
How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

author:Ka Yujun

Among the recent hit TV series, "City in the City" is undoubtedly a clear stream that cannot be ignored. This work, which was selected by CCTV, has attracted the attention of countless viewers with its unique charm since it was broadcast.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

It has dominated the highest ratings in China for three consecutive days, which is enough to prove that it has been warmly sought after and widely recognized.

With the theme of "Finance + Work", "City within a City" cleverly connects the rigor and professionalism of the financial industry with the daily life of ordinary people.

It is not only a TV series that shows the workplace of elites in the financial industry, but also a work that allows the audience to have an in-depth understanding of the operating mechanism of the financial industry and feel the ups and downs.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

In this drama, we see the struggle and growth of two generations of financial people in the workplace. They are not only faced with the constraints of industry rules and the complexity of interpersonal relationships, but also the interweaving of multiple factors such as friendship and family affection. They have left their footprints and stories in every corner of this financial city.

The plot of the last few episodes is even more gripping, and the grudge entanglement between the older generation of financiers has become the main line of the story. Their experiences, their choices, have given us a glimpse of the other side of the financial industry. And as time goes by, we have gradually discovered some "flaws" hidden behind the prosperity. These flaws may not be perfect, but they make the show more real and more relatable.

The casting is too outrageous, and the "plastic face" is a play

As a high-profile work, the cast of "City in the City" should have been the focus of the audience's attention. However, it is puzzling that in this film, the appearance of the actors seems to become a more compelling topic. Especially actress Yang Zishan, the change in her appearance has aroused the attention and discussion of many audiences. In this film, the "plastic face" seems to occupy a large proportion, which makes people question the choice of cast.

The first place, Yang Zishan.

Yang Zishan, the actor who once won the hearts of the people with a fresh and natural image in "To Our Dying Youth", has now undergone significant changes in his appearance in "City within a City". The soft cheeks have become stiff, the forehead and cheekbones have become plump but sagging, and the nasolabial folds have become deeper. These changes not only make her appearance look unnatural, but also affect her performance to a certain extent.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

A closer look at Yang Zishan's performance in the film shows us the unnaturalness of her expressions and movements. When she speaks, her mouth seems to be difficult to open, giving people the feeling of being choked by something, and when she laughs, the muscles of her face are "raised" as if they are about to explode at any moment. These unnatural expressions and movements undoubtedly weaken her emotional expression and character building in the performance.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

However, it is even more regrettable that these flaws in appearance are particularly prominent under the lens. Yang Zishan's eyelids drooped, almost covering her eyes, but there was no wrinkle around her eyes, giving people an unnatural feeling, and her eyes seemed to have lost their former luster and looked a little dull. The raised pimple on her forehead is even more puzzling, why her muscles have become so weird, and when viewed from the side, her chin is unusually prominent, and the muscle lines of her face are not smooth enough.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

Such a change in appearance undoubtedly had a great impact on Yang Zishan's performance. Even if she has good acting skills, it is difficult to make up for the lack of appearance. After all, the actor's appearance is the audience's first impression of the character and an important part of the character's image. When there is a conflict between the appearance and the image of the character, it is difficult for the audience to focus on the actor's performance, which affects the cognitive and emotional investment of the character.

Second place, Lonnie.

Lonnie has attracted the attention of the public with her unique face. However, this face seems to be a little fussy, and the slightest deviation in the angle will reveal those hidden flaws mercilessly. It has to be said that the angle has a great impact on the beauty of Lonnie's face.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

When we look closely at the bridge of Lonnie's nose, we will see that it is tall and powerful, giving the whole face a three-dimensional effect. However, puzzlingly, her nose seems to be a little crooked, which can't help but make one wonder about the authenticity of her face. This subtle crooked nose makes her nose look a little unnatural, and it also makes people wonder if there is some secret that we don't know.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

In terms of acting, Lonnie's performance was also a bit disappointing. She seems happy to make exaggerated movements in front of the camera, but her facial expression is as if she is frozen, unable to move. In the face of Su Jianren's affectionate confession, her eyebrows were tightly locked, but she couldn't show the emotional fluctuations she should have, as if she was "hindered" by some kind. The limitations of this facial expression make her acting skills seem a little stiff and dull.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

And when Lonnie laughs, her facial features show another kind of incongruity. Wrinkles increased and deepened on her face, and her chin seemed to thicken. Surprisingly, however, there are almost no wrinkles on her cheeks and forehead, a peculiar contrast that makes her face look particularly incongruous. This incongruity makes her smile look a little stiff and deliberate.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

When we see Lonnie not smiling again, her jaw so sharp that she could almost be used as a weapon. This is in stark contrast to the image in her early photographs. In the early photos, her face lines are smooth and natural, full of collagen, and she looks fresh and lovely. Today, however, her facial lines are sharp and abrupt, reminiscent of her earlier images.

third place, Yang Yuting.

