
Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

author:Sword Wind King Small Class
Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

Hello everyone, I'm Jian Feng.

April 11th. The official server has undergone an update. This time, the values of the 11 heroes have been adjusted, such as the more excessive mutant Ma Chao and the shooter sister Goya, and the planning is ruthless.

Today's adjusted data has been released, how is the performance of the adjusted hero data this time?

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

01 Hero adjustments on the official server

There are a total of 11 heroes in this adjustment, namely Bai Qi, Xiahou Duncheng Biting Jin, Zhu Bajie, Arthur, Ma Chao, Pangu, Cao Cao, Zhao Yun, and Goya.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

Among them, Ma Chao and Goya were weakened, Pangu was strengthened, Bai Qi, Xiahoudun, Cheng Biting Jin, and Arthur changed their life bonuses, and they had more advantages in the early stage.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

02 Hero data performance with large changes

Ma Chao

There are two main adjustments to the official server Ma Chao:

Passive: Increased movement speed: reduced from 20-55 to 20-40

Skill 3: Preparation time: Reduced from 10 seconds to 12.5 (-1.25/level)

The weakening of these two aspects makes Ma Chao, who relies on movement speed pulling and hitting damage, including the ability to run the map to support it, decrease.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

Regarding Ma Chao's weakened sword wind, it is not surprising at all, the mutated Ma Chao level 1 is wide, and the strengthening that can store the gun in two stages is really too excessive.

And on the day of the mutation, his high-segment appearance rate was not lower than 30%, and the winning rate once reached 55%, and only one day after the adjustment, the high-segmented winning rate was reduced to 53%.

This time the weakening direction is to move the knife upwards to the movement speed, which is equivalent to greatly affecting Ma Chao's damage, development speed, and pulling ability, so he cut Ma Chao's major artery.

However, even if the value is cut, the current Ma Chao is still exceeding the standard in the high segment, but obviously the threshold for getting started and the requirements for Carry will be higher.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?


Goya also weakens two aspects:

Basic Attack Damage: 6 (+0.22ad) weakened to 3~6 (+0.22ad)

Skill 1: Cooldown: 7 (-0.2/Lv) Weakened to 8 (-0.3/Lv)

Goya's weakening, Jian Feng was also mentioned in the early shooter gradient ranking, because of her high mobility, and her ability to control the group and divide the battlefield is too rebellious, it is relatively normal to be weakened.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

Goya's appearance rate has not changed much after the nerf, but due to the significant reduction in output power, the damage curve has become more flat.

The win rate has plummeted, from 54% to 51.5% previously.

Therefore, the impact of weakening the overall this time is still very large, and the status of Goya's first sister will not be guaranteed, and the situation of "with Ao Xuan Ao, without Ao Xuan Di" may evolve into the norm of high segmentation in the future.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

03 Minor changes in hero performance


Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

Bai Qi, Xiahoudun, Cheng Biting Jin, Arthur, and Yao are adjusted to restore the bonus method, and the recovery bonus method is adjusted from the maximum health to the bonus method of extra health, and most Tanbian heroes are slightly strengthened.

Specific Health Recovery Enhancement Test:

White up

1. Skill: Skill Damage: Health Recovery: 2% Max Health→ 90 (+18/Lv) (+2% Extra Health)

Bai Qi's passive health recovery is increased by 25 points in the early stage, 35 points in the late stage, and the 25 points increased in the early stage are more advantageous in the lane, which is a mosquito leg enhancement that is better than nothing.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

After the adjustment, Bai Qi's appearance rate in the low segment has recovered slightly, but his performance in the middle and high segments is still weak.

Xia Hou Hui

Passive: Health Regeneration: 4.5% Max Health→ 220-440 (+6 Extra Health)

Xiahoudun passively regenerates 70 HP in the early stage and 120 in the late game. Xiahoudun has a higher health recovery after the change, and the strength of the lane or jungler has been greatly improved.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

Judging from the current full-segment appearance rate and win rate of Bai Qi and Xiahoudun, although the heroes have been strengthened and the win rate has increased, the win rate is still not high, remaining at about 46%, which cannot change the current situation of the weak version.

Cheng bites gold

Skill 3 Health Regeneration: 8% Max Health→440 (+12 Extra Health)

Cheng Biting Jin's recovery value increased by 80 points in the early stage, and increased by 200 in the later stage, which is considered a high strengthening.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?


Passive: Health Regeneration: 2% Max Health→ 100-200 (+2.5 Extra Health)

Arthur's recovery in the early stage increased by 30 points in the early stage and 40 points in the later stage, which increased Arthur's endurance in the early stage, but the actual measurement of this enhancement is still a mosquito leg and cannot change the status quo.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?


