
Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

author:CCTV Finance

Nowadays, chicken farms have also opened the "intelligent mode", the robot can not only accurately identify whether the chicken is sick or not, but also intelligent weighing, automatic feeding, completely changed the traditional breeding mode. In such a chicken farm, one person can raise 200,000 chickens a year.

Intelligent feeding, intelligent temperature control, intelligent diagnosis

Intelligent chicken farms accurately breed broiler laying hens

In a smart farming community in Xinxing County, Guangdong, the bamboo silk chicken seedlings that grower Yu Zanwen just bought entered the market. Before entering the farm, he had already raised the temperature of the chicken house to about 36 degrees Celsius through the intelligent control system.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

Such a smart chicken coop can not only automatically adjust the temperature and humidity, but also the brightness of the chicken coop can also be automatically adjusted according to the number of days of growth of the bamboo silk chicken.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

In this intelligent farming community, every day the feed truck will deliver the chicken feed to the feed tower outside the chicken house, when you need to feed, you only need to press a button, the feed will be automatically transported to the feeding container, easy and simple.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

Through the Internet of Things sensors and facilities in the chicken house, the environmental conditions of the chicken house can be monitored in real time, and the environmental parameters of the chicken house can be automatically adjusted according to the environmental indicators such as temperature and humidity captured by the equipment to ensure that the broilers have a suitable growth environment. As for how the chickens are doing? How long have they grown?

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

This smart farming community has 12 chicken coops with upper and lower floors, and can produce about 2 million chickens per year. Each chicken coop has two floors, one floor can raise 14,000 chickens, at least 4 batches a year, and now Yu Zanwen and friends are responsible for managing such three chicken coops, which is equivalent to two people being able to raise nearly 400,000 bamboo silk chickens a year.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

On the large screen of the smart farming community, you can see the temperature, humidity, and equipment parameters of each chicken house. Through this digital platform, the real-time data collected by all farming communities can be analyzed and warned, and at the same time, the chickens of different technicians and farmers can be compared to optimize the best breeding mode.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

Not only in the stage of raising chickens, but also in the hatching of eggs, disinfection of newly hatched chicks, injection of vaccines and other links, there are also new intelligent means.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

In this company's hatchery, the eggs are automatically identified by intelligent equipment for live embryos, infertile eggs, and dead embryos, which not only doubles the efficiency compared with manual labor, but also greatly improves the accuracy.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

In the field of layer breeding, intelligent exploration is also being carried out. In a layer farm in Yuxi Town, Fuqing City, Fujian Province, the robot is inspecting the laying hens in the chicken coop, and it is seen that it uses the smart camera on its body to check the chicken cage on each floor. In just a few minutes, the robot completes the inspection of one row of chicken coops, and then automatically enters the next row of chicken coops for inspection. After the robot inspection, the inspection results were quickly uploaded to the digital platform and also to the breeder's mobile client.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

Through the photos provided by the robot, the breeder Luo Lijuan quickly found an extinct chicken according to the positioning. With the robot, she no longer has to climb up and down to confirm one by one.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

At present, Yang Chunjie, the director of the chicken farm, can know the situation of the 500,000 laying hens in the entire chicken farm as long as he looks at his mobile phone every day. Robot intelligent inspection, not only improve efficiency, but also reduce the cost of breeding.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

On the digital platform for layer farming, real-time data from the entire chicken farm is at a glance. It is clear how many eggs are produced, how much food is eaten, and how much water is drunk in each chicken house every day. With these real-time collected data, the intelligent breeding system will derive relevant indicators such as egg production rate, feed egg ratio, and yield rate according to the algorithm, so that it can be judged whether the laying hens in the entire chicken house meet the normal production standards.

Chicken farms turn on the "smart mode"! 1 person raises 200,000 chickens in 1 year, how to do it?

Please indicate CCTV Finance and Economics for reprinting

Editor: Dong Lindan

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