which can play a role in chronic root rot, although the effect will not be effective immediately, but it is relatively safe for wheat, after all, this period is not like the previous period, safety is the first place. Of course, this agent can be used not only in wheat fields, but also in corn fields, and the safety is relatively high.

What should I do if there are many weeds in the wheat field after watering? Can I apply pesticides?

To sum up, many weeds in the wheat field after wheat watering can be medicated, although the current wheat in most areas is in the jointing stage, but as long as we choose the right agent and pay attention to some matters, it will not have much impact on wheat. In short, due to the special period of this period, and it is the critical period for wheat to control powdery mildew, it is recommended that everyone must see the spray again when spraying herbicides, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

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