Passive: Restore: 2% max health→ 70-140 (+2% max health)

1. Skill: Base Damage: 175 (+50/Lv) (+1.0AD) →340 (+68/Lv) (+1.2 Extra AD)

Yao's strengthening is mainly divided into two aspects:

First of all, the passive recovery is increased from the original percentage, which means that Yao's early battery life will be more comfortable and the development speed will be faster.

Secondly, the damage has been adjusted from the original AD bonus to an additional AD bonus, which also means that the damage of a skill will now eat more of the gains brought by equipment and inscriptions, and there will be little change in the early stage, and it will increase in the later stage.

After all, health recovery level 1 increases by 6 points, and max level increases by 2 points. Increases damage level 1 by 18 points, and max level increases by 44 points.

This change has increased Yao's endurance and development speed in the early stage, and also improved the burst in the later stage, which can be regarded as a small numerical enhancement.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

After the adjustment, Yao's appearance rate also doubled, reaching 7.6%, but unfortunately the win rate still did not change much, only increased by 0.4%.

However, if you want Yao to really return to the high segment and become a strength that does not exceed the standard but has a play, I personally think that you have to start with your body, that is, to strengthen his pulling tolerance.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

Pangu / Cao Cao / Zhao Yun / Zhu Bajie

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?


Passive: 35% vs. heroes/15% vs. non-heroes→ 40% vs. heroes/15% vs. non-heroes

Passive: Added Effect: 1% hero health per 1000 extra life and 0.5% non-hero health increase

Zhu Bajie, the recovery value is increased by 5%, and every additional 1000 HP points is increased by 1% Hero damage to blood recovery and 0.5% of non-hero equipment is increased.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

From the analysis of the appearance rate and winning rate of all segments of Zhu Bajie, the winning rate is still not high, and even slightly lower than before the adjustment, but the appearance rate has ushered in a sharp increase, which is a slight strengthening on the whole.

The changed Pangu, Cao Cao and Zhao Yun have a win rate of less than 50%, and this adjustment has not been salvaged so far.


2nd Skill: Base Damage: 200 (+40/Lv) (+0.5AD) →270 (+54/Lv) (+1.0 Extra AD)

Skill 3: Base Damage: 200 (+200/Lv) (+1.4 Extra AD)

Pangu's changes, the second skill and ultimate have increased a certain damage bonus, but the initial damage of the second skill has been reduced, which also makes the strong period more backward, and the ability to bring rhythm in the early stage has been reduced.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

After the adjustment, Pangu's appearance rate increased by 0.5%, and the win rate increased by 0.6%, which is a small strengthening adjustment.


1. Skill: 300 (+60/Lv) (+0.9 Extra AD) → 300 (+60/Lv) (+0.85 Extra AD)

2nd Skill: Health Regeneration: 150 (+30/Lv) (+7% Extra Health) → 150 (+30/Lv) (+8% Extra Health)

Skill 3: Health Recovery: 150 (+75/Lv) (+7% Extra Health) → 150 (+75/Lv) (+8% Extra Health)

Cao Cao, the damage of a skill has been reduced by 0.05AD, but the amount of recovery has been increased.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

After the adjustment, Cao Cao, who came out of the red knife, had a decrease of 0.3% in the winning rate, and the appearance rate did not change much, which was similar to no adjustment.

Zhao Yun

2nd skill: Recovery HP: 60 (+12/Lv) (+1.5% extra life) → 60 (+12/lv) (+2% extra life)

2nd Skill: Base Damage: 180 (+36/Lv) (+0.48 Extra AD) → 175 (+35/Lv) (+0.4 Extra AD)

Zhao Yun has increased the recovery amount of the second skill, but reduced the damage of the second skill, which is equivalent to making his warrior attribute more prominent.

The purpose of the plan is also very simple, that is, I hope that Zhao Yun will take on the responsibility of pulling, cutting, and resisting injuries of the soldiers, and I don't want Zhao Yun to become too tough as an assassin.

But you have to know that Zhao Yun himself is the one closest to the assassin's attribute among the warriors, once it becomes hand-to-hand combat, Zhao Yun's advantage of high mobility can no longer be brought into play, and cooling down is inevitable.

Yesterday's hero adjustment data was released! Goya Ma Chao was cut in artery, can Tanbian recover?

After the adjustment, Zhao Yun's win rate dropped by 1.5% to 48%, and his appearance rate also dropped, from 7.4% to 6.5%.


In general, the strengthening of this wave of Tanbian has made the appearance rate of most Tanbian heroes have a slight increase in the win rate, but it still can't change the status quo of Tanbian's weakness, and the win rate is basically less than 50.

And this weakening of Ma Chao and Goya,Personally, I think it's a more bright change,Although their win rate has decreased,But the win rate is still at 51%~52%,Compared with other heroes in the same position, it's still prominent.,It belongs to the existence of the T0.5 level.。

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