
Iran Israel, blink before anyone!

author:Wind forests in the distance

The situation in the Middle East has reached its most dangerous point in recent decades.

The two parties, Iran and Israel, raised their voices to each other, and no one gave the other a step.

From the United States and the West to the Asia-Pacific region, everyone is evacuating overseas Chinese and issuing travel warnings, and it seems that the time has come when a big war is about to break out.

Iran Israel, blink before anyone!

Britain and the United States demonstrated a "rock-solid" commitment to Israel's security, and the arc of resistance showed a strong desire for revenge.

Everyone is brave, but the calm of the moment before the storm makes the atmosphere in the Middle East particularly oppressive, and everyone seems to be waiting for the moment when the boots will land.


Faced with the Iranian threat, the Israelis fell into a massive panic.

In addition to closing embassies abroad, withdrawing Gaza troops and calling up reservists, Israelis are rushing to buy supplies, flock to banks to withdraw money, and scramble to hide in bomb shelters......

Iran Israel, blink before anyone!

Then there was the long wait, waiting for the boots of revenge to land.

The Israeli army has been fighting in Gaza for half a year, and the Israelis have never been so panicked.

In the final analysis, in the face of an Iran that is many times their size, the Israelis are really cowardly.

But there are a number of far-right officials in Israel, such as Netanyahu and Gallant, who are constantly raising their voices and creating a more tense atmosphere.

Old nonsense, if you dare to retaliate, I will let you go to hell.

Defense Secretary Gallant said, if you call, we'll call back.

is used to being arrogant, and the battle for Gaza is not beautiful enough, and he is unhappy.

The noise of government officials is not enough to scare the Israeli people into bomb shelters.

However, Lao Hu felt very cool, and as soon as the atmosphere was tense, the people who went to the streets to protest against him every day were frightened and scattered.

The roots of the ears are much quieter.

The Americans are not idle, and they have issued three or four (fortune-telling) warnings.

The latest warning says that an attack on Israel will occur within hours.

Iran Israel, blink before anyone!

In this way, within 48 hours, before the 10th, and for a few hours.

Tomorrow will be the whole 2 days, anyway, the guess data is updated every day, and you can always guess correctly.

As long as there are some rumors in the market and the wind blows, politicians from all walks of life in the United States will come out to make a statement, guess a fan, and brag.

Politicians and politicians are mixed with popularity, and rubbing the hot spots of Iraq and Israel has nothing to do with right or wrong, just increase popularity.

As for whether you guessed correctly or not, does it matter that much?

As for whether it scares the Israeli people, does it matter?

As for Britain and the United States, they have come forward to say that their commitment to Israel's security is rock-solid, and as long as Iran dares to fight, they dare to retaliate.

Iran Israel, blink before anyone!

The intensity must be full, and the aura cannot be lost.

Central Command, which is responsible for the Middle East region, said that we will fight alongside Israel.

In order to prepare for a possible Iranian missile attack, the United States sent an aircraft carrier battle group to deploy close to the waters around Israel.

In short, the United States and Israel will not budge, hoping to force Iran to retreat with intimidation and deterrence.


As for Iran, officials up and down have said a lot, anyway, they want to fight back and retaliate.

Two days ago, several medium- and long-range missiles were displayed in one go, indicating that all of them are suitable for Israel.

Iran Israel, blink before anyone!

The Iranian army said that our various retaliatory strike plans were already on the Supreme Leader's desk, and that Khamenei had to give the order to launch the attack.

Members of Iran's Shiite Arc of Resistance have also made a move and are ready to go big.

Judging from the determination and will of both sides, there is no room left on either side, and it is necessary to fight.

However, Iran still seems to be trying to "de-escalate".

For example, there is also news that as long as the entire Security Council resolution condemns Israel's behavior and comes forward to punish those responsible, then the matter will be over.

Earlier, the Iranians had also made a suggestion that Iran could forget about it as long as a truce in Gaza was reached.

Regardless of whether it is considered a plot or not, it is impossible for the United States and Israel to accept these conditions and proposals alone in an effort to resolve disputes and create peace through political diplomacy.

Especially those who claim to be the chosen ones, they don't bother to negotiate with Iran.

Either defeat you or I die.

After all, they are all proud chosen people, a species standing on the clouds, how can they talk about peace with the barbarians?

But they also hope that Iran will not retaliate.

So, Blinken called everywhere and asked them to "persuade" Iran and exercise a little restraint.

Iran Israel, blink before anyone!

In the past two days, the Iranian foreign minister received a soft phone call, and the German foreign minister who was scolding the East for almost two hours spoke about Balabala.

Westerners just want Iran not to do anything, the third world, nothing more than to put on a show.

Self-inflicted trouble, related to other people's wool business.

Moreover, the phone actually called us, begging us to be a middleman.

This American is really taking things for granted, or really smart.

What they've been doing in Washington for the past 2 days doesn't seem like we've even seen it?

How many countries have saved up some drama to encircle the East, and in addition to their sinister intentions, they still hope that we will get what they want?

If you want to say that you are not sensible, the United States is the first to be recommended.


If the intelligence capabilities of the Americans are still excellent, then referring to the prediction of Lao Mei before the fight between Da Mao and Ermao, basically the prediction after one, two, and three tests will be inseparable.

Anyway, I have to fight in the past 2 days.

This is a relatively difficult choice for Iran, and the time, method, means, and intensity must be appropriately measured.

It is necessary to punish Israel and scare the United States, but it is also possible to stop the matter and not escalate it.

Iran Israel, blink before anyone!

All-out war, I'm afraid, is not an option for the Iranians.

Of course, it is not an option for the Americans.

As for Israel, if Lao Hu is in the position, then it will be fought.

If Iran does not strike a few times and does not make a substantive move, its arc of resistance will have to disperse.

In this part of the Middle East, the tribal legacy is strong, and the boss does not dare to attack, and the people below will not obey you immediately.

If you've made up your mind, let's do it.

And a new big war seems to be imminent again.

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