
Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

author:Keep a diary with your baby

We often say that "poor sons, rich daughters", but more and more sons, raised by their parents' "poor" inferiority, timid, more and more daughters of families, by their parents "rich" to lavish spending, lack of concept of money, watch the family conditions around the rich family conditions above the middle, "rich" daughters have long been no longer popular, they follow the three "cheats":

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting
Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Cheats 1: Cultivate her emotional IQ and cultivate "strong heart" from an early age

Girls are naturally more delicate in their emotions and keen intuition.

As parents, our goal is not only to help her recognize and express her emotions, but also to teach her how to understand and manage them, which is at the heart of Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Recognize emotions: the labels and colors of emotions

From an early age, children should learn to label their emotions, such as "happy", "angry", "disappointed" or "scared". This is not only for the sake of vocabulary building, but also to help them identify and understand the complex feelings in their hearts. Children can learn to use appropriate words to describe their emotions by reading child psychology books or telling emotionally charged stories.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Expressing emotions: the right way and when to do it

Educate your daughter on how to express her emotions at the right time and in the right way.

For example, when she feels depressed, she can be taught to write a journal or draw to vent her emotions instead of crying out loud or getting angry to attract attention. Parents can participate in role-playing games with their children to simulate the expression and processing of emotions in different situations to enhance their coping skills in real life.

Understanding others: the development of empathy

Empathy is an important part of emotional intelligence.

We should encourage our daughter to understand and feel the emotions of others, which not only helps her build relationships, but also promotes the development of her social skills. You can use family discussions to share what you have encountered and how you feel during the day, listen to each other's thoughts, and discuss how to better deal with emotional problems.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Coping with Challenges: Strategies for Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is the key to emotional intelligence. Teach your daughter to recognize that mood swings are normal and provide tools to help her regulate her emotions, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga or other relaxation techniques. When emotions are high, guide her through these methods to calm her emotions and avoid impulsive behavior.

Through such a comprehensive and in-depth emotional education, we can not only help our daughter build a healthy emotional IQ foundation, but also lay a solid foundation for her future in school, the workplace and even other aspects of life.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting
Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Tip 2: Stimulate her creativity, not only the princess but also the creator

A girl's creativity and imagination are a precious gift, however, it needs to be nurtured and guided in order to be fully developed and applied. Here's how to stimulate your daughter's creativity through psychological knowledge.

Cultivation of innovative thinking: divergent thinking

Psychologists have proven that the formation of innovation ability is inseparable from the training of divergent thinking. This way of thinking allows our brains to come up with more possible solutions when faced with a problem, regardless of previous experience and knowledge.

Parents can guide their daughters to think by asking open-ended questions, such as, "If you were a bird, where would you fly?" or "If you could become anything, what would you become?"

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Environmental Incentives: The creation of a creative environment

Psychological studies have found that environmental factors have a very strong impact on the ability to innovate.

Parents can try to create an environment for their children to be creative and inspired, such as providing a variety of drawing, craft materials, ample reading resources, and even music and dance facilities. Such an environment will stimulate children's desire to innovate and allow them to develop their ability to innovate while having fun.

Multi-Skill: Edutainment-based activities

Daughters can be encouraged to participate in a variety of activities of different natures, such as learning musical instruments, participating in craft activities, and even coding lessons. These activities can not only improve my daughter's comprehensive ability, but also have fun and stimulate her innovative thinking.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Self-identity: praise and encouragement

We should give timely praise and encouragement to our children when they show novel ideas or complete innovative behaviors to strengthen their sense of self-identity. In this way, she can have the courage to innovate and be herself.

Through the above psychological knowledge, we can better understand and nurture girls' creativity. Let's discover her infinite possibilities together, inspire her innovative spirit, and grow together.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting
Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Tip 3: Be self-reliant and self-reliant, and teach her independent life skills

From physical self-care to psychological self-adjustment, girls need to learn how to be self-reliant in life.

