
The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!


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The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

Li Ming's parents divorced when she was very young, and she lived with her mother. But her mother was very indifferent to her, drinking heavily all day, and even more than once domestic violence. Li Ming has been traumatized and devastated since childhood.

"You little, why are you me off again?!" His mother often yelled at Li Ming like this, and her words were full of wine and resentment. Li Ming was like a frightened little beast, trembling and curled up in the corner, tears flowing silently.

Li Ming's arms, legs, and back were full of scars from his mother's beatings. Her body was almost never intact. She often cried secretly alone, wiping her wounds from the corner of her blood-stained clothes, praying for a speedy end to her miserable life.

Just when Li Ming was at her most desperate, her mother remarried, and a middle-aged man named Liu Jun became her stepfather. At first, Li Ming was afraid of this man she had never met, for fear that he would abuse her like her mother. But soon, she discovers that Liu Jun is completely different from her biological mother.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

Liu Jun was a thoughtful person, and he quickly discovered the scars on Li Ming's body. He was angry about Li Ming's mother's violence, but he did not directly accuse, but took care of Li Ming more attentively, and told her with actions that not everyone in this world is cruel.

Liu Jun treats Li Ming like his own daughter, and Li Ming also treats Liu Jun as the closest person in her life. She began to yearn for Liu Jun's love, and an indescribable feeling ignited in her heart, which was both intimate and distant, warm and searing.

Li Ming's heart began to have great struggles and contradictions. On the one hand, her gratitude to Liu Jun is beyond words, and she earnestly hopes to snuggle under Liu Jun's wing forever; On the other hand, she is also clearly aware that her feelings for Liu Jun have surpassed the ordinary father-daughter relationship.

"Am I a sinful person?" Li Ming often cried secretly alone, and her inner struggle was extremely painful. She began to deliberately avoid Liu Jun's gaze, for fear that her eyes would betray the secret in her heart.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

Liu Jun naturally also discovered Li Ming's abnormality, and he thoughtfully asked Li Ming about his condition many times, but Li Ming always forced a smile to hide his troubles. She was so afraid of losing Liu Jun, she would rather bury this sinful feeling deep in her heart than let Liu Jun be disappointed in her.

As time went by, Li Ming's feelings for Liu Jun became more and more difficult to contain. Once, she couldn't help calling Liu Jun's name in a dream, and she was ashamed when she woke up from the dream. Since then, she has deliberately avoided the opportunity to be alone with Liu Jun.

Liu Jun soon discovered Li Ming's unusual behavior, and he took the initiative to find Li Ming, hoping to learn the truth from her. But Li Ming still denied it, she was too afraid to admit her dirty ideas.

"Xiaoli, what are you hiding from me?" Liu Jun said earnestly, "There shouldn't be any estrangement and secrets between us." You will treat me as your real father and tell me everything in your heart. "

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

Hearing these words, Li Ming's tears suddenly burst out of his eyes. She trembled her lips and choked up, "I'm sorry, Uncle Jun, I'm ...... I have feelings for you that I shouldn't have......"

Liu Jun's face instantly turned pale, he opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't say a word for a long time. Li Ming, on the other hand, lowered her head, tears falling from her eyes, and she felt that she was a complete sinner.

She began to fantasize about suicidal thoughts, and she felt that she could not live anymore. But Liu Jun unexpectedly hugged her and persuaded her to give birth to the child.

"We've made this mistake, so let's take all the consequences. Liu Jun said, "I will take full responsibility for this child." "

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

From that moment on, the relationship between Liu Jun and Li Ming took a 180-degree turn. Liu Jun is no longer her loving father, but her lover and father to her children. They began to live together, just like a normal couple.

Li Ming had regretted countless times that she had indulged the evil desires in her heart, but when she saw the child in her womb grow up day by day, she found that she was gradually accepting this fact. She began to look forward to the birth of her child and began to love life again.

Li Ming used to feel extremely ashamed of this, but gradually, she began to accept and even enjoy this life. She began to take the initiative to cater to Liu Jun and serve him like a virtuous wife. And Liu Jun also regarded Li Ming as his real wife, he doted on her and took care of her.

