
China's first "new quality" mountaineering team gathers for love The 2024 "Climbing for Love" theme day was held today

author:Cover News
China's first "new quality" mountaineering team gathers for love The 2024 "Climbing for Love" theme day was held today

Group photo at the scene

Cover news reporters Yang Ruiwen, Zou Ajiang and Lei Yuandong photo report

In a pleasant and peaceful spring overture, the 2024 "Climbing for Love" officially kicked off. The team was ready to go, looked up at the top of the mountain again, and set off towards the snow-capped mountain.

On April 12, the 2024 "Climbing for Love" theme day event was held in the Sanhe Theater of Chengdu Sanhe Classic Car Museum, sponsored by Cover News and West China Metropolis Daily, co-sponsored by Sichuan Mountaineering and Outdoor Sports Association, and co-organized by Sichuan Symphony Orchestra and Sichuan Symphony Orchestra Choir.

The event raised funds for children with eye diseases in the form of an auction, attracting the active participation of many enterprises and celebrities, helping and continuing the public welfare feelings of "Climbing for Love" for ten years.

The reporter learned that "new quality productivity" is a high-frequency hot word at this year's two sessions, and this year's "climbing for love" will form the first "new quality" climbing team in China, gathering in Chengdu to raise funds to help children with eye diseases recover their health.

Invitations were sent to 100 companies

It will form the first "new quality" climbing team in China

Since 2014, when the West China Metropolis Daily launched it for the first time in the country, "Climbing for Love" has entered its 11th year. "Donate 1 yuan for every 1 meter climbed", for many years, "Climbing for Love" has been practicing public welfare through mountaineering in such a special form.

"We are grateful to hundreds of socially responsible enterprises to walk with us, and to more than 100 well-known people who pass on positive energy to be with us. At the event, Cao Feng, member of the Economic Management Committee of Sichuan Daily Newspaper Group and chairman and general manager of Cover Technology Company, first expressed his gratitude to the caring enterprises and caring people present for their support over the years.

Over the years, "Climbing for Love" has continued to expand its influence with a solid step by step, and at the same time, it is also constantly attracting new partners to join, including Aier Ophthalmology, China Telecom, Nongfu Spring, Beijing Hyundai, BYD, FAW-Volkswagen, Sichuan Unicom, Chengdu Airlines and other 500 well-known enterprises and Olympic champions Zhang Shan and Tang Lin, Huayou world champion Jiang Wenwen, Jiang Tingting, Liu Suibin, the head of the Qingcheng faction, Sula Wangping, the captain of Mount Everest, and people from all walks of life actively joined in to become climbers who challenge themselves and disseminators of charity and love.

In addition to public welfare, keeping pace with the times is also the constant theme of "Climbing for Love".

Cao Feng introduced that this year, the innovation-led, high-tech, high-efficiency, high-quality characteristics of the new quality of productivity, will inject surging impetus into China's economy and promote the development of the global economy. In this context, the "Climbing for Love" action, which has entered its 11th year, keeps pace with the times, and invites 100 "new quality productivity" enterprises across the country to form the first "new quality" climbing team in China to gather in Chengdu to raise funds to help children with eye diseases recover their health.

Cao Feng said that in the new decade, "Climbing for Love" will continue to convey love and courage, and the cover news and West China Metropolis Daily will take the initiative to assume social responsibility, uphold the spirit of public welfare, give full play to the platform influence of the country's first-class new mainstream media, and join hands with more caring people and caring enterprises across the country to help more people in need.

The music is melodious and heartwarming

Climbers tell stories of love and challenge

In 2014, in the first "Climbing for Love" public welfare activity, the Sichuan Symphony Orchestra [Tianzi Chinese Music] played a clear and melodious music on the top of the cold snow-capped mountains.

China's first "new quality" mountaineering team gathers for love The 2024 "Climbing for Love" theme day was held today

Live music

China's first "new quality" mountaineering team gathers for love The 2024 "Climbing for Love" theme day was held today

Live chorus

Today, ten years later, the Sichuan Symphony Orchestra and the Sichuan Symphony Orchestra Choir once again boarded the event site for Love Climbing, bringing the bright spring light to the hearts of every audience present with three beautiful concerts.

After the music was played, it entered the theme sharing session of "Climbing for Love", and Liu Jian, president of the Sichuan Mountaineering and Outdoor Sports Association, took the stage as a special guest to tell the touching stories of the past ten years.

China's first "new quality" mountaineering team gathers for love The 2024 "Climbing for Love" theme day was held today

Liu Jian, president of Sichuan Mountaineering and Outdoor Sports Association

He said that in the past ten years, there have been more than 100 athletes who have "climbed for love", which has received the support of many caring people and caring enterprises, and has also attracted many outstanding sports talents to join, helping nearly 100 children with eye diseases to regain their sight.

