
Dream casts brilliant 6 speeches

author:Small cloth security

Dreams Forge Brilliant Speeches 1

Everyone has their own potential talents, and there will be opportunities to lead him to the road to success, but many people are getting farther and farther away from success because of their weak character, timidity, and inability to persevere to the end.

It is not easy to live in a person's life. From birth to death, we must accept countless setbacks and sufferings. Some people, unable to withstand the difficult "ridicule", should have climbed up, but slowly slipped to the bottom of life and became the laughing stock of others; but some people are strong-willed and go against the wind, although they have experienced ups and downs, they are the biggest winners in life.

If you don't experience wind and rain, how can you see a rainbow. There are countless possibilities in life, some people say that their fate is predestined and cannot be changed by themselves, but I don't think so, God is fair, he opened a lucky window for everyone, but it is not easy to cross this window, if you can't persevere, you won't succeed, and you miss, the opportunity you give up will be snatched away by others.

My mother once said to me that you can't do anything without persistence, patience, and perseverance. As long as you persevere to the end, success will always be in front of you.

In learning, we must insist that the reality is cruel, the reality does not allow us to give up, if we want to succeed, if we want to be affirmed by the society and everyone, we have to persevere, even if you are wronged, you have to endure it, and persist for your dreams.

Don't care about the ridicule of others, if you want to prove that you are right, then, only by persevering to the end, you can tell others, tell yourself: "I am right!"

Remember, you must keep the dream in your heart, don't give up easily, even if you are in adversity and do not see any signs of success, you must be full of confidence, move forward, and buy a new step in life.

Dreams Forge Brilliant Speeches 2

Dear leaders and colleagues,

Hello everyone!

The title of my speech today is "Persist in Dreams, Create Glory".

With dreams and passion, we ushered in the exciting moment of the opening of the two lines.

I remember seeing such a sentence in "Ordinary World", "Only hard work can be respected." Isn't this the most ordinary and greatest declaration of our thousands of railway workers? Although there are no grandiose words or flowery confessions, some of them just work silently and stick to their posts day after day, year after year. However, seeing the important moment of the opening of the two lines at the North Railway Station and becoming a witness to this glorious moment, my heart is excited, and I hope and strive to do my job well and do my part to ensure the safe and normal operation of the train.

I often ask myself: what do I need for my job? What am I doing now? What does the railway need me to do in the future? With the expectation of the future, we have devoted ourselves to the work and the new living environment. In the scorching summer, in the face of the huge passenger flow, in the temperature that is getting higher and higher day by day, this time to prepare for the opening of the two lines, as one of the witnesses of the opening of the two lines, I have seen the efforts made by the leaders and staff of the North Station to ensure the safety of the high temperature and summer transportation in the increasingly high temperature environment. In order to ensure the safety of summer transportation, we have continuously strengthened safety knowledge education, and even many leaders have personally gone to the front line to encourage and comfort the staff. The "Send Cool" activity was carried out, which made us feel the value and significance of personal work. Looking at the state of the whole station not afraid of the scorching heat and facing the battle with passion, I deeply feel that railway work is not only a job, but also a responsibility and a pride.

Now that the two lines are opened, the railway workers have worked hard and innovated for several years, the sweat they shed, and the wisdom and hard work they have spent will be integrated into this high-speed line, extending to the entire northwest land.

This is the dream pursued by several generations of railroad people, and this is the brilliance created by the hard work of several generations of railway people. As the younger generation of railway workers, the successors of our railway development are the backbone of future railway development. I deeply understand that the prosperity of the country and railway traffic have an inseparable bond, and now that the railway has developed and reformed, in the face of new planning, new difficulties and new challenges, I am more determined to have the railway dream in my heart. Therefore, we must be more clear about our goals, love our work, be honest and responsible, selfless dedication, and work hard, so that our fiery youth can be cast in the continuous development and growth of the railway. It is necessary to keep pace with the times, innovate ourselves, and do a good job in the training of railway employees wholeheartedly, so as to lay a solid foundation for the rapid development of the railway.

After going through a difficult mileage of development, China's railways have finally achieved a magnificent turn today! This era needs high-speed rail! And our contemporary youth should be like the galloping high-speed train, strive to move forward and keep pace with the times!