"Honey, what would you like to eat today?" Liu Jun would ask Li Ming gently in the morning.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

"Just eat a little bit, you work harder. Li Minghui smiled shyly, and then kissed Liu Jun on the cheek.

Sometimes, they will fight like a normal couple, and you will joke about it. Sometimes, they will also quarrel over small things, but soon they will hug each other again and be intimate.

Even Li Ming's mother is accustomed to accepting the relationship between this "father and daughter couple". She seemed to have given her daughter in marriage to her husband, and this incestuous relationship seemed to take for granted to her.

Until one day, an episode completely shattered this superficial peace.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

Li Ming was out shopping when she happened to meet Zhang Wei, a boy she had a crush on in high school. I haven't seen him for many years, Zhang Wei is already a successful businessman with a good demeanor. And Li Ming looked yellow and thin, with a sad face.

"Li Ming, it's really you! I almost don't recognize you. Zhang Wei warmly stepped forward and hugged Li Ming, his face full of joy.

"Hello, Zhang Wei, I really didn't expect to meet you here. Li Ming was a little nervous, and she subconsciously took a step back.

Zhang Wei noticed Li Ming's abnormality, so he looked her up and down, and found that her belly was slightly convex, as if she was pregnant.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

"Are you married? Zhang Wei said sincerely.

Li Ming was silent, she didn't have the courage to tell Zhang Wei her true situation. She just blushed and lowered her head. At this moment, Liu Jun happened to come to pick up Li Ming, and when he saw this scene, he stepped forward and took Li Ming's hand and held her tightly in his arms.

Zhang Wei suddenly understood something, and his face changed greatly. Li Ming cried and struggled, and scolded Liu Jun loudly, saying that he was a beast and a sinner.

For a while, the scene was chaotic, and passers-by were attracted to the eyes and pointed and talked about the farce. But Li Ming seemed to have been reborn, suddenly enlightened, and she was determined to get rid of this deformed life and start a new life.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

Back at home, Li Ming began to pack her belongings frantically, she was going to leave this nightmarish home. Liu Jun stopped her and begged her to think twice.

"Are you going to leave me, leaving me and my two children behind?" Liu Jun begged, "Our relationship for so many years was ruined by you with your own hands?"

"Feelings, what feelings?" Li Ming sneered and said, "We don't have any damn feelings between us at all! You're just a filthy old thief, a beast with a heinous crime!"

Liu Jun was hit hard by Li Ming's words, and he fell to his knees with a thud, crying bitterly. But Li Ming was indifferent, she dragged her heavy suitcase and left this nightmarish home without looking back.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

"I have one condition, though. Li Ming said, "I want you to pay me a bride price of 800,000 yuan." "

Zhang Wei was taken aback by Li Ming's request, he never expected that Li Ming would offer such excessive conditions. However, when he saw the two innocent children in Li Ming's arms, his heart was once again painful.

"Well, I promise you. Zhang Wei nodded, his eyes gloomy.

Li Ming was very happy, she could finally change her mind and start a new life. After paying the bride price, Zhang Wei took Li Ming and his two children and moved into a brand new house, opening a future that he didn't know where it would lead.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

After the incest scandal of Li Ming and Liu Jun spread in the small town, it caused an uproar. Some people slandered them as brutes, sinners from which they could never recover; Others sympathized with Li Ming, believing that she was just a poor victim.

"You see, this is a typical incest family. One neighbor said while drinking, "The man is a complete beast, and the woman is a shameless slut." They deserve to be spurned!"

"Poor girl, what a wretched person she was when she was a child without fatherly love. Another aunt burst into tears, "If I were her, I would have lost my way and gone astray." "

All kinds of criticism and comments filled the entire community, and Li Ming and Liu Jun became the talk of the people after dinner. Some even wanted to rally the masses and go to "clean up the portal". Fortunately, there are still some sane people who have suppressed this ferocious wave.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

"What the hell am I doing wrong?" When Li Ming is alone, he often asks himself this question. She is conflicted inside, on the one hand, she is extremely ashamed of her dirty relationship with her stepfather, and on the other hand, she feels that she is a poor victim, an outcast of society.

