
The sponge is weak, life is not harmonious, the director: excessive blood stasis, soothing the liver and regulating qi to recover!

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Kwok Siu On

For many friends with weak cavernous body and ED problems, the cause is often excessive blood stasis in the cavernous body, and it is necessary to dissolve the blood stasis in it to make its qi and blood pure, so that the tendons can be tenacious and nourished, and maintain a normal state. However, many people say: I have also invigorated blood and removed blood stasis, but why is the problem "there" not good?

The sponge is weak, life is not harmonious, the director: excessive blood stasis, soothing the liver and regulating qi to recover!

The so-called blood circulation and blood stasis removal should be regulated from the source, just like a pool of stagnant water, we don't need to be pure, we can change a batch of new water to come in, as long as the follow-up water is clean;

On the one hand, the liver blood deficiency will lead to too slow flow rate and congestion. On the one hand, qi stagnation and blood stasis due to emotional reasons will block the road to the cavernous body;

Therefore, if you want to purify the cavernous body and stasis, you not only need to replenish the liver and blood, but also to relieve the liver and regulate qi!

The sponge is weak, life is not harmonious, the director: excessive blood stasis, soothing the liver and regulating qi to recover!

Case Study:

Mr. Wang, from Jinan, Shandong, has had the problem of Zongji ED for many years, and it is precisely because of this problem that his quality of life has declined year by year.

Symptoms: Zongji ED, frequent indifference, exhaustion of various methods is also to no avail. Emotional instability, easy to be depressed, easy to fall into a sad state, often depressed, poor appetite and easy diarrhea, often uncomfortable flanks, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus;


The sponge is weak, life is not harmonious, the director: excessive blood stasis, soothing the liver and regulating qi to recover!

The comprehensive differentiation of syndromes is: liver stagnation and qi stagnation, blood stasis and internal disturbance, and muscle dystrophy;

Yam, Yam meat, Rehman, Poria cocos, Ze Yuan, Danpi, wolfberry, dodder seed, raspberry, Sichuan hyssop, orange core, hawthorn core, lychee core, fairy spleen;

Tell him to maintain a positive attitude, try to stay away from people and things with negative energy, maintain self-disciplined habits of life and rest, and don't think nonsense all day long;

After a period of conditioning, Mr. Wang felt that the toughness of the tendons had improved, and at the same time, he could gradually reach the state that a normal person should have.

The sponge is weak, life is not harmonious, the director: excessive blood stasis, soothing the liver and regulating qi to recover!

The improvement of the condition often begins with the improvement of the quality of life. Although Chinese medicine has the idea of so-called nourishing fire and helping yang, it does not make the functional aspect immediate. It all requires a recovery cycle and process. It's impossible to eat a fat man in one bite. As the saying goes~ if you want to hurry, you can't reach this truth;

With a good mental state, not tired of doing things, good sleep quality, and not depressed personality, these are all manifestations of good health. This shows that if you make up for it, everything will fall into place and get better and better;

The sponge is weak, life is not harmonious, the director: excessive blood stasis, soothing the liver and regulating qi to recover!

In addition, many people don't think that just find a Chinese medicine doctor to see my problem can be immediately better, in fact, conditioning the body also pays attention to a certain fate, each doctor for the same problem of conditioning ideas are different, the final result is bound to be different, so the key to good and bad results lies in whether you have met a reliable doctor to help you dialectically treat the symptoms. The choice is greater than the effort, and the right choice can get twice the result with half the effort;

The sponge is weak, life is not harmonious, the director: excessive blood stasis, soothing the liver and regulating qi to recover!

I am Guo Zhaoan, director of the Department of Nephrology of Shandong Provincial Grade 3A Hospital, and I am good at traditional Chinese medicine to regulate various kidney diseases and andrology diseases.

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