
Four sentences of gold, I have a very epiphany after reading it!

author:Flying Fish Heart


Introduction: Four sentences of gold, I have a very epiphany after reading it!

Four sentences of gold, I have a very epiphany after reading it!

1. Don't be calculating, go with the flow.

In this life, the more calculating a person is, the more empty he will be in the end.

is the so-called agency is too clever to calculate, but it cost Qingqing's life.

If people are too calculating, too many abacus, they will not be able to put their minds right to do the right thing, such a person will not be able to achieve great things, and the road of life will become narrower and narrower.

There are too many things in life that cannot be controlled, we have to go with the flow, even if we lose, even if we lose something, don't complain, don't be jealous of what others have, but relax our minds, take our time, and we will get better.

The more anxious we are to redeem something, the easier it is to do wrong things, and the more we listen to others, the more we will have more and more calculations.

In fact, there are some things in life that are destined, those that do not belong to you, you can never have them, and those that belong to yours can be obtained by going with the flow, so in the face of gains and losses, don't force them.

Four sentences of gold, I have a very epiphany after reading it!

Second, there is no need to suppress oneself and slap others in life.

In "The Story of Chenghuan", Mai Chenghuan was proposed to by the rich second-generation boyfriend, but Mai Chenghuan's family background was ordinary, so when the two families met for the first time, the man's family disliked Mai Chenghuan's family.

But Mai Chenghuan's mother felt that it was a good thing for her daughter to find a family with good conditions, although the other party looked down on her own family, but for the happiness of her daughter, Mai Chenghuan's mother prepared a gift and asked her husband to send it to the man's father to please others.

Four sentences of gold, I have a very epiphany after reading it!

In fact, in human life, there is no need to befriend a person who looks down on you like this, even if you try to please others, they will not treat you equally, because they believe in their hearts that you are not of the same class as them, so they don't take you seriously if they feel that they are not the right person.

Therefore, although you do your best, you don't need to wronged yourself, suppress yourself, if others look down on you, you don't have to take the other party seriously, and there is no need to beg the other party and try to make others recognize you.

Four sentences of gold, I have a very epiphany after reading it!

3. Believing in yourself is more important than relying on others.

Many people think that as long as their daughter finds a rich family, they don't have to worry about it in this life.

But rich people will not give you money, and even watch out for you everywhere, this is human nature.

Instead of relying on others to live and rely on others to support yourself, it is better to believe that you can live well on your own, and also believe in your own ability, so that you can win the respect of others and make your career successful.

We believe in love, we believe in marriage, but the most important thing is to believe in ourselves.

Only by believing in yourself, doing things with all your heart, and moving towards your goals can you live the life you want.

Once people blindly rely on others, they will only lose themselves, have no self-confidence, and live a humble life.

Four sentences of gold, I have a very epiphany after reading it!

Fourth, everything will pass, and life is actually not a big deal.

People, as they grow older, will carry more weight on their bodies. It's like a carefree cowherd baby, who grew up and pulled up a car, constantly putting his studies, work, family, relationships, and relationships ...... Put it in the car. The heaviness of life is written on people's frowning faces, and even more so in anxious and nervous hearts.

Life is just a process of self-growth and experience, just like a grass, a flower, a tree, as long as it can be born to the sun, there is no need to care too much about the wind, frost, rain and snow, spring, autumn, winter and summer, and there is no need to pursue perfection and tallness excessively.

The cart of life needs to move forward easily, and it is not necessary or impossible to pack everything.

Failure and frustration, it's not really a big deal. If you are sleepy and tired, you will sleep steadily, and the night will pass, keep a relaxed attitude, and the sun will rise tomorrow.

Four sentences of gold, I have a very epiphany after reading it!


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