Learn the knowledge of high-speed rail, strengthen the awareness of high-speed rail, practice high-speed rail standards, and cast the spirit of high-speed rail. Firmly stick to their own posts and adhere to the work attitude of love and dedication.

Young friends, let us unleash our enthusiasm, let us work together, gather strength, and let our dreams fly! Devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the tide of railway reform and development, overcome thorns and thorns, and brave the wind and waves!

Let us stand shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, with redoubled efforts, with the hands to create the future, to interpret our own dream of the railway that will never be broken!

That's the end of my presentation, thank you.

Dreams Forge Brilliant Speeches 3

Dear Leaders, Teachers, and Students,

Hello everyone, we are very honored and proud to participate in such a solemn and enthusiastic opening ceremony of "Glory and Dreams"!

People often say, "Without sunshine, there would be no growth of all things, and without rain and dew, there would be no fragrance of flowers; and I would like to say: Without the concern of the party, the government, and the leaders of Hanjiang Middle School, we would not have been able to come to this beautiful modern school that exudes a strong bookish atmosphere.

I still vividly remember that at noon on August 25th, we were full of longing, hope, ambition and heart, and stepped on the train that was about to go away. However, when the train started, we cried, because after all, we had to go to a distant and strange place to study, and on the road ahead, everything had to be faced by ourselves, and there would be no more care from parents and friends.

It's a long journey, and your thoughts are endless. We seemed to be confined to the confusion, just when we were hungry, the teachers of Hanzhong and Neipai, who accompanied us all the way, appeared, they greeted us with warmth, kept comforting us, encouraging us, telling us jokes, introducing us to the situation of the new school, so that we forgot the pain of leaving home. The faces of the students showed a happy and youthful smile.

After nearly 50 hours of bumps. We finally got off the train in Nanjing, we were led by the teacher, orderly out of the station and soon met Director Xie who went to pick us up, the director's kind smile and warm greetings all the way, so that we were tired.

Taking the brand new bus, we went directly to the school dormitory and found that every bed was neatly made, and the dormitory was also equipped with air conditioning, toilets, solar water heaters, and the school's careful arrangement made us feel warm.

In the past few days, we have been deeply attracted and inspired by the hometown style meals cooked by Xinjiang masters in the halal canteen, the comfortable space in the dormitory, the clean and beautiful environment of the whole campus, the advanced teaching facilities, and the treatment of various scholarships on the same level as mainland students.

We are proud that we were able to be selected from the fierce competition to study at this nationally renowned school through our own efforts.

We understand that we are shouldering the heavy responsibility of building Xinjiang and promoting the unity and development of all ethnic groups. We also keep in mind the school motto of integrity, responsibility and potential, and we are more aware of the challenges and difficulties we will face in the future.

We firmly believe that with the care and help of the teachers and students of the whole school, we will be able to abide by the rules and regulations of the school in an exemplary manner, cultivate noble moral sentiments, develop good study and living habits, unite and help each other, blaze new trails, challenge ourselves, and surpass our dreams.

We will add luster to the modern campus of Hanzhong with excellent results, and give a satisfactory answer to the party and the people of our hometown.

Great oaks from little acorns grow.. We will take practical actions to realize our solemn promise: today, I am proud of Hanzhong, tomorrow, Hanzhong is proud of me!

Finally, I wish our teachers and students good health and all the best!

Wishing our school a prosperous and glorious school forever!

Thank you!

Dreams Forge Brilliant Speeches 4

A person who completely denies himself and loses self-confidence because of past mistakes or even failures is destined to see the light of day and not be able to get out of the trough, let alone enjoy the joy of success.

Roger Rawls is the 53rd mayor of New York City and the first black mayor in New York City's history. He was born in New York's infamous slum of Dashatou. Few of the children born here grow up to get more decent jobs. However, Roger was an exception, not only did he get into college, but he also became governor. At his inaugural press conference, Roger said nothing about his struggle, except for a very unfamiliar name, Pierre Paul. Later, it became known that this Pierre Paul was a principal when he was in elementary school.