The following are several aspects, combined with psychological knowledge, let us cultivate our daughter's independence ability together.

Self-care: Take care of your physical and mental health

Self-care skills include the development of personal hygiene habits, the cooking of food, and the tidying up of the home environment.

In addition to this, we should also teach our daughters how to take care of their mental health. Teach her to be alone, to soothe herself, to understand her emotions and know how to manage them. Psychological studies have shown that people with strong self-care skills are more likely to maintain a healthy mental state.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Decision-making skills: understanding responsibilities and consequences

Teach your daughter to understand the impact of her decisions on her life and the responsibilities behind each decision.

This ability, known in psychology as "causal attribution," helps children understand the consequences of their actions so they can make more informed decisions. We can involve them in decision-making and understand the consequences through small daily tasks, such as scheduling homework and choosing friends.

Social skills: Build strong interpersonal relationships

Teach your daughter how to communicate and build relationships with others, how to listen to others, express her ideas, deal with interpersonal conflicts, etc.

Good social skills can help children build wider social networks in their lives, gain more resources, and be more likely to succeed.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Coping with failure: Develop resilience and resilience

There will always be setbacks and failures in life, and teaching your daughter how to look at failures correctly and how to learn from them can improve her resilience and resilience in the future.

If you don't know how to educate your daughter yet, then recommend a set of books that are very suitable for girls, there are three books in this set, namely "Comic Fun Girl Growth Enlightenment Book" + "Adolescent Girl Growth Handbook" + "Those Things You Must Tell Your Daughter".

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

"Comic Fun Girl Growth Enlightenment Book" is a very interesting comic book that allows girls to correctly understand themselves, this book is rich in content, including how to develop a girl's good character, how to cultivate a girl's high emotional intelligence, how to cultivate a girl's good temperament, how to cultivate a girl's good habits, how to maintain a healthy body for a girl, and so on.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

In this book, the author uses 105 interesting cartoons, combined with practical enlightenment knowledge, to help children improve themselves, give practical methods for developing good character, and teach children to be a good girl who does not complain, has resilience, temperament, and education.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

The Adolescent Girl's Growth Handbook is a growth guide for adolescent girls, allowing girls to understand their physical changes during puberty, psychological changes, growing pains, the importance of online safety, how to maintain a healthy body, how to maintain good interpersonal relationships, and how to persevere in their dreams without getting lost.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Adolescence is an important period of children's life development, if there is no correct guidance for children to easily get lost in rebellion, this book not only teaches children to cope with the physical changes of adolescence, know how to take better care of themselves, but also has a large number of cases close to life, and professional psychological knowledge to give children adolescent education, so that children become more sunny, independent and confident.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

"Those Things You Must Tell Your Daughter" is to teach parents to cultivate their children's personality, temperament, IQ, emotional intelligence, talent and other excellent girls in an all-round way, this book starts from the law of physical and mental development of girls, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of girls' nature, solves the problems of private troubles in the growth of girls, and cultivates good children who are independent, confident, strong, flexible and optimistic.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

If you have a girl at home, this set of "Comic Fun Girl Growth Enlightenment Book" + "Adolescent Girl Growth Handbook" + "Those Things You Must Tell Your Daughter" must not be missed, link me here, click to buy.

【Waiting for the Wind】All 3 Teenage Girl Growth Manuals + Things to Tell Your Daughter + Fun Girls ¥29 Buy

The joy of raising daughters is to watch them grow up and become loving, talented, and powerful women. Through these parenting cheats, let's grow up with our daughters, witness their every leap, and enjoy every precious time together.

Wealthy families, "rich" daughters have long ceased to be popular, they follow three "cheats" for parenting

Author: Wait for the wind to come

A working mother of two children, holding a pen in her left hand and a baby in her right hand, she likes to read, write, and paint, and firmly believes that even if she lives in a chicken feather, she must have her own poetry and distance in her heart.

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