
Don't fight unprepared battles! In this way, the offer will be soft

author:Bawei said

Interviews are undoubtedly a crucial part of your job search. However, in the current fierce competition for employment, we found that some students have not yet graduated and have received soft offers, while some students have interviewed dozens of companies, but still can't get a single offer. Today, Brother Novel will reveal to you how the classmates around him prepare for the interview and get a high-paying offer!

Preparation before the interview:

1. Understand the company's situation

Before the interview, it is best to have a clear understanding of the company's official website, official account, video account, Douyin account and other publicity channels, the content of related products, business model, corporate culture, etc. Only with a comprehensive understanding of the company, can you communicate more with the interviewer during the interview process and shorten the distance between the interview and the interviewee.

Don't fight unprepared battles! In this way, the offer will be soft

2. Analyze the job information to be applied for

Carefully read the main responsibilities and job content of the position you are applying for to understand the skills, experience and requirements required. Match your skills and strengths to the requirements of the role, and then prepare relevant examples and stories to back it up. If the match is not high, where do you still have shortcomings, how to make up for them?

3. Preparation of common problems

InterviewsSome people who want to improve their success rate need to sort out the frequently asked questions about the interview and prepare their own answers. Part of the interview is a regular question, including self-introduction, why you are applying for this position, what are your strengths and weaknesses, what is your career plan, what is your expected salary, etc., this part should have a preset before the interview, and prepare the questions you can think of in advance to answer the words. The other part is the technical questions, which will allow the on-site written test to do questions or knock code, etc., this part is to test the basic skills, of course, you also need to prepare in advance.

Don't fight unprepared battles! In this way, the offer will be soft

4. Optimize your resume

Looking for a job, submitting a resume is always the first step, if the resume is not brilliant enough, you can only lie alone in the mailbox and receive no response. First of all, a good educational background and past internship/work experience should be highlighted. If you feel that you are not an advantage in this area, then you can show your technical ability through 1-2 excellent project experience, high-quality open source projects, etc.

5. Prepare a project introduction

There are a lot of interviewers who will focus on the projects they have done, so this part must be prepared. Whether it is an internship project or a self-done project, the basic question is the structure of the project, the part in charge, the requirements done, the technology used, the biggest challenge, how to solve it, what gains and so on. Therefore, we must simulate in advance, explain clearly what we have done, why we have done it, what technology we have used, what problems we have solved, and constantly reflect on and improve our answers.

Preparation for the Interview:

1. Make a good first impression

Regardless of the type of interview, first impressions are very important. Psychologists have pointed out that our impressions in the minds of others are generally formed within 15 seconds. Therefore, it is important to build a good professional image before the interview, so that you can add points to yourself in a short interview. For example, according to the company's culture and industry requirements, choose the right dress to give a neat and professional impression. For example, maintaining confidence at all times and smiling and welcoming people are the basis for instantly getting closer to the interviewer and giving people a better first impression of themselves.

Don't fight unprepared battles! In this way, the offer will be soft

2. Arrive early

Once you make an appointment for the interview, be sure to arrive at the interview location 5-10 minutes in advance to show the sincerity of the job search, give the other party a sense of trust, and at the same time adjust your mentality to avoid rushing into battle and being in a hurry. In order to do this, it is important to keep in mind the time and place of the interview, and it is best for students who have the conditions to go in advance to avoid being late due to the lack of a place or delays on the way.

3. Pay attention to speech and behavior, calm and natural

In the interview, speech and demeanor are very important, use polite language, pay attention to sitting posture, expression, demeanor, do sincere communication with eyes, avoid some unnecessary small movements, control the tone and speed of speech, let your tone sound smooth and natural, full of confidence, moderate volume, show your confidence and ability.

4. Effective communication and clear thinking

During the interview process, it is crucial to communicate effectively, learn to streamline the language, refine the core points, distinguish priorities, fully refine your core strengths, and avoid rambling and cherishing words like gold.

Don't fight unprepared battles! In this way, the offer will be soft

5. Emphasize the achievement of experience

When answering questions, you should use actual cases to speak, and show your strength through specific project experience or achievements. Emphasize the role and contribution assumed in past projects. Describe in detail the technology you used in the project, the problem you solved, and the results achieved. Highlight the challenges you faced in the project and describe how you responded to and solved them to prove your worth and adaptability.

6. Summarize and summarize the advantages

Finally, at the end of the interview, skillfully summarize your strengths. Impress your interviewer with a concise yet insightful summary that will keep your strengths in mind.

Follow-up after the interview:

1. Send a thank you note

Within 24 hours after the interview, it is very necessary to send a thank you note. In your thank-you letter, you can briefly summarize the key points from the interview and re-emphasize your interest and suitability for the position. This is not only a sign of respect and gratitude for the interviewer's time, but also a demonstration of your attentiveness and professionalism.

2. Take the initiative to seek interview feedback

After sending a thank you note, you can get in touch with HR or the interviewer by email or phone to politely ask for feedback on the interview and further processes. Not only will you be able to see how you will perform in the interview, but it will also help you show that you value and expect the role. Even if the results are not satisfactory, we can prepare and adjust accordingly when we know the results.

3. Review and summarize and continue to improve skills

Regardless of the outcome of the interview, be sure to review and analyze the successes and failures in the interview. See what you're doing well and what needs improvement, and then develop a specific plan for improvement. If you successfully get an offer, then preparation and understanding before the job is essential, if you don't pass the interview, don't be discouraged, learn from the experience, find out the shortcomings, according to the development trend and requirements of the industry, continue to hone your skills, ready for the next workplace challenge.


Interviews are an important opportunity in the job search process, and if you prepare well, you will be able to improve your chances of success. Finally, I wish you all a smooth interview in the spring recruitment and shine in the workplace as soon as possible!

Editor in charge: Meng Xiaoqi

Typesetting: Meng Xiaoqi

Image source: Internet

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