"When the music started just now, I felt like I had gone back to 11 years ago, and I was deeply touched because every climb was successful, there was no accident, and we also managed to save many sick children with the help of everyone. Liu Jian said that there is actually a lot of effort behind the climb.

"I remember the faces of the climbers with oxygen cylinders, and the flute girl standing the vast snow," Liu Jian recalled, "In 2017, Liu Suibin, the 36th generation head of the Qingcheng faction, climbed to the top of Siguniang Mountain, and at a temperature of -2 °C, he took off his professional mountaineering equipment, changed into a white coat, and his long gray hair and beautiful hair were on the sea of clouds and surrounded by peaks, pushing his hands to move, and bringing Tai Chi to the extreme place at an altitude of 5,025 meters for the first time. ”

Liu Jian said that over the years, there have been too many touching stories in the "Climbing for Love" activity, and as one of the initiators of the event, he hopes that this love can be passed on forever.

As a resident caring enterprise of the project, this year is the eleventh year for Chengdu Aier Ophthalmology to deeply participate in the "Climbing for Love" public welfare project, and Zhou Peng, a representative of young surgeons of Aier Eye Hospital Group and a refractive doctor of Chengdu Aier Ophthalmology, shared his touching story with the audience.

China's first "new quality" mountaineering team gathers for love The 2024 "Climbing for Love" theme day was held today

Refractive doctor Zhou Peng of Chengdu Aier Ophthalmology

"The meaning of climbing is really not something that can be understood by just talking, but really having to come out step by step. Zhou Peng introduced that he participated in the event of climbing for love for the first time in 2019.

He recalls that as the altitude gradually increased, the ground under his feet slowly turned into gravel and then into boulder cliffs. In his ears, he was originally shuttling through the jungle with insects and birds, and then climbing up could only hear the mournful whistling wind, and in the end, he was accompanied only by the violent wheezing and pounding heartbeat brought by altitude sickness.

Zhou Peng followed the group, cheered each other on, went hand in hand, all the way through the thorns and thorns, crossed the snow line and the valley, and finally reached the top.

"It was an unforgettable experience, we cheered at the top of the mountain, we looked into the distance, we breathed a lot, and it was a moment that I will remember for a long time. ”

Zhou Peng shared that it was then that he personally felt the meaning of climbing for love, and with each step he climbed, he could raise an extra yuan for charity, which could allow more people in the dark to see the light again...... That sense of accomplishment and pride was enough for him to remember for the rest of his life.

The charity auction was successfully concluded

All of this will be used to support children with eye diseases

As one of the highlights of the event, the organizers prepared a batch of ingenious auctions to raise funds for children with eye diseases in the form of auctions on the spot, continuing to fulfill the public welfare sentiment of "climbing for love" for ten years.

China's first "new quality" mountaineering team gathers for love The 2024 "Climbing for Love" theme day was held today

Auction session

In the charity auction, the on-site bidding sound one after another, there are constantly guests raising the red number plate in their hands, more than 10 exhibits on the stage to bid almost all of them were auctioned away, all the funds raised on the spot will be used to purchase advanced medical equipment, the introduction of professional medical team, to provide more comprehensive medical assistance for children with eye diseases.

Among them, the double-sided embroidery work "Double-sided Bamboo Panda" was donated by Meng Dezhi, the representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage project, which combines the elements of giant pandas and Su Dongpo's poems to show the cultural characteristics of Sichuan. In addition, there are ink and bamboo paintings from Xiao Chaode, a director of the Bashu School Promotion Association and a famous painter.

The auction features home appliances, calligraphy and handmade art. The relevant person in charge of the event told reporters, "As one of the important fundraising methods of Huaxi Dream Fund, the auction brings together the strength of many caring people. Whether it's a precious work of art, a rare collectible, or a souvenir with special significance, each auction item carries a deep care for children with eye diseases. ”

"This is my fifth year participating in the 'Climb for Love' event, and this event is warm. Ms. Ni said that during the afternoon event, she was most impressed by the theme sharing session, "I was touched by the stories shared by the guests, and I think everyone has a mountain in their hearts, which may be a goal, a dream, or a wish. The mountain doesn't have to be real, but it must contain love. ”

Mu Lan, vice chairman of the Sichuan Musicians Association, director of the Lanruntang Contemporary Art Museum, and founder of Lanrun Art Public Welfare, photographed the small calligraphy work "Heart Sutra" by Zhu Yingqi, director of the Bashu School of Painting Promotion Association and famous calligrapher, at the event.

As one of the caring people who have supported "Climbing for Love" for many years, Lanrun Art Charity donated a number of limited edition artworks last year, and all the proceeds from the auction were used for charity funds.

"West China Metropolis Daily is a very caring team, this team is like a spark, lighting up the enthusiasm of all our enthusiastic public welfare people. ”

At the same time, he hopes to call on more caring people in the society to join the "Climbing for Love" team to climb the peak for love and cheer for the health of children through this event.

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