
Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

author:Splendid v Shandong

#家常菜, what do you like to eat the most?#

Stir-fried bamboo shoots and pork slices in sauce

Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

Ingredients: 1 small piece of pork, 1 small handful of asparagus, half a carrot, 4 water chestnuts, 2 tablespoons of bean paste, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, a little sugar


1. Cut off the old roots of the asparagus and wash it, slice the water chestnut, boil water in a pot, add a little oil and salt, put the asparagus and water chestnut together and cook slightly, pour out the supercold water for later use;

2. Put a little oil in the pot, heat it, add the meat slices and stir-fry until it changes color, add the carrot slices and stir-fry slightly, add 2 tablespoons of bean paste and stir-fry together

3. Add water chestnut and asparagus and continue to stir-fry, add soy sauce and a little sugar and stir-fry

Cold salad with sweet and sour cabbage

Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

Ingredients: 200g cabbage, appropriate amount of wolfberry, appropriate amount of aged vinegar, appropriate amount of soy sauce, appropriate amount of white sugar, appropriate amount of refined salt, appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate, appropriate amount of sesame oil

Method 1.Break off the cabbage and wash it.

2. Cut into shreds.

3. Place the shredded cabbage in a pot.

4. Add soy sauce.

5. Add aged vinegar, more than usual when cooking cold dishes.

6. Add refined salt.

7. Add MSG.

8. Add sugar and put more.

9. Add a little sesame oil.

10. Stir well.

11. Place the mixed cabbage on a plate.

12. Sprinkle some goji berries for garnish.

Steamed sea bass

Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

Prepare the ingredients: sea bass, shredded ginger, green onions, shredded green onions, white sesame seeds, sauce.


1. Sauce: Put soy sauce and hot water in a bowl and stir well.

2. Clean the sea bass and cut it into slices, add shredded ginger and green onions, grasp and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Boil the water, put in the sea bass and steam for 10 minutes after the water boils, take it out after steaming, pour out the steamed juice, remove the ginger shreds and green onions.

4. Pour in the prepared sauce, sprinkle with shredded green onions and white sesame seeds, pour hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, and serve on the table.

Stir-fried yam with snow peas

Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

Ingredients: 250 grams of snow peas, 250 grams of yams, appropriate amount of fungus, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of chicken essence, appropriate amount of water starch,


1. Soak the fungus in warm water in advance, soak it for 3-4 hours, soak it until the fungus becomes soft, restore its crystal clear form, and then tear the fungus into small flowers.

2. Wash the snow peas and remove the silk at both ends, scrape off the skin of the yam, wash it, and cut it into diamond-shaped slices.

3. Add water to the pot and boil, add a little salt, blanch the snow peas, blanch the snow peas until the color becomes darker and cooked thoroughly, and add salt when blanching to make the snow peas more green.

4. Remove it, put it in cold water to cool, drain the water, set aside, blanch and put it in cold water to cool, which can keep the snow peas crisp and tender.

5. Bring the water to a boil, blanch the fungus and yam for 1 minute, remove and drain.

6. Heat oil in a pot, add minced garlic and stir-fry over low heat, stir-fry the minced garlic to bring out the garlic fragrance, do not scorch.

7. Add the snow peas and stir-fry evenly, then add the fungus and yam, salt, chicken essence, stir-fry evenly over high heat, pour in a little water starch to hook the thin thickener, stir-fry a few times over high heat, turn off the heat, and put it on a plate.


Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

Ingredients: leeks, minced garlic, chili powder, white sesame seeds.


1. Seasoning sauce: Put chili powder, white sesame seeds, and minced garlic in a bowl, pour hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, then add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, rice vinegar, and stir well.

2. Wash and drain the leeks, then cut them into small pieces. Bring the water to a boil in a pot, add salt and cooking oil, then blanch the leeks and cook, then scoop up and squeeze out the water and put it in a bowl.

3. Pour the cold sauce prepared in advance into the leeks, grasp and mix evenly and marinate to absorb the flavor before serving.

Stir-fried shredded pork with leeks

Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

Ingredients: lean meat, leeks, minced garlic, millet spicy.


1. Clean the lean meat and cut it into shreds, add soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch and cooking oil, mix evenly and marinate for 10 minutes. Clean the leeks and cut them into small pieces.

2. Heat the oil, add the marinated shredded meat after the oil is hot, stir-fry until it changes color, then add minced garlic and millet to stir-fry until fragrant, then add cooking wine and dark soy sauce and stir-fry evenly.

4. Then put in the leek segment, stir-fry evenly and fry until it is broken, and then you can put it out of the pot and put it on a plate to eat.

Steamed shiitake mushrooms with garlic vermicelli

Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

Ingredients: fresh shiitake mushrooms, minced garlic, vermicelli, light soy sauce, a pinch of salt, cooking oil

Detailed instructions:

1. Wash the fresh shiitake mushrooms, remove the stems, blanch the water, and then marry off the excess water for later use. Soak the vermicelli in warm water until soft and set aside.

2. Add a little cooking oil to the pot, pour in the minced garlic, stir-fry until fragrant, then add light soy sauce and salt to taste.

3. Put the vermicelli in the shiitake mushrooms, add an appropriate amount of minced garlic, steam in the pot, cover the pot, and steam over high heat for about 10 minutes.

Stir-fry shredded lettuce

Big fish and meat are not as good as these 8 dishes, high in calcium, learn to cook for children, and the body is great

Ingredients: 2 lettuce, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of Sichuan pepper, 2 dried chilies, a pinch of oil and salt

Production:1. Peel the lettuce and cut it into thin strips, add a little salt, mix evenly, and marinate;

2. Heat a pan with an appropriate amount of oil, add minced garlic, peppercorns and dried chili peppers to the pan and stir-fry until fragrant;

3. Add the pickled shredded lettuce to the pan and stir-fry a few times;

4. Finally, add a pinch of salt to taste, stir-fry evenly and put on a plate.