She began to reflect on her life, having been abused by her mother, bullied by her classmates, and marginalized by society since she was a child. Just when she was at her most desperate, Liu Jun appeared and gave her a new life and unprecedented warmth. She truly loves Liu Jun, even if this love is morbid, distorted, and despicable.

"Should I be spurned, despised, treated like a brute?" Li Ming thought, "What is the difference between the relationship between me and Liu Jun and your so-called 'normal husband and wife'? We love each other, we have children, and we support each other, isn't this the essence of marriage?"

Yes, Li Ming began to look for reasonable explanations and excuses for what he had done. She told herself that she had done nothing wrong and that it was this hypocritical society that was discriminating against her and despising her.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

"You stand on the moral high ground and accuse me, but you never put yourself in my shoes. Li Ming's heart roared, "If you had given me a warm home from the beginning, instead of depriving me of the right to live, would I still do these 'heinous' things?"

Li Ming felt that she was nothing more than a victim and victim of this sick society. She began to hate the world, the self-righteous hypocrites who cursed her with filthy language, but never really put themselves in her shoes.

At the same time that Li Ming was angry, she was also seeking redemption. She felt that as long as she lived well in the future, she could prove that she was not "the worst of sinners" as those people put it. She believes that if she works hard enough, she will be able to redeem her past mistakes.

So, Li Ming began to work hard, working as a general worker in a factory during the day and a small restaurant at night. She saved a lot of money by saving money. Once, she took the initiative to find Liu Jun and paid the child support for her two children in full at one time.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

"You've done so much for us. Liu Jun said, "I really don't know how to thank you." "

"No, that's what I'm supposed to do. Li Ming said firmly, "I want to prove with my actions that I am not worse than others." From now on, I will definitely live a normal life, and I want to make these two children proud of me. "

In this way, Li Ming started a new life. She moved into a small house rented by Zhang Wei for her and began to live together. At first, Zhang Wei was a little suspicious of Li Ming, but gradually, he was impressed by Li Ming's diligence and kindness.

Li Ming takes care of the house cleanly, she is careful and considerate, and she takes care of Zhang Wei. She also cherishes her two children and considers them her greatest pride. Seeing Li Ming's various changes, Zhang Wei was sincerely gratified.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!

"You're such an amazing woman. Once, Zhang Wei rarely praised Li Ming, "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed that you had done those 'outrageous' things." "

Li Ming smiled, her eyes full of confidence and calmness. "yes, I used to be crazy, but now it's different. I have proven myself and I will be your most wonderful wife and the best mother to your children. "

Li Ming, who learned the news, almost collapsed. She cried and remembered all kinds of past events with Liu Jun. Even if it is a deformed relationship, she still loves Liu Jun deep down. Liu Jun's death undoubtedly dealt her a heavy blow.

A few months later, Li Ming finally recovered again. She made up her mind to live for Liu Jun and for her future. So, under Zhang Wei's marriage proposal again, Li Ming readily agreed, officially married Zhang Wei, and embarked on a new path in life.

On the wedding day, Li Ming was wearing a snow-white wedding dress, beautiful and moving. A happy smile spread across her face, and the gloom of the past seemed to have been swept away. She secretly said to Liu Jun in her heart: "I will live a good life and never forget your kindness to me." "

Watching Li Ming happily follow the groom into the church, my heart was full of mixed feelings. I am saddened by the twists and turns in Li Ming's life, and I am also glad that she was finally able to regain her happiness.

Li Ming's life is like a microcosm of this society. She has suffered all kinds of hardships and traumas since she was a child, but she still retains an innocent and kind heart. She once lost her way and did despicable things, but she never gave up on self-redemption and never stopped looking for happiness.

Yes, everyone should be given a chance to start over. We should not reduce a person's fault to a beast, because no one can be completely innocent. On the contrary, we should have empathy and tolerance to untie the knots in the hearts of others and others, and guide them on the right path.

Let's bless Li Ming together, wish her to be completely relieved in her new life, and wish her children to grow up healthy and happy. Because everyone should have the right to be happy, no matter what he has been through.

The woman lived with her stepfather for 11 years and gave birth to two children, and when she got married, she asked her husband for a bride price of 800,000!