
Tuyere Think Tank | The National Standing Committee has made a blockbuster deployment: to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, it should be combined with equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in

author:Outlet financial client
Tuyere Think Tank | The National Standing Committee has made a blockbuster deployment: to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, it should be combined with equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in

Financial reporter Liu Xiao

According to Xinhua News Agency, Premier Li Qiang of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on April 12 to study the work related to promoting the rise of the central region in the new era, study and improve the measures to solve the long-term mechanism of enterprise account arrears, listen to the report on energy conservation and carbon reduction, and deploy the whole chain rectification of potential safety hazards of electric bicycles.

Tuyere Think Tank | The National Standing Committee has made a blockbuster deployment: to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, it should be combined with equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in

On February 20, in a company in Fangzi District, Weifang City, Shandong Province, workers were busy in a large agricultural machinery production workshop. Xinhua News Agency

Focus on key areas to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction

The meeting deliberated and adopted the "2024-2025 Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Action Plan" and the "Work Plan for Accelerating the Construction of a Carbon Emission Dual Control System", emphasizing the need to focus on key areas to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, and combine it with the expansion of effective investment, the renovation of old communities, equipment renewal and the trade-in of consumer goods, etc., to advocate a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon consumption mode, and better play the economic, social and ecological benefits of energy conservation and carbon reduction. Based on the actual national conditions, we should insist on establishing first and then breaking down, steadily grasp the intensity and rhythm of work, and ensure the energy demand for high-quality development.

According to the 2023 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Communiqué released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2023, the green and low-carbon transformation of the mainland will be further promoted. For the whole year of 2023, the country's carbon dioxide emissions per 10,000 yuan of GDP will be the same as that of the previous year. Hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, solar power and other clean energy power generation capacity was 3,190.6 billion kilowatt hours, an increase of 7.8% over the previous year.

Promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development is the key to achieving high-quality development. Promoting large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods is a major deployment made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council with an eye on the overall situation of high-quality development.

A few days ago, the State Council officially issued the "Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Consumer Goods Trade-in", requiring the focus on the implementation of equipment renewal, consumer goods trade-in, recycling and recycling, and standard improvement "four major actions". Subsequently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting Equipment Renewal in the Industrial Field", proposing to take large-scale equipment renewal as the starting point to implement the technological transformation and upgrading project of the manufacturing industry, focusing on digital transformation and green upgrading, and promoting the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry, so as to provide strong support for the development of new quality productivity and improve the quality and level of national economic circulation.

Tuyere Think Tank | The National Standing Committee has made a blockbuster deployment: to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, it should be combined with equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in

On April 1, the wharf of Zhifuwan Port Area of Yantai Port was full of commercial vehicles that were about to be shipped (drone photo). Xinhua News Agency

On April 12, the Ministry of Commerce and 14 other departments issued the "Action Plan for Promoting the Trade-in of Consumer Goods", proposing to strive to accelerate the elimination of passenger cars with emission standards of China III and below by 2025, and further increase the market share of high-efficiency and energy-saving household appliances, increase the recycling volume of scrapped vehicles by 50% compared with 2023, and the recycling volume of waste household appliances by 15% compared with 2023, and by 2027, the recycling volume of scrapped vehicles will double compared with 2023, and the transaction volume of second-hand cars will increase by 45% compared with 2023 , the recycling of waste household appliances will increase by 30% compared to 2023.

"Energy conservation and carbon reduction can not only protect the environment, but also save energy, which is an important means to improve economic benefits and promote high-quality development. Tan Haojun, director of the China Private Economy Research Association, said in an interview with Fengkou Finance that the high-end, intelligent, green development and green and low-carbon consumption of the manufacturing industry complement each other, which is conducive to stimulating consumer demand and driving related investment, and promoting a virtuous cycle of green development.

Wang Qing, chief macro analyst of Oriental Jincheng, said in an interview with Fengkou Finance that at present, bulk durable consumer goods such as automobiles and home appliances are in a critical stage of green transformation. Focusing on encouraging the large-scale trade-in of these commodities can not only promote high-quality durable consumer goods to enter residents' lives more quickly, so that more residents can experience the sense of gain brought by industrial transformation and upgrading, but also provide a driving force for the supply side to continue to accelerate the green transformation, and consolidate the mainland's technological leadership in related fields.

Tuyere Think Tank | The National Standing Committee has made a blockbuster deployment: to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction, it should be combined with equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in

On December 26, 2023, at Hyundai Di Wanlun Construction Machinery Co., Ltd., workers produce excavators on an assembly line. Xinhua News Agency

There is a lot of room for replacement of existing equipment

It is worth noting that on April 11, at the regular policy briefing held by the State Council Information Office, many departments focused on the implementation of equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, among which "energy conservation and carbon reduction" became the keyword. Zhao Chenxin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced that the equipment renewal action is to promote the renewal and transformation of equipment in seven fields: industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, education, cultural tourism, and medical care, with energy conservation and carbon reduction and digital transformation as important directions.

Xu Xingfeng, director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the categories of consumer goods exchanged for old and new ones are mainly automobiles, home appliances and home decoration, kitchen and bathroom. In terms of automobiles, it is encouraged to replace old cars with high energy consumption, high emissions, long service life, and potential safety hazards with new energy vehicles or energy-saving vehicles; in terms of household appliances, it is encouraged to replace household appliances with high water consumption, high energy consumption, aging accessories, and potential safety hazards with low water consumption and low energy consumption products; and in home decoration, kitchen and bathroom, more green and low-carbon products are encouraged.

In terms of the formulation of mandatory standards for energy consumption and emissions, Liu Hongsheng, director of the Standards and Technology Management Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation, introduced that it will accelerate the upgrading of technical standards for energy consumption and emissions and continue to lead the renewal of equipment. It will also pay close attention to the formulation and revision of a number of mandatory national standards for energy consumption limits, energy efficiency of household appliances and industrial equipment, and put forward mandatory requirements and specific provisions for the technical indicators, energy consumption and energy efficiency of equipment and products, so as to help achieve the goal of normalizing upgrading with continuous improvement of standards.

Luo Zhiheng, chief economist of Guangdong Kai Securities, said in an interview with Fengkou Finance that from the perspective of industrial transformation and upgrading and green economic development, the stock equipment of enterprises and residents has a lot of room for upgrading, promoting the continuous increase in the proportion of advanced production capacity, more high-quality durable consumer goods into the lives of residents, and recycling waste resources, which is not only good for the current but also for the long term.

He believes that to accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading, promote green and low-carbon development, on the supply side, in the steel, nonferrous metals, light industry and other traditional industries widely apply digital intelligence technology, green technology, promote large-scale technological transformation and equipment renewal, in-depth layout of information and communication, biomanufacturing, new energy vehicles and other emerging industries, on the demand side, guide enterprises and residents to buy high-efficiency and energy-saving products and equipment and high-quality durable consumer goods, the formation of a virtuous circle of green development.

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