In 1961, Pierre Paul, the headmaster, walked into Nobita Elementary School and found that the boys were even more idle than the "lost generation", skipping classes, fighting, and even smashing blackboards in classrooms. When Roger jumped off the ledge and walked to the podium with his little hand outstretched, Pierre Paul said, "I knew you were going to be the mayor of New York City as soon as I saw your slender little thumb." At that time, Roger was taken aback, because because he was so big, only his grandmother cheered him up once, saying that he could become the captain of a small 5-ton boat. This time, to his surprise, Mr. Peel Paul said that he could become mayor of New York City, and he wrote it down and believed him. From that day on, the mayor of New York City flew like a hunting flag in his heart. His clothes were no longer covered with mud, his speech was no longer foul, he began to walk with his waist straight, and he was later elected class president by his classmates. For more than 40 years, there was not a day that did not hold him to the position of mayor of New York City. At the age of 51, he literally became mayor of New York City.

Another comical but thought-provoking story is that one evening many years ago, a young immigrant named Henry stood by the river in a daze. It was his 30th birthday, but he didn't know if he still had to live. Because Henry grew up in a welfare home, he was short in stature, his appearance was not flattering, and he spoke with a strong French country accent, so he always looked down on himself, and he did not dare to apply for even the most ordinary jobs, no job, and no home.

While Henry was torn between life and death, his good friend John came up to him in high spirits and said, "Henry, I have good news for you. I just heard on the radio that Napoleon had lost a grandson. The physiognomy described by the announcer is exactly the same as yours. ”

"Really, I am Napoleon's grandson!" Henry was in high spirits. Thinking of his grandfather's small stature commanding thousands of troops and giving majestic orders in earthy French, he suddenly felt that his short stature was also full of strength, and his French country accent when he spoke was also a bit noble and majestic. Early the next morning, Henry confidently applied for a job at a large company.

Twenty years later, Henry, who had become president of the large company, confirmed that he was not Napoleon's grandson, but that no longer mattered.

The great Greek philosopher Socrates had a great regret before his death, his right-hand man for many years could not find him the best disciple in half a year. The assistant was very ashamed, and with tears streaming down his face, he sat on the side of Socrates' hospital bed and said heavily: "I'm so sorry to disappoint you." Socrates said, "It is I who is disappointed, but it is you who are sorry...... Originally, the best was yourself, but you couldn't believe it, so you ignored, delayed, and lost yourself......" Before the words were finished, a generation of philosophers left the world that he once deeply cared about.

The philosopher Socrates' dying words illustrate an intriguing phenomenon in the world, that is, many people lack self-confidence, including those who have the ability and conditions to succeed. This has given us great shock and inspiration: people must dare to believe in themselves, otherwise, they will pass by the opportunity to succeed again and again.

Self-confidence is the foundation for realizing dreams, and persistence is the guarantee for success.

A student asked Socrates how he could learn such a profound knowledge. Socrates did not answer directly, but said, "Today we will learn only one of the simplest and easiest things, and each man throws his arm as far forward as he can, and then as far back as he can." Socrates demonstrated it and said, "From today onwards, do 300 reps a day, can you do it?" The students all laughed, what could not be done with such a simple thing? After a month, Socrates asked the students, "Which students persevered?" and ninety percent of the students proudly raised their hands.

A year later, Socrates asked again, "Tell me, how many of the students persisted in the simplest gesture?"

Therefore, self-confidence is not enough, the key is to have the perseverance to achieve your set goals. No matter what difficulties, setbacks or ups and downs you encounter, you will be unswerving on the road to your goal!

Dreams Forge Brilliant Speeches 5

We are great because of our dreams, and all successful people are big dreamers. By the fire on a winter night, in the rain and fog on a cloudy day, dream of the future. Some people let their dreams die quietly, while others nurture and maintain them until they survive the adversity and usher in light and hope, which always comes to those who truly believe that their dreams will come true. - Wilson

Dreams are like a lighthouse that guides me when I'm confused, dreams are like a coordinate card that guides me when I'm confused, and dreams are like a power bank that fills me up when I'm frustrated. Dreams are like light, bright and moving, dreams are like fire, hot and dazzling, dreams are like the wind, inspiring to move forward.

It is hard to imagine what the world would have become if there were no dreams? If the Wright brothers had not insisted on their dreams, there would have been no airplanes soaring in the blue sky; if Edison had not insisted on their dreams, there would not have been such a bright night; and if the Lumière brothers had not insisted on their dreams, there would have been no movies that have been talked about by future generations.

We must persist in our dreams, although we may not necessarily succeed in working hard for our dreams, but if we do not have the support of our dreams, we will have nothing to do all day long, how boring should life be?

Helen Keller has been blind and deaf since she was a child, and it is the power of dreams that supports her to grow and learn step by step, allowing her to grow from a suffering and distressing girl to a world-renowned writer, educator, philanthropist, and social activist. She did not choose to give up her dreams, and grieved for her poor experience all her life, but chose to stick to her dreams, she struggled to learn Braille with the help of Teacher Sullivan, feeling and exploring this unknown world little by little, relying on her belief that she did not give up easily, she finally reaped success and was admired by thousands of people.

I remember that there was such a classic sentence in the movie, "If people don't have dreams, what is the difference between them and salted fish". Only when people have dreams, every day will have a clearer goal, will live a more meaningful life, who doesn't want to live a meaningful life?

Dreams Forge Brilliant Speeches 6

It has been said that doctors are the front-line fighters in the fight against disease; It is an angel in white who struggles for the sick on the line of death; It is Angel who saves lives and relieves the pain of patients at all times. It can be seen how noble and wholehearted the profession of doctors is to serve the people. My ideal is to be a good doctor, and being a doctor is a noble profession, and it is the duty of a doctor to treat diseases and save people. Doctors save people from outpatient clinics to surgeries, which are related to people's lives, so they are always so attentive and dare not have the slightest negligence, they know that a small mistake can cause a big disaster. Whenever I know that the doctor has treated another dying patient, I feel envious and admired, and I can't help but secretly make up my mind: I want to be a doctor when I grow up

It's a long story, but there's a reason why I want to be a doctor... , year 4. In May, when the SARS epidemic ravaged the city of Beijing, a terrifying atmosphere hung over Beijing, and suspected medical records continued to appear, making people panic. At this moment, the white-clothed soldiers disregarded their personal safety and fought day and night on this battlefield without gunpowder. There is such a hospital on the front line of the anti-SARS ———— Xiaotangshan Hospital, there is such a touching story: a doctor, who has been fighting on the front line since the beginning of isolation, everyone asked him to rest, he always said: "I have been on the front line for so long, with a certain amount of experience, I can better perform my duties, and the replacement has increased the source of infection, am I working for a while?" Finally, he was infected with SARS, because it was found too late, it was at a critical juncture, and his family fell into deep grief, but the doctor was relieved of the reporter's interview in the quarantine area, although there were tears in his eyes, infinite nostalgia for this beautiful world, but firmly said: "Please hand over my body to the medical organization for autopsy, solve the SARS vaccine as soon as possible, so that more patients can leave the hospital as soon as possible and go home for reunion as soon as possible." "I was deeply touched by the selfless dedication of this doctor, and we were deeply moved by the loss of his life. He was only 36 years old when he died, so young, and life was so short for him, I couldn't help but say softly in my heart: "Good doctor, you are good to go!" Sitting on the sofa, I remembered the doctor's help...

It was the height of summer, the sun was scorching the earth, and I was still playing crazy in the compound. When I was playing hide and seek, everyone searched all the corners of the compound, but they couldn't find me. When they searched again, they finally found me in the stomping, and I was unconscious. When my mother heard about it, she quickly arrived, picked me up and ran to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, it was almost time to get off work, and the doctor gently picked me up and put me on the bed. I was diagnosed, injected and given medicine, and gave me a massage. Until I woke up, poured me sugar and boiled water, until I felt better, asked my mother to take medicine, sent us out of the hospital, saw that it was getting late, called a taxi for us, and watched us go away. My mother and I were so grateful that we didn't know what to say, but we just said, "Thank you!" and from then on, I often told people about the doctor's help to me. I strengthened my determination to become a doctor.

I know that to be a doctor, you need to be well-educated and have a good character. Now I can only become a good and respected doctor by studying hard, laying a good foundation, and growing up.

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