Yang Yuting's appearance in her youth is undoubtedly a picture of a classical beauty, her facial features are delicate and harmonious, exuding a gentle and elegant atmosphere. However, over time, her facial features have also undergone some significant changes.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

In "Langya Bang", although Yang Yuting played the role of Yue Guifei, although she is graceful, but if you look closely, it is not difficult for us to find that her face has undergone obvious changes. The temperament of that classical beauty, although still there, has been replaced by a futuristic atmosphere.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

This sense of the future mainly comes from Yang Yuting's modern facial features. Her chin became pointy, her face seemed a little puffy, and her double eyelids became unusually wide. These traits make her look more like an internet celebrity than a classical beauty we once were familiar with.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

What's even more regrettable is that Yang Yuting's facial expressions when acting also appear distorted and unnatural. She seems to want to show her emotions vigorously, but the result is that her facial muscles are uncontrollable, and her skin is uneven, giving people a frightening feeling. Such a performance undoubtedly greatly reduced her character image.

Is "plastic facelift" a demand, or is there an aesthetic problem?

In recent years, the proportion of "plastic surgery faces" in domestic TV dramas has become more and more high, which makes people wonder if this is the self-pursuit of actors, or the deformed demand of the market? In urban dramas, this phenomenon is still understandable, after all, everyone has their own aesthetic standards and the right to pursue beauty. But when this trend spreads to spy war dramas and costume dramas, people begin to question their rationality.

In the spy war drama "Thrush", Peng Xiaoran's appearance was a big surprise. Her facial features are exaggerated as if she had come out of a comic, flat like an egg without any lines, and her head is like an inflated balloon, threatening to explode at any moment. How can such an image make people believe that she is a spy fighter who has experienced a hundred battles? Such a "plastic surgery face" is not only incompatible with the character setting, but also a great insult to the audience's IQ.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

Similarly, in the costume drama "Thin Ice", Chen Xiaojun's appearance is also jaw-dropping. She has some similarities with Peng Xiaoran's facial features, both of which are the kind of "plastic surgery faces" full of high-tech sense. With a pointed nose and exaggerated eyes, it's like an alien from another planet. Such facial features are far from the gentle and graceful image of ancient women, which makes people doubt the director's casting vision.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

In the popular drama "South to North" of the Spring Festival Gala, "plastic surgery faces" appear even more together. Jin Chen's chin was so pointed that he could pierce paper, his nose was so small that he could barely see it, and his eyes were as big as copper bells. Although her hair was combed into braids, she did not have the temperament of an ancient woman at all. Her facial expression is stiff as if she has been frozen, and the corners of her mouth are always tilted at the same angle, making it difficult to integrate into the plot.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

The same goes for Jiang Yan, whose facial features are similar to Jin Chen's. The appearance of the sharp-beaked monkey's gills is unforgettable, and the apple muscles are plump as if they have just eaten two large apples. How can such an image make people believe that she is an ancient woman? And the former goddess Zuo Xiaoqing has now become like a pig's head, with a puffy face, deep bags under her eyes, and a sharp chin that can pierce the sky.

How collapsed is "City in the City" when plastic surgery is faced? Zhang Yimou reveals the persistence and rejection behind the casting

Time is a pig-killing knife, and this sentence is really right to describe the changes in the appearance of these actors. used to be as beautiful as a flower, but now it has become an unrecognizable "plastic surgery face". Such a change not only makes the audience feel sorry, but also makes people disappointed with the aesthetic standards of domestic TV dramas.


Facial plastic surgery is not a wise choice for actor development. The ephemeral beauty it brings is no substitute for the depth of acting and character building. The real charm of an actor comes from the in-depth understanding of the character and the sincere expression of emotions, rather than the modification of the external appearance. are able to stick to the original intention of art and win the love of the audience with their strength and talent.

At the same time, when casting, you can pay more attention to the acting skills and inner qualities of the actors, rather than being confused by the superficial beauty. Only actors who truly fit the role can give the work a soul and make it glow with a unique charm.

Finally, what do you think about plastic surgery, welcome to discuss in the comment area


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