
Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established
Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established
Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established

Xu Ruijie, president of Chaohu Speech and Speech Society, and Zhang Gen, president of Lujiang County Reading and Speech Society, attended the meeting to congratulate, and the meeting voted to adopt the "Feixi County Speech Association Charter (Draft)", and elected the first council members of the Feixi County Speech Association, and Comrade Zhao Jian was elected as the first president.

Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established
Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established

In recent years, Feixi has set off an upsurge of learning the art of recitation and speech to eulogize the new look of the era, and the recitation and speech activities have been continuously enriched, and a large number of recitation and speech art lovers have also emerged. The establishment of the Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association will further build a platform for communication and exchange among recitation enthusiasts, promote the popularization and development of the art of recitation and speech, enrich the people's better life, promote national culture, publicize the spirit of the times, and contribute an important force to the prosperity and development of Feixi County's literary and artistic undertakings.

Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established
Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established
Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established
Feixi County Recitation and Speech Association was established

After the inaugural meeting, the first poetry recital was held. Teacher Wei Min, a famous recitation performance artist in Anhui Province, and Teacher Yao Jingyun, vice president of Anhui Recitation Art Society, took the stage enthusiastically and dedicated a recitation art feast for